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Posts posted by jens_noering

  1. I`ve built a Rpeorting structure with jasperintelligence.


    Our fact table has round about 150.000 rows, 9mb + 80mb indexes We have the following dimensions:


    time ( built like foodmart)120 rows

    accounts (parent/child-Hierarchy with closure) 17000 rows, 3 mb + indexes

    brands (normal structure) 10 rows

    Cost-center (parent/child with closure) 35 rows

    subsidiaries (parent/child with closure)80 rows


    On all important keys indexes are set in fact-tables and dimension-tables.


    Until now i have not considered using aggregatet tables, because i think our datasize is no so big that i`have to do this.


    What is the recommended size for RAM and what kind of Processor would you use.


    Thanks for your help

  2. As the Mondrian Schema is a essential part of the JI Portal i think this forum is the right place to post my Problem.


    I`ve too build a complexe Hierarchy Structure: For now I`ve built a Parent-child Hierarchy that displays my contribution accounting. That wokrs quiet good, but i also have to slice this contribution accounting. It has to be splitted per Brand. The Situation:

    I`m working for a Company that sales Mercedes Benz. We have the Brands Mercedes Chrysler/Jeep & Smart. The accounts are matched to the brand through the 5th number of the accounting number, for example: if the 5th number is a 1 the brand is Mercedes. But htis only happens in the lowest level of the hierarchy, all parents above the lowest level (one single account) are brand independent.

    I want to keep my parent child structure but i don`t want to built a single parent/child structur for each brand. Is there a way to filter the data through given 5th account number?


    hope someone can help me with this problem!

  3. I need to built an report with a lot of different subreports. How can i pass the mondrian connection to the subreport?


    I`ll always get the message:


    8281547 [KSG1u2 subreport filler] WARN olap.JRMondrianQueryExecuter - The supplied mondrian.olap.Connection object is null


    Has anybody experience with a problem like this?

    Post edited by: jens_noering, at: 2006/10/19 10:12

  4. I only want to use one single mondrian connection, because we`re working with several cubes in one schema, so i don`t have to built multipel mondrian connections.



    I`m not familar in spring. I hope this feature will soon be added in the jasperintelligence feature. This would enlarge the jasperintelligence project much.


    But thanxx for your fast reply

  5. I've built some mondrian connection/mdx based reports with ireport. Now I've the problem that i don't know how to add the right connection to the report in jasperintelligence because there is no way to add an mondrian connection to the report, only the jdbc connection is visible.


    hope someone can help me with this problem!

  6. Thanxx lucianc,


    I´m usinig IReport 1.2.7, so i think i'm using Jaspereports 1.2.7 too.


    Now I´m trying to use multiple axis in my query:



    select {[Measures].[salden]} on AXIS(0),

    {[Periode].[Jahr].[2006]} on AXIS(1),
    {[Return on Sales].[Konto].[Contribution 3],[Return on Sales].[Konto].[Contribution 2]} on AXIS(2),
    {[Kostenstellen].[Kostenstellen].[Verkauf Gesamt],[Kostenstellen].[Kostenstellen].[Verkauf PKW],[Kostenstellen].[Kostenstellen].[Verkauf LKW], [Kostenstellen].[Kostenstellen].[Verkauf TRAPO]} on AXIS(4)
    from [ros]


    but how the fieldmapping has to be done?


    I`ve tried it this way by mapping all the axis to another and so on like this Expression:

    Data(Rows[Periode][Jahr])(Pages[Return on Sales][Konto])(Chapters[Kostenstellen][Kostenstellen])([Measures].[salden],?)


    Bute then ireport returns the following error:

    Incorrect data mapping: the number of positions doesn't match the number of axes.


    Maybe you can help me

  7. thanks for your fast answer, but your suggestion seems to go the same way my own query does. I`ll found a way to get the right description to the values. My Query looks like this:



    select [measures].[salden] on columns,
    {[Return on Sales].[Konto].[Contribution 2],[Return on Sales].[Konto].[Contribution 1]
    from [ros]


    "[Konto]" is the level of the dimension and i`m selecting the direct elemnt.


    Now is the problem, that it seems that I can`t work with crossjoin on that axis. Is there a way to use more than 2 axis. because i`ll have to implement an other dimension witch has the same parent-child hierarchy.

  8. Hello,


    in my company we`re trying to build our reporting system on jasperintelligence/ireport.


    For our account-structure i`ve built a Parent-Child hierarchy like the employee hierarchy in the mondrian-foodmart sample.

    With Jasperintelligence/jpivot this hierarchy-structure is working very well. With ireport there is a problem where I need your help:


    The ireport/jasperreports program sends the right calculated cells back, but the describtion of the fields only prints the highest entity of the structure.


    For example: There is a account called Contribution 3 this is a parent of contribution 2, the measure is called "Salden". I want to select this 2 values. My Query looks like this:


    select {[Measures].[salden]} ON COLUMNS,
    {[Return on Sales].[Alle Konten].[Contribution 3], [Return on Sales].[Alle Konten].[Contribution 3].[Contribution 2]} ON ROWS
    from [ros]


    My output file looks like this:


    Contribution 3 | 1.750.000 €

    Contribution 3 | 2.500.000 €

    The second row is the contribution 2 row and the value is the right one. but the describtion does not match.


    Can someone help me with this problem.

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