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Everything posted by paris11

  1. Please I have 2 metrics on my chart : number (integer ) and amount (with 2 decimals) I set this option : plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format = {point.y:.2f} In this case , both metrics are displaye with 2 decimals. I would like to display number with 0 décimal and amount with 2 decimals. Maybe it is not possible
  2. Hi In an adhoc view, is it possible to set a date filter ? For example, I would like to set start_date filter = 1st day of current month regards
  3. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/unexpected-results-andor-performance-issues-group-summaries-ad-hoc-v50-and-later I do not understand, it is already like that in applicationContext-adhoc-dataStrategy.xml <bean> <property name="name" value="DistinctCount" /> <property name="functionName" value="distinctCount" /> <property name="calcMethod" value="sqlUnionAll" /></bean>
  4. I have defined 2 basic metrics in a jasper domain measure 1 : number of cheques = count (distinct cheque id) measure 2 : amount of cheques = sum (amount) 1st ad hoc view, I select the measure 1, here is the jasper query : select count(DISTINCT "cheque"."id_cheque") as "CountDistinct_cheque_id_cheque" from "public"."cheque" "cheque" that s ok 2nd ad hoc view , I select measures 1 and 2, here is the jasper query : select Sum("cheque"."montant") as "Sum_cheque_montant", "cheque"."id_cheque" as "cheque_id_cheque" from "public"."cheque" "cheque" group by "cheque"."id_cheque" limit 2000001 Why the jasper query is not like that select count(distinct id_cheque), SUM(montant) from cheque The jasper query works but gets 1 million rows instead of 1 row and uses 30Mo in memory instead of 0.1
  5. We have defined a collection parameter filled by a sql query, the list of values is long (more than 2 hundred values) . Is there a way to limit the number of values selected by the user? For instance, the user can not select more than 10 items from the list.
  6. In my report, I have 2 input controls "period start date" and "period end date", jasper is not able to test if the user has selected a startdate greater than enddate?
  7. All is explained there http://www.vikramtakkar.com/2013/03/jaspersoft-passing-parameter-to-tables.html
  8. I have the same problem as you but I does not understand your resolution What did you do to pass the parameter to the data set?
  9. Have you found a solution? I am facing to the same problem regards
  10. How can I pass to Jasper Server the language of the user to have the Jasper interface in the right language (on jasper login page without CAS mode, we can select a language in a list of values).? http://localhost:8085/jasperserver-pro/login.html?userLocale=fr_FR --> it works like that but the userLocale is not dynamic , but how can I replace the value of userLocale by a parameter?
  11. I answer to myself, it seems yes JIProfileAttribute is also included in Jasper community
  12. Little question I use this kind of query to limit the datas in my report parameters select Domain from domain where $X{IN,Domaine,LoggedInUserAttributeValues}So, I do not remember if the JIProfileAttribute table is only included in Jasper Server Pro or also in Jasper Community?thanks
  13. I have the same question Do you have a solution since april?
  14. In my report, I have 2 parameters (start-date and end-date). By default I would like to fill parameters like that "start -date = 'current date - 1 month' ", "end-date 'current date - 1 day' " to select datas of the rolling month. It's easy to do that by SQL, but I would like to do that on Jasper in the definition of the parameter . It seems a lot more difficult in Jasper Is anybody there to help me? please
  15. 1 . I build a ad hoc report with a domain. I define an input control, for instance a list of channels (it corresponds to the query select channel_label from channel). The query of the report reads the fact table with joints on the dimensions tables. Everyhing is ok 2° I edit the report by the designer to make a change, I define a custom field (for instance measure1 + measure 2) I save and then refresh the report. I am going to see the cache to check the query . The query of the report execution is still OK , but the query of the list of values is wrong I have a joint between dimension table and fact table. (select measure 1 , measure 2 from channel , dimension_table where channel.chanel_id = dimension_table.channel_id) It is very bad for the performance of the reports. I have repeated many tests, this behaviour is systematic when I define custom fields. I suppose that I am not the first person facing this major anomaly
  16. no it does not matter, because we use directly the JS4.1 repository, but is it possible to use the same repository with 2 instances (JS 4.1 and JS 4.2) ? we do not execute js-upgrade-samedb because it is written "This upgrade script is a dummy script, but this manual step is kept in place for consistency." in the manual, so why ?[/code]
  17. We have installed JS 4.2 and then imported the JS4.1 repository on MySQL we cannot refresh, create reports and so on We cannot refresh, create a report, and so on"Here is the error messageCaused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: FUNCTION report_acd_JS4.nextval does not existreport_acd_JS4 is the MySql database where is located the Jasper repository"[/code]
  18. On JS 4.1 pro , I would like to create a report with an olap connection (new function in 4.1) but the edit page of the report is "strange". File 1: behaviour OK File 2 : behaviour on my jasper
  19. Same problem with JS 4.1 pro It is very odd, I installed 3 jasper 4.1 pro, this strange behaviour only happens on 2 Jasper New behaviour, dashboard works perfectly when I logged as superuser but does not work when I logged as jasperadmin Post Edited by paris11 at 11/09/2011 12:44
  20. The label , the description, the object type and the last edition date are displayed, that s ok, but there is also the path of the document using the folder Id and Report Id (column name in JIResource). Is it possible to not display this information without interest for the end-user?
  21. Thanks for this method It works very good on Jasper Server for the reports built on Ireport, but I am afraid it is impossible to apply this method for the ad hoc reports on jasper server because we cannot change the sql code.
  22. I suppose he prints his dashboard towards the "pdf creator" , it looks like an exporting
  23. you have to use the last version of Acrobat 9.2 , flash format works on you pdf file in this case
  24. When I start JAsper Server, I can read this message in the tomcat window "2010-02-17 14:21:36,327 WARN PermissionsListProtectionDomainProvider,main:61 - A security manager has not been configured for the JVM. The protection domain se t for the reports will NOT be effective." Do you think there is a relationship with our problem?
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