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Posts posted by javi_123

  1. Hi Kay,

    Thanks for the quick reply.


    Page break does work and it splits my report into 4 pages but that is not what i am looking for.


    Actually when i view the report it should be displayed like a work document which it does but when i take a print out, it should print each sub report on different pages.


    I have tried to change the bands as well but it dosnt lead to any solution.


    Plz reply back with the solution

  2. Hi,

    How can i insert a page break in ireports?

    Actually i have got 5 sub reports and each of them is of same size i.e. heigh=842 and width=595.

    The report works fine when i view it in pdf format but when i take the print out, it displays all the pages in a single page.

    I am displaying all the sub reports in the Detail section each of height 842 and i thnk i need to add the page break but i dont know how to use page breaks.

    I have to display the report like a word document. I tried to use reports groups in ireports but it still dosnt wrk.

    Any one who knows the solution to this problem, plz plz reply asap bkz this is really urgent.

    Many Thanks.



  3. Hi,
    Is is possible to use a parameter in single select of input control. I need to filter the records through different datasources.
    The sql query should be like this:

    SELECT PointID ID FROM $P!{LoggedInUserName}.ReportPoint WHERE PointAcceptDate>0 ORDER BY ID DESC

    The parameter $P{LoggedInUserName} gets the username which is the datasource name.

  4. Hi,

    I am trying to work out the multi tenancy service where we have multiple customer's using the same application layer but different database.

    I have created a new table in jasperserver database and i want to retrieve the data which will be passed in a parameter.

    The parameter i have created has class type java.sql.PreparedStatement and inside the expression editor i have $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}.prepareStatement("select * from table") but i think this is not the right way to execute a sql through expression editor.


    Please reply back with the solution.

  5. Hi all,

    Is there any way to add the functionality on a multi-tenanted service, where we have multiple customers using the same application layer (part of which is Jasper) and separate databases.

    I have tried Domain designer and works fine when working with a single data source. Is it possible to use Domian designer for multiple datasources???

    we have multiple customers using seperate datasources. Is it possible if a customer logs in, the datasource name will change??   

    I have tried the jaspersoft Support as well but they are not even bothered to reply.

    Its realy urgent, please reply asap.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hi all,

    I cant see any folder in the /root apart from PersonalFolder when i login as a jasperadmin and if i click on "Assign Permissions", it gives the following error:

    org.acegisecurity.AccessDeniedException: Access is denied


    I dont know how to change the permission now and how to assign the default permissions.

    Please reply back with the solution to this problem.

    Thanks in advance



  7. Hi all,

    When you add the input control and specify the type as single select query, it does populate all the results in the drop down but if you don't select any value from the drop down list it will display all the results when a user clicks ok. Is it possible to hard code the dropdown to show "All" in the drop down list, so that the user will know that they hav selected all of the results?




  8. Hi all,


    we have designed a dashboard in ireports  and have declared "MetaDataConnection" as a parameter which establishes a connection with the database.

    The class Type of the parameter is "java.sql.Connection" and default value expression is "java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/jasperserver", "username", "password")".


    The above connection works fine but when it crosses more than 200 connections which is the limit, the dashboard crashes. After every click a connection is established.

    I then tried to use another parameter called "CloseDataConnection" in which i used the class type as "java.sql.Connection" and the Default value expression as "$P{MetaDataConnection}.close()"

    but unfortunately this dosent work and i dnt knw how to close the connection in ireports.


    I am not getting anywhere with this problm. Have tried searching on google and ireports forums but no result.


    If anyone knows the solution to this problem please reply back as soon as possible.

    I just need to close the connection evrytime when it executes the query.


    Please reply back asap.


  9. Hi all,


    we have designed a dashboard in ireports  and have declared "MetaDataConnection" as a parameter which establishes a connection with the database.

    The class Type of the parameter is "java.sql.Connection" and default value expression is "java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/jasperserver", "username", "password")".


    The above connection works fine but when it crosses more than 200 connections which is the limit, the dashboard crashes. After every click a connection is established.

    I then tried to use another parameter called "CloseDataConnection" in which i used the class type as "java.sql.Connection" and the Default value expression as "$P{MetaDataConnection}.close()"

    but unfortunately this dosent work and i dnt knw how to close the connection in ireports.


    I am not getting anywhere with this problm. Have tried searching on google and ireports forums but no result.


    If anyone knows the solution to this problem please reply back as soon as possible.

    I just need to close the connection evrytime when it executes the query.


    Please if u knw the solution, then reply back asap.


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