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  1. I decided to do a "Chinese Fire Drill" with this one. That is, I deleted the report from our pro installation and attempted to use iReport to transfer the jrxml file from our community installation. The first time I had exclusively used the web interface of the pro version to migrate the report. Apparently there's an issue with that migration path. Anyway, everything is working swimmingly after deleting and then migrating via iReport. I'm not sure what the issue was ... it should be possible to define a report exclusively through the jasperserver web interface, should it not?
  2. I have a report which worked fine in JasperServer 3 community version but barfs in 3.0.1 pro. The query makes use of the market_list parameter as $P!{market_list} ... this parameter contains part of the query which is generated based on the contents of $P{market} (a java.util.Collection and a query-backed multi-select control). The default expression for $P{market_list} is: new java.lang.String(($P{market} == null || $P{market}.isEmpty())?"":" LEFT(market.market_description,28) IN " + $P{market}.toString().replaceFirst("\[","(").replaceFirst("\]",")") + " AND ") When I commented out the $P!{market_list} items from the query and displayed the value of $P{market_list} in the report, I was able to verify that the parameter is getting initialized correctly. However, upon analysis from the mysql side, it appears that wherever $P!{market_list} appears in the query, the text 'null' appears. What I've tried so far: * The query was originally within the JRXML file. I tried moving the query to the repository. * I also tried creating an "invisible" market_list input control. All this did was ensure that $P{market_list} was always null even in the displayed report. * Removing the '!' from $P!{market_list} None of these worked. How should I proceed?
  3. I was having the same problem with my JasperReports 3.0 pro trial. I did not experience this with the community version. However, I was able to fix the issue in the pro version by converting my parameter data type to java.sql.Timestamp (it had been java.util.Date previously). Any word on why this will work in the community version and not the pro version?
  4. Whoo! All I needed to do was look around a little bit. I found an example of this in the 'Employee Accounts' sample report shipped with the community version. The 'Employee' input control is backed by a query, and based on that example I was able to get mine working. Thanks!
  5. Hi all, I have a multi-select input control which could conceivably be populated by an SQL query. In order to meet a deadline, I painstakingly (and manually) created a List of Values to populate the input control, but the Right Way would be to back it with a query. I've seen mention of query-backed input controls in docs, but no clear example as to how this might be accomplished either via iReport or by directly editing the .jrxml file. So, how's it done?
  6. Use the trinary operator: new java.lang.String(($P{BPDTLS-String1} != null && $P{BPDTLS-String2} != null)?$P{BPDTLS-String1}+ "/" + $P{BPDTLS-String2}:"") safs fasfsaf Wrote: Currently I have an expression in the format $P{BPDTLS-String1}+ "/" + $P{BPDTLS-String2} The problem is that if one of the strings does not exist, the slash is still displayed, how can I change my expression to only show the slash if both strings exist?
  7. Hi all, FIRST POST!!! :) I have a multi-select input control which I'm accessing as a java.util.Collection parameter. The items chosen by the user for this input parameter will end up going into an SQL "IN" statement like so: blah IN ('item1','item2',...,'itemN') What I've done is created a variable which has the following expression: new java.lang.String(($P{market} == null)?"":" market.market_description IN " + $P{market}.toString().replaceFirst("\[","('").replaceFirst("\]","')").replaceAll(",","','") + " AND ") I've verified that the variable contains the correct text, but trying to insert it into the SQL query using $V!{market_list} didn't work. I tried mirroring $V{market_list} as a parameter, and that didn't work. Am I going about this completely wrong? Help!
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