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  1. Hi, http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=572304&tstart=135 Check out this link.This might help you out. Thanks -Amod
  2. Hello, You can use a hashmap to pass any number of parameters to the report.This hashmap will hold the key-value pairs like... HashMap parameters = new Hashmap(); parameters.put("key","value"); You can pass this map to the method which is being used to run the report. And on the report, you can get these values by using ...$P("key"). I hope this solves your problem. Thanks -Amod
  3. Hello, I don't think running the report in the iReport tool would be a problem.I want to know how you have tried using these fonts.If you have specified them in the 'reportFont' tag in jrxml file then,you have to mention pdfEncoding something like 'Identity-H'.Also in this tag, you can define the path at which the font file(ttf) is located. Let us see if this works out.. Thanks -Amod
  4. Hi Sammy, You may use this workaound.You can use a frameset having a top frame and a main frame.Here,the top frame will have a src as a simple html page containing a 'print' button and the main frame will have a source with the URL which is used to execute the report. <frameset rows="40,463*" cols="*"> <frame name="topFrame" frameborder="no" scrolling="NO" noresize src="simple html with print button" > <frame name="mainFrame" frameborder="no" src="URL used to execute the report">[/code]</frameset>[/code]And then,on clicking a 'print' button you can use any scripting language to print the report like... parent.mainFrame.print()It works fine.Thanks-Amod[/code]
  5. Scott,what you are saying is perfectly all right.But is it possible to run the report just by using a compiled .jasper file and a javascript function?Don't we need anything that understands(like JVM) .jasper file and renders the report accordingly. Thanks.
  6. Hi, This might be because the Fonts used for displaying the PDF report doesn't support Cp1256 (Arabic). One of my friends had faced the similar problem.He had solved this successfully by using 'Arial' font in the report. Thanks -Amod
  7. Hi Nate, I use jasper report in my application.Here after creating a jrxml file,we use a class(we need java here) which compiles this file and converts it into a file called .jasper.During compilation,it is checked for all the required aspects like the validity of xml,report design etc.Once the compilation is successful,we can use this jasper file to generate the report.Now,to run this report we use a method(we also need java :) here) where we pass the reference to this jasper file. So, though I give you a java code to compile a report,the question remains as how you are going to run the report just by using javascript. You may need ask someone. Being a java guy,if you need reports using java, surely I can help you out with the code or we can discuss it over email. thanks
  8. ok, its good to hear that you got that working. You may need to look at the jrxml file that is being generated.You will find that there will be a element assoicated with the each field like this.... (1)<field name="FIELD_NAME" class="java.lang.String"/> & then you will need to check the type of data(2) coming out of your bean. There might be a mismatch of class type between (1) and (2).So, you were forced to use " " this in order to match the class ("String" in your case) types. Thanks
  9. Hello, Could you please elaborate more on what exactly you are trying to achieve? As you have worked on exporting reports to PDF,you must have used the methods like runReportToPdf() etc.
  10. Hello, You can use a class called JRCVSDataSource in order to use a java object as a data.Here,we can create the list of the java objects(say,Data Object) & pass this in the constructor of the above class.The variable names present in java object are matched with that of field names. Hope this helps.
  11. I have been using this jasperreports-0.5.2.jar in my application. I want know whether this version supports condtional styles or not. Thanks -Amod
  12. I have been using this jasperreports-0.5.2.jar in my application. I want know whether this version supports condtional styles or not. Thanks -Amod
  13. Hello, I have created one report in the html format with a line between the records.But when I print this report,the lines doesn't show up on the paper. Is there any to fix this? Am I missing out on something? Thanks a lot.
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