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Posts posted by javi_123

  1. Hi Vishal,

    Thanks for your quick reply.


    I understand if i take off ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR from applicationContext-security.xml, it will not show it to the end users but this is not actually what i want to achieve.


    Lets say i have got two users:


    user2 with roles ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, ROLE_USER.


    When i select 'Manage' and then select 'Users', it will show all the users in the list whne i am logged in as user1 with roles ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, ROLE_SUPERUSER however when i login as user2 with roles ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, ROLE_USER. it should hide user1 with roles ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, ROLE_SUPERUSER from the list.


    How can i hide user2??




  2. Yes, it is possible through adhoc report editor.

    All you need to do is to create a report through iReports which will populate fields from the table . Then you need to save the report in Ad hoc Components/topics folder.

    Once the report is saved in the specified location, you then need to login to the jasperserver and select 'Create' and then select 'Ad Hoc Report' to create a report.


    Hope it helps....





  3. No sure how you want to restrict it but here is the expression to get hold of the roles for logged in user:




    where $P{LoggedInUser} class type is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User





  4. I am using the professional edition and have only worked on this edition but i think that should not make any difference. I don't understand why your are getting empty report.


    One more thing, check the report properties in the report inspector section of iReports, look for a property 'When no Data Type' and see what is it set to.






  5. Rohini,

    Are you using the community or professional edition??

    Have you mande any changes in any of the .jar files??


    I think it will be better if you do a fresh installation and see if the problem still occurs.

    LoggedInUser does prompt with the error in iReports (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException) but not in jasperserver.






  6. Hi Sridevi,

    Thanks a lot for you help.

    I have finally managed to get it working and i will post it here soon. In case if someone requires this kind of functionality.

    There was a lot of work around. It took me more than a day to get it working.




  7. Thanks a lot for your the suggessions. I have finally managed to get it working.

    I have added the follwing code in the userCreator.js file:

    if (defaultRole) {

                user.roles.push({roleName : defaultRole}) &&
       user.roles.push({roleName : 'ROLE_LICENSE'});




  8. Rohini,

    I am using iReports V3.5.2 and JasperServer V3.5 on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 10, Service pack 2 with Mysql 5


    The sql gets generated through the query designer in iReports and i have used it as a example.


    I think you are using different version of JasperServer.


    Do you still see the empty report or you have managed to get it working




  9. Hi All,

    I need to assign more than one role when a new user is created.

    By default, ROLE_USER role is assigned when a new user is created.

    I have looked at applicationContext.xml, where the default role is set to ROLE_USER:

    <property name="defaultRole" value="ROLE_USER"/>

    I want to add ROLE_USER and ROLE_DEMO as a default role when a new user is created. Have tried so many option but no result;(

    Please reply back with the solution.



  10. I have already posed it on jasperserver forums but i havnt received any kind of reply from the jasperserver guru's. I think they randomly choose the threads to reply on, otherwise they would have definitely replied to my thread.

    Have you added this kind of functionality before?




  11. how do you use scriplet through iReports?? i havnt done it before, could you please provide an example??


    I need to add a license agreement page for out external customers. As soon as the user logs in, the license agreement page should appear which will contain information about the terms and conditions. If the user agrees with the terms and conditions, then the link should direct the user to the home page. If the user disagree, then the link should logout the user from the session.


    I have created a report unit from iReports and have changed the following URL in jasperserver-servlet-pro.xml source file:



    When a user logs in, license page appears instead of home page.


    In the report unit I have added two links:

    1: Agree 2: Disagree

    Both the links work accordingly. When a user clicks on Agree link, it then redirects the user to home page and if user clicks on Disagree link, it logs the user out.


    Now, if the user has agreed with the terms and conditions, the license page should not appear second time which it does at the moment. In the report query I have tried to use an insert statement but I think iReports doesn¿t allow the insert statement in the report query.


    All I need to know is how can we redirect the user to home page once the user has agreed with terms and conditions??


    WE are using iReports V3.5.2 and JasperServer V3.5.1 on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 10, Service pack 2 with Mysql 5.


    If there is any other alternative method to do it, please let me know about that


    Many Thanks



    Hi all,
    I need to create a license page as a landing page. As soon as the user logs in, a license page should appear. If they agree with the terms and conditions, then the user should be directed to the home page and if user disagree, then the user should be logged out.
    Also, the license page should appear only once if the user has agreed with the terms and conditions.
    Do I need to create another flow or just a jsp page for this?
    Is there any example to create a flow.xml?
    Thanks in advance

    Post Edited by javi_123 at 06/18/2009 10:15
  13. CBox

    Don't understand really?!?

    You want to view it ALL pages below each other without pagebreaks (like Word page layout-view where pages are below each other) but print it as separate pages?!?!?!?

    Sorry if i didnt xplian it properly.

    yes,  i already do get all pages below each other without pagebreaks. The report is fine, i am having the problem when i print the report. All the pages gets printed in the single page and i want to know if it is possible to print single band report in different pages like a word page layout view.

    Hope you can understand my query now!

    Many Thanks


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