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Posts posted by leeyuiwah

  1. When I ran a long query (e.g. when it takes more than 10 minutes), the webpage on JasperServer would return an error of \"Internal Server Error\" (* full message below). There was no error on the server log. In fact, if I went into mysql and use \"show processlist\", I would see the query was still running. So, it appears that JasperServer decided to time out even the query was still go on. Is there a way that I can

    1. increase the timeout value ?

    2. return a meaningful error page to users (e.g. "the query took too long to execute") ?

    3. and if JS decides to time out, shouldn't it also terminate the query? (the equivalent of "kill" in mysql client)


    * Here is the full error message saw from a web browser


    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

  2. I researched a bit more on this issue. It seems that JFreeChart can present three types of labels for a timeseries chart (please see the attached PPT slide sd_2009_08_10.JFree.autoscaling.JasperSoft.ppt):

    1. time-only (e.g. 12:00) Slide 1

    2. date-time (e.g. 8-Aug, 00:00) Slide 2

    3. date-only (e.g. 4-Aug) Slide 3

    It picks a certain type of labels depends on how many days there are for the full range of the time axis (x-axis). They probably has some internal thresholds for these.

    I think if we can change the internal threshold such that Case 1 (time-only) never happens, then we should be good. But I don't know how to do that.

  3. The time-series chart does auto-scaling on the time-axis (X-axis). It understands that a day has 24 hours, for example, and can render different time-axis tick labels with the appropriate units at different time scale (hours vs dates, for example). This is nice.




    However, when the overall time range is a few data points, the "date" information is lost in this auto-scaling. For example, when there are five days of data, and the time-axis only shows


    0:00 0:60 12:00 18:00 0:00 ...


    (the first 0:00 is for Aug 2, the 2nd 0:00 is for Aug 3, etc, but the date were not shown in the chart)


    I wonder if there is a way to prevent this from happening.[/code]

  4. Hi,


    I remember this is possible.  I once had a multi-page report.  Each page has more than one charts, each is a subreport of a "page" report.  The page report is itself a subreport which is called by the top-level report (the master report).  In other words, this multi-page report has this structure (A ->  B means B is a subreport called by A)


    master report -> page report -> individual charts

  5. js-import can add new reports or update existing reports (with --update). However, there are occasions that a report needs to be revoked (purged from JasperServer).  This is most commonly used when a report is renamed (*).

    I want to be able to do this without using an interactive log in but using a special option of js-import (e.g. --revoke)

    * In our set up, we try to match the JRXML file name with the report unit name with the title (user-friendly name).  So when the title change, the report unit has to be changed.

  6. I think you can only return one value column, but this column can be a concatenation of multiple columns, and it does not have to be the same as the "visible" column. 


    So, you may do something like



      concat(id, "|", name, "|" , description) value_column,



    from ...


    In your input control, define "value_column" to be the "value" column, and "name" and "description" to be your "visible" column


    When you get the return value in your prompt, you can use scriptlet to parse the string (delimited by "|") using something like java.util.StringTokenizer and get back id, name, description.



  7. Hi,


    I now know how to get the return result of a subreport and assign it to a variable ($V).  However, I need to use the result in the query (*) of the report.  I wonder if I can assign the return result of a subreport to a report parameter ($P)?


    (* We split our table on a daily basis as it is so large.  Each daily table is having the date as the suffix, so for a given day, we go to a given table.  If the user specifies a range of dates (e.g. Jan 1 to Jan 31),  I can run an SQL query to know what valid tables there are in the database.  The result would be a collection of table names.  Since each report can run only one SQL query, and I am not sure I can run a SQL subquery and use the result and make it a union of "select ... from tableJan1" "select ... from tableJan2" etc.  So I came up with an idea to run a subreport to get this collection of table names.)

  8. Sasi,


    Sorry I missed your post until.  You cannot simply replace <barChart> by <ofc:barChart>.  Instead, you will have to following the example in (Samples/Open Flash Charts Report) and then do the translation intelligently.  I did this a while back ago and now I forgot what exactly were involved.


    In any case, the support of OFC is really limited.  I would rather wait for the official support come up with FusionCharts. 


    Hope this help!

  9. Subj: Dynamic time values in scheduled reports / User-chosen time values in interactive reports


    For our scheduled report, we want to use dynamic start and end times (e.g. from 00:00:00 YESTERDAY to 00:00:00 TODAY).  However the same report, when ran interactively, must also support user-chosen general start time and end time (e.g. 00:00:00 of 2009-07-01 to 00:00:00 of 2009-07-03)

    Any good hints on how we can do that?  Thanks!

  10. Is there a simiple way to show how long a query ran to generate a report?


    Granted the users can know about the execution time only after the fact.  But at least this gives them some idea how expensive a query is.  Also, for developers trying to tuning performance, this information is very useful.

  11. Hi,


    I also want my input control queries to take parameters (not just $P{LoggedInUsername} but general parameters.  Most likely these parameters are the results of some previous input controls.  That is, we need some sort of "cascading input control". 


    That is, selection of input control A will cascade down and affect the query in input control B.  E.g. In A the user selected a state, and in B only the cities in the specified state will be presented to user in the pull-down menu.


    Based on this thread, I now know how I can change the query executed in input controls (i.e. not in the main report).  However, an open question to me is how we can refresh the GET and submit the result of A so that B can see that result.

  12. Oh, sorry!  I must be working too hard lately @@ I could not reproduce the fix that Tony suggested now.  The day he told me the fix, I tried it and it worked, but now it didn't ...


    This time I dug deeper and found these:


    1. Upon js-export (with --repository-permission), the object (for "Saved values") did receive these (I verified these by looking at XML file)


            <recipient recipientType="role">ROLE_USER</recipient>


    2. Even js-import seemed to work, because it the database (jasperserver.JIObjectPermission) I could see these results


    mysql> select t1.uri, t2.rolename, t1.permissionMask from JIObjectPermission t1, JIRole t2 where t1.recipientobjectid=t2.id and t1.id=27;
    | uri                                                              | rolename  | permissionMask |
    | repo:/organizations/Central/Reports/Usage/Cached_1__Top_Scanners | ROLE_USER |             30 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    But still, when I went to JasperServer, as a user with ROLE_USER I could not saved to "Saved Values".  The error message was "Access denied"

  13. Hi,


    On my report I have a date field (e.g 2009-07-01) which is a string created by java.text.SimpleDateFormat.  I had to do this because I don't want the hour/minute/second value to be shown.  On the HTML report this looks fine.  However, when I export the report to Excel, the date field becomes string -- in Excel I can see the number is preceded by a double quote (i.e. "2009-07-01).  This means that my Excel users cannot do date-field format (e.g. change the format to Jul-1, 2009) without first removing the double quote (doing so is very tedious as this has to be done with each cell individually).


    Interestingly, I do not see this problem when exporting to CSV (which on my system is also opened by Excel).


    How do people solve this problem in general?

  14. Hi,


    I noticed that the prompt page is controlled by the "Alway prompt" check box in Report Wizard (in JasperServer, select the report, and then click "Edit", and then go to the step of "Controls & Resources". 


    So now I can pass parameters between reports.  That is very cool. Thank you so much!  But I have another question now ... it seems that the above mechanism does not pass parameters of type "java.util.Collection" (multi-select input control).    Is that true?

  15. Hi,


    This is very cool. But I have a question.


    In Report 2, do I need to set the parameter's "isForPrompting" to false? I am asking this because I saw the URL seemed to have been correctly constructed, but I still see the prompt page when Report 2 is being executed. I want to suppress this prompt page.



  16. Dear Tony,



    Indeed I forgot to use the option "--repository-permissions"!



    Now that I use it the problem is fixed. Thanks you so much!



    For me, since I am doing a js-export from a development machine and js-import into a deployment machine, it is slightly more convenient for me if "--repository-permissions" is on by default. But I am happy even if it is not. Thanks for asking.

  17. Hi,


    I assigned the permissions of some "saved values" to be "Write + Delete + Read" by all users of ROLE_USER (essentially I can using these "saved values" as "cached values" -- as they are per-system objects not per-user objects.  I tested that the settings were working by logging as a different user and updating the values.


    However, when I js-export'ed the folder (containing the report units as well as these "saved values"), and then js-import'ed it to another machine.  The permissions of those "saved values" got reverted back to only "Read Only" by users of ROLE_USER.   (There was also an asterisk (*) indiciating that the permission setting was inherited.)


    What did I do wrong?

  18. Hi,


    I really like the feature "Saved values" in Report Options.  It allows users to save a combination of parameters for quick re-runs of the reports with the same (or a similar set of) parameters.


    However, I noticed that the object is stored in the parent folder of the reports.  This causes a permission problem because most likely the parent folder would be set to read-only for regular users.  When a regular user tries to save a set of values, JasperServer would complain that "Access denied: You do not have permission to save this option for the report"


    I think the objects for keeping those "saved values" should be associated with individual users (but not with the parent folder of a report).  (Perhaps also jasperadmin can have some way to store some sets of "saved values" into a system-wide place so all users can also have (read-only) references from those.)


    I wonder if I miss something here.  Is anyone using the feature?  Any good tip/trick to share?

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