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  1. Hi Thanks for your reply. I tried using Arial (arial.ttf) and Arial Unicode MS (ARIALUNI.TTF), but none of them worked. I'm testing in iReports 2.0.5 only, not in a real application to save time. Could this be a problem? I'm sort of lost with this problem, any other help will be very welcome. Bye Capitale Arg
  2. Hi people I'm facing problems to export PDF reports with arabic characters. When I generate a HTML report, they are correctly shown, but when I generate a PDF one, only '?????' is shown. I tried to set the PDF encoding of the fields to Cp1256 (Arabic) but it didn't work. Everything else in the report is set to UTF-8. Could anybody help me with this problem? Regards Capitale Arg
  3. Hi I'm not using any round function. For tests I will try to use a veeeeryyy big field, and I will post here the results. I hope this solve the problem but I think we will end up discarding this possibility. Fingers crossed! Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the reply! Hmm, I will give a try, but I don't think this is the problem. The current font is SansSerif. Another detail that may clarify things: there is another field which is also cut. In Windows I see "177.00" and in Linux "177.0". This is a java.math.BigDecimal field.
  5. Hello everybody, I'm facing a problem with one specific field in my HTML report. I develop the application in WinXP and my test server is a Linux machine. All reports are compiled offline and I only use the .jasper files (compiled in WinXP with iReport 2.0.5). My application uses libraries of jasperReports 3.0.0. When I run the application in WinXP, the reports are correctly generated. When I deploy it on Linux, the reports are generated without errors as well, but one field is cut, as if there were no space for it (the output is "20.08.2008 12:55", without seconds). I'm sure there is enough space for it. I find myself in the situation that I have two browser windows opened, each one with the application in one environment, and I see almost exactly two reports (layout and font type and size ok), except for this field cut (a String field, by the way, and not a Timestamp one). I checked the topic http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&func=view&id=41484&catid=8 and the FAQ question http://www.jasperforge.org/jaspersoft/opensource/business_intelligence/jasperreports/faq.html#FAQ25 but I think my case is different, as it has nothing to do with PDF reports. Could anybody help me in this issue? Regards Capitale Arg
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