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Everything posted by honeyani

  1. If i'm right ,you are talking about empty space between rows.. we have option to remove this spacing in iReport tool. Select from menu Option->Export option(under XLS exported) ,check the check box for 'Is Remove Empty space between rows'. Hope this will solve your issue. Ani.
  2. Hi All, I tried to solve this.. I'm able to display all elements in XML file with and without a particular sub element. For example I have many 'account info' tag elements with and without sub element tag 'Detail' ,previous issue was i was unable to display account info without 'detail' tag ..Now i'm able to display account info with and without that tag after appending /descendant:: :* in my XPATH. In generated excel i find all account info details fetched and displayed but i get empty row display for each account number for number of account info existing in the XML file.How to avoid this redundancy..?this has to be solved with XPATH or we can solve it with iReport tool?any options available with iReport to solve the same..
  3. honeyani Wrote: slightly to modify my question.. Conciser as sub element for element and multiple occurance of element exists ,if i remove cc from XPATH only 1 tag elemetn is displayed in my report,whereas i have multiple CC tag element as sub-element under ..how to fix this? Hope i made the question clear..if not please let me know..so that i can explain my issue more clear.. Thanks, ani Tag elemts are not shown..in my post so re-doing the reply.. slightly to modify my question.. Concider cc as sub element for bb element and multiple occurance of element exists ,if i remove cc from XPATH only 1 tag elemennt is displayed in my report,whereas i have multiple CC tag element as sub-element under ..how to fix this? Hope i made the question clear..if not please let me know..so that i can explain my issue more clear.. Thanks, ani
  4. slightly to modify my question.. Conciser as sub element for element and multiple occurance of element exists ,if i remove cc from XPATH only 1 tag elemetn is displayed in my report,whereas i have multiple CC tag element as sub-element under ..how to fix this? Hope i made the question clear..if not please let me know..so that i can explain my issue more clear.. Thanks, ani
  5. Hi All, I havea query related to XPATH setting. For all tag element in AML file we are setting XPATH in iReport tool. Imagine my XML content like this with 2 content,first content has 3 tags and second content has only 2 tags.I have set class path for first three tags and i get the display for the first record,as third tag <cc> is missing on the next content its not displayed in my Excel output .why?How to voercome this issue?I have lots of records with this format <cc> tag present in 50% of the content and its not present in rest 50% .Records without cc is not displayed in my result whereas rest all are displayed .How to reolve this issue? +<aa> <bb> <cc> </cc> </bb> </aa> +<aa> <bb> </bb> </aa> Thanks, Ani
  6. Hi , My expression is the same...it returns 'null' when value is empty for that field in XML data source. Option 'Blank when null' is set to true. As when the value it null it is set to blank as the option says.. My Excel sheet is now with blank cell when value from XML file is empty or 0 or 0.00. Little i updated my expression to check for all these three values and set to null.. It works fine... To Conclude :iReport tool supports setting blank to field value in Excel when value is null/0/0.00/<empty space>. We have to play around with expressions...:)
  7. hi, Thanks for your reply and guidance.. I fixed it now,it works... Thanks, Ani
  8. i tried after trim() still i get $0.00 Can you send across the exact expression you tried with for double.
  9. Thanks for your reply. My opinion is Default value for string is null - 'blank if null' option works if the field type is String.I tested the same . But for our report cell type is set as double for some reason,default value for double will be 0.00 ,hence the pattern gets applied to it and displayed as $0.00 ,am i right in my view? So I think now i should update my query as ,In iReport tool for Double cell type is it possible to set blank when value is 0.00 ? Any idea?
  10. I'm more confused Cell type is set as double , Actual expression is as below : Double.valueOf(($F{BUDGETADJ}.indexOf("-")!=-1?"-"+($F{BUDGETADJ}.substring(0,$F{BUDGETADJ}.indexOf("-"))).trim():($F{BUDGETADJ}.length()==0?null:$F{BUDGETADJ}.trim()))) value exists as 10000.00 - ,so this expression checks for - sign at the end and brings it to front ,second condition i check for empty values..can you suggest how to update this expression? waitign for reply ASAP...
  11. In iReport generated Excel sheet we should be able to find DateFormat of nornal excel sheet instead of custom format. Through iReport if we set TestFieldExpression class as java.util.Date and set the pattern as MM/dd/yyyy .After execution in generated excel sheet if we right click and see format cells,it shows custom format and the above format which we have set in ireport tool. But my requirement is In a general excel sheet type in a cell xx/yy/zzzz and right click and see the format,it shows Date which is an excel sheet date cell format. We need to have this excel sheet date format set to the cell instead of the one we set in custom patterns of iReport tool. I tried to run the report without specifying any pattern for date field in iReport tool ,it shows by default this custom pattern '1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM'. Any ways in iReport to have Excel sheet Date format set?
  12. Thanks for your reply Field type is double .. I tried these ways ,also blank when null option is set to true Double.valueOf($F{BUDGETADJ}.length()==0?" " :$F{BUDGETADJ}.trim()) Double.valueOf($F{BUDGETADJ}.length()==0?"0 " :$F{BUDGETADJ}.trim()) Double.valueOf($F{BUDGETADJ}.length()==0?null :$F{BUDGETADJ}.trim()) please guide to fix this.. waiting for your reply at the earliest..
  13. I have coded expression to set "0" or " " when value doesn't exists.Have also checked blank when null option. Still i get $0.00 displayed ,for 0 value the pattern gets applied and displayed. Anyother options to follow up?
  14. I have generated excel report using Jasper (ireport tool). On final generated excel sheet ,if amount is 0- blank cell should be displayed ,i'm getting $0.00 Pattern applied to the cell is $#,##0.00;[Red]($#,##0.00) ,blank when null option is checked. why this issue ,hope value is returned as 0 hence 0 is formatted as per the pattern and displayed as $0.00, but only blank space should be set to the cell .how to establish this? Please guide to fix this issue. waiting for your eply. Thx, Ani
  15. Hi All, I fixed this issue on my own. Just have set 'net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text' to true for custom element property on iReport tool. It works fine now. Thanks, Anitha
  16. Avoid my previous reply - formatted one i'm pasting here... Please find a detailed description about the issue faced as below.. Output obtained: Revised Budget / Encumber ($10.00) (red) ($10000.00) (red) ($20.00)(red) ($10,030.000)(red) ($1.60)(red) [Red] $0.00 (black) I n iReport tool custom pattern that we have specified for Revised Budget text field placed in detail band is as below : $######0.00_);[Red]($######0.00) We require a color change to red if user updates the field value as a negative number and if user enters positive input the value should be in black as above. We use XML file as Data source here , When the value is in lakhs ,its not displayed in excel sheet instead we get ‘[Red] ‘ as in 6th row .What is the reson behind? Any ways to set this color change option to the mentioned field? Requirement : Positive values should be represented in black color as in 7th row,negative value shoud be represented in red color along with braces as in 1-5 rows. Any mistake in the way we are setting the patter? Waiting for your reply at the earliest.. Thx, Ani
  17. Please find a detailed description about the issue faced as below.. Output obtained: Revised Budget / Encumber ($10.00) (red) ($10000.00) (red) ($20.00)(red) ($10,030.000)(red) ($1.60)(red) [Red] $0.00 (black) In iReport tool custom pattern that we have specified for Revised Budget text field placed in detail band is as below : $######0.00_);[Red]($######0.00) We require a color change to red if user updates the field value as a negative number and if user enters positive input the value should be in black as above. We use XML file as Data source here , When the value is in lakhs ,its not displayed in excel sheet instead we get ‘[Red] ‘ as in 6th row .What is the reson behind? Any ways to set this color change option to the mentioned field? Requirement : Positive values should be represented in black color as in 7th row,negative value shoud be represented in red color along with braces as in 1-5 rows. Any mistake in the way we are setting the patter? Waiting for your reply.. Thx, Ani
  18. Hi All, We have a doubt .. How to set currency pattern in iReport .On the generated excel sheet default existing values as well as on user updation positive value should be represented as $ xxxxxx.xxx ,negative value ($xxxxxx.xxx) in red. We tried the below pattern $#,#####0.00_);[Red]($#,#####0.00) This works for the below values : $0.000 $x.000 $xx.000 $xxx.00 If we remove 1000's seperator it works for thousand values, it fails for lakh values.Why? i.e.,For bigger values the color change is not happening on the Excel sheet Please guide us with your valuable suggestions at the earliest. Thanks, Ani
  19. teodord Wrote: Hi, I don't think we fully understood what headers you are talking about. Is it about suppressing the page header section of the report on subsequent pages, when exporting to XLS? If it is about that, then note that you can filter out content from a report when exporting to XLS based on element origin, using exporter hints such as those explained in this FAQ here: http://jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/jasperreportswebsite/JR%20Website/jasperreports_faq.html#How%20can%20I%20suppress%20page%20headers%20and%20footers%20when%20exporting%20to%20XLS? I hope this helps. Teodor Hi Teodor, Thanks for your reply! I didn't mean supression of header .If i want the header to appear once on the document hope, i can use title tag in iReport. But my requirement is,on jasper report generated Excel i should be able to see the header only once,if i go and view the Page set up property of Excel sheet i should be able to find my custom header set here,so that the header will be set during print on each page alone. If we set header/footer using POI API ,it sets on header/footer property of the Excel sheet and it gets printed on each page when we give for print.In the same manner do we have anyways to set our custom properties for excel sheet using iReport tool... Waiting for your reply or confirmation at the earliest.. Thanks, Anitha
  20. honeyani Wrote: honeyani Wrote: Hi All, As far as i have investigated in the available tutorials iReport tool supports only below 3 ways to set header: <title> - will appear once at top of report (which we have used on our report). <page Header> -will appear at top of every page. <columnHeader> - if there exists more than 2 column value on our report, this can be set for each column. Is it possible to set cutom property for header (to set page set up property of excel sheet) using iReport tool? Hi Friends, I fixed this using an external Java API Apache's POI-HSSF API ,which helps us to set header and footer for each page that too during print section alone... :) Hope this mght help u too..!! Thx, Ani Eventhough have fixed it using some external API , I need a confirmation on its possiblity or impossiblility using iReport tool .Can anyone plz confirm us on thiz???????(it will save our time on more investigation with the tool)...
  21. honeyani Wrote: Hi All, As far as i have investigated in the available tutorials iReport tool supports only below 3 ways to set header: <title> - will appear once at top of report (which we have used on our report). <page Header> -will appear at top of every page. <columnHeader> - if there exists more than 2 column value on our report, this can be set for each column. Is it possible to set cutom property for header (to set page set up property of excel sheet) using iReport tool? Hi Friends, I fixed this using an external Java API Apache's POI-HSSF API ,which helps us to set header and footer for each page that too during print section alone... :) Hope this mght help u too..!! Thx, Ani
  22. shertage Wrote: Hi Anitha, In this case, applying a formula is not possible, because JasperReports does not localize individual cells in a generated sheet. Localizing cells at export time in order to set a formula field requires significant changes, and isn't an ordinary problem. If you think it's necessary, you can post a feature request here. With the other solution, I mean with actually calculating totals using report variables, the calculated field does not act as a formula field, and its content will not be sensitive to the user input. Regards, sanda Sanda, Thanks a lot for all your replies! I think its time for us to close this discussion thread :) :) ! I have raised this as new feature request in provided link.Hope i have mentioned it in a right manner.Have look and confirm on the same! Hope Jasper Team will fix this new Requirement at the earliest! We are waiting to make use of the tool with more and more advanced features support like this... Hats off to the team on development and support provided by the team to end users...Its gr88 to find developers online for discussion...!
  23. Hi All, As far as i have investigated in the available tutorials iReport tool supports only below 3 ways to set header: <title> - will appear once at top of report (which we have used on our report). <page Header> -will appear at top of every page. <columnHeader> - if there exists more than 2 column value on our report, this can be set for each column. Is it possible to set cutom property for header (to set page set up property of excel sheet) using iReport tool?
  24. Hi , Thanks ,i found an option named subcribe above 1 forum topic,when i got subscribed to the forum i was able to add new thread to the forum. But accidentally the thread got posted thrice.Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  25. Hi All, Through iReport is it possible to set header for the excel sheet properties,Ican set header for a page and header for each page through iReport. My query : Throguh iReport i should be able to set single header for the generated excel file(this is done),but when i give for print header for each page should be set ,i mean to say header for each page will happen if we set it in Excel sheet page set up properties .is it possible to set anything like that ( Excel sheet page set up properties)through iReport tool?
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