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  1. still occurs in 4.1.1 when it will be fixed ???
  2. It should be in http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/maven2/ Can someone please upload 4.1.1 thanks, Tal.
  3. This still occurs in version 4.0.2
  4. This problem still occurs in iReport 4.0.1
  5. Nop :-( This problem still occurs in iReport 3.7.5 - when changing a static text field which contains non-Latin characters (i.e. Hebrew characters) see also issue: 0004602
  6. try adding these properties to .ireport\3.6.0\config\Preferences\com\jaspersoft\ireport.properties file does it solve the problem ?
  7. iReport hangs, CPU is 100% when entering non-English letters to a static text. This occurs when double-clicking a static text to change its content and entering non English letters. This problem is new in both iReport 3.5.3 and iReport 3.6.0 Any help will be appreciated since this bug prevents us from using iReport. thanks.
  8. many thanks. waiting anxiously for the next release of iReport. Tals.
  9. can you please guide me how to set these properties in iReport ? thanks.
  10. I want to use Java autoboxing and unboxing feature so I could write expressions like: $F{Filed1} == 0 instead of: new Boolean($F{Filed1}.intValue() == 0) Is that possible in the iReport 3.5.2 ?? thanks Tals.
  11. Hi, Does anyone know how can I set the java compiler to be used in the new version of iReport (3.5.2) ?? In iReport 3.0.0 it was under the options --> compiler tab. This option seems to be missing in iReport 3.5.2 thanks. Tals Post Edited by tals at 07/23/2009 09:29
  12. Hi, I wanted to know how can I display the total number of rows when using the new List component. thanks.
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