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Posts posted by phantastes

  1. Hi,

    Would anyone know how to achieve the following in iReport:


    Row                Value

    1                       11111

    2                      22222

    3                       33333

    4                       44444

    Group Total: 11111,22222,33333,44444

     I need to take the value in each record and concatenate this value to the previous value, creating a comma separated list that will be displayed at the bottom of the group. Is this even possible. I'm guessing I need to handle this with a Variable somehow.

    Any ideas or suggestions are very welcome!

    Thank you

  2. Hi,

    I would recommend reading through one of the many SQL tutorials online. Just google "sql tutorial".

    In the case you mention you would need to join the two tables. Without knowing how the two table look like I cannot guarantee that this is the right solution, but if NID is the key it would look something like this:

    SELECT     ga.attachedfile,     ga.nid,     ga.filetype,     gn.authorFROM     GekkoATTACH gaINNER JOIN GekkoNOTE gn     ON ga.nid = gn.nidWHERE     ga.nid >= 970ORDER BY     ga.nid ASC
  3. Hi,

    As a way to create html reports with drill down functionality I've been looking into embedding a <script> into the html document. That script tag would call a javascript file. With the javascript I then want to add interactivity such as expanding and collapsing portions of the report.

    The problem I'm running into is that all <div> and <span> tags are set with position:absolute. Because of this I can only make a portion of the report visible/non-visible and not expanded/collapsed. 

    Does anyone know how to solve this? Is there any way to create html reports where the position is not set to absolute?

    Thank you!

  4. I am looking for exactly the same kind of functionality. I need to embed an interactive html report in a webapp. If I have a list of, let's say, names:




    When I click one of these names then it should expand and show a list of data under it:


                Client   A        B       C

                Client   A        B       C




    giulio mention that "this can be performed in the same way as drilldown, pointing at the same report passing some parameters based on which you expand/collapse, using the print when expression, sections of your report.".

    I'm not sure exactly how this solution would work. Would each expanded list be a subreport that creates the html for that list, inside the html for the main report?

    I'll also take a look at the JasperServer sample you mention. But additional pointers would be very welcome!


  5. Thanks for the reply!

    It would not be an issue going with one of Jasper's Professional or Enterprise services/products. But I wanted to make sure that what we are trying to accomplish could be done with Jasper (any edtion).

    Using JSF could be one way to go but that introduces another level of complexity.

    How about the JasperServer functionality or is it JasperAnalysis I should be looking at?



  6. Hi,

    What would be the best route to take in order to create interactive reports with drill down capabilites? As an example, lets say we have a list of names:




    This list will be part of a webpage. When clicking one of the names another list should show up with data related to the person clicked, like this:


    Sold cars

    Type           Price          Date

    Skoda        $5000       11/2/2010

    Audi A3      $30000      11/8/2010




    What would be the best way to acheive this using JasperReports. Would I use JasperReports, iReport and JasperServer?

    Thank you!

  7. The above $V{gpaAverageMeasure}.setScale(2, java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_UP) , were $V{gpaAverageMeasure} is a BigDecimal, works.

    I had pulled in floatValue() in the measure calculation which messed it up. So the short of it is, just use BigDecimal.


  8. Hi,

    I want a value of 3.665 to be rounded to 3.67.

    I have a field provided with a BigDecimal. The field is in a crosstab. I've set the field to show 2 decimal places. The problem I am having is that it doesn't seem to round correctly.

    In the fields textfield I have:

    $V{gpaAverageMeasure}.setScale(2, java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_UP)

    Instead of rounding up to 3.67 it rounds down to 3.66.

    Any help would be very welcome!



    Post Edited by phantastes at 03/23/2010 21:02

    Post Edited by phantastes at 03/23/2010 22:46
  9. Hi,

    not sure if I understand exactly what you are trying to do but it sounds like you want a variable that only counts values of certain grouptypes?

    If that's the case then add a new variable. Set it to Calculation Type = Count.

    In variable expression field write something like this:

    $F{groupName}.equalsIgnoreCase("Business") || $F{groupName}.equalsIgnoreCase("Personal") ? $F{groupName} :  null


    I hope that helps!

  10. Hi,

    you could try creating a category group. Then set up the summary variables for that group. Place those variables in the group footer. Now in the "Print When Expression" specify to only print the band when the two categories you want printed comes up ie new Boolean($F{groupName}.equalsIgnoreCase("Business") || $F{groupName}.equalsIgnoreCase("Personal")). And don't forget to sort the values by your group.


  11. Hi,

    I have a bit of a head scratcher that I need some help with.

    I have a subreport in a band (I've tried page header as well as a group header with the same result). The problem I'm having is that because of this subreport then empty space is added at the bottom of the band causing a lot of unwanted air in the report.

    Any help would be very welcome!



  12. Ok,

    I've done something similar. Have you tried checking "Remove line when blank" and "Blank when null"  in Element Properties? That might be part of your solution. Let me know if that helps.

    And this might be a conversation to have in the iReport forum.


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