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Everything posted by Gaby38

  1. Hello, Yesterday, when running an old report from a jasperserver (3.7), I had to input a date as parameter. So I used, as usual, the date pickup, wanting to come back to the 1st of January by clicking back month by month and, when on 2010 March, the date pickup became a grey square. I tried several time and always the same scenario. If I enter by hand a 2010 March date in the text field and I click on the date pickup, always the same grey square. I tried to go by clicking year backward to 2009 March : all is OK. If I click forward month by month I got the same grey square on reaching 2010 November. But I can display 2011 November. Basically, I changed nothing in Jasperserver, except renaming the metadatabase as "jasperceserver" because I temporarilly installed a jasper-pro release for evaluation. As I also own another jasperserver hosted in a third party with the same reports, I tried to see if I got the same strange thing. On this server, I also got the same grey square for the same months. On this server, I also installed during few days a jasper-pro release and had to rename the jasperserver metatdatabase This is a strange thing that the same "bug" appears on two distinct jasperservers living their own life. I am not sure but I should say that all was working fine two weeks ago. Is it due to the jasper-pro installation. Has anybody some advices to go further in the analyse?? (I could restart from the .war but I have some customizations) Thanks for your suggestions Post Edited by Gaby38 at 06/08/2010 20:10
  2. I also got this kind of trouble. It appeared with the last release. In fact, it is when you get a session time-out : if ,after, you want to go somewhere inside jasperserver, it asks you to authenticate. It's normal, but, meanwhile, it lost some infos and can not go further. I think I'll put something about that in the tracker.
  3. As for me, I replaced the 3.7.0 jasperreport jar in jasperserver with the 3.7.2 jasperreport jar from ireport without any problem till now. Since I can use the new "objects" like tables.
  4. I downloaded from your link the new jsp file for the parameter window and it is now working as before. Thanks a lot Lucian
  5. Arun, I didn't noticed that this was in an OLAP schema. I am not familar with this kind of "technology". So I am not able to help you in this domain. Sorry Gaby
  6. Please have also a look at : http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=73763 Gaby
  7. If I were you I would create a separate table with 2 columns and 12 rows with the number of the month and the "name" (as you wish) of the month and do a join on the 2 tables on date_month. SGBD are very fast on join managing; I write an example of such a query in Oracle database case : select fd.date_month as c0 from fact_details as fd inner join tab_month as tm on tm.date_month=fd.date_month where (`fd`.`date_year` = 2010) and tm.month_name='Jan' group by c0 order by fd.date_month ASC;
  8. Perhaps another idea to do what you want, while waiting the final implementation by JasperSoft : - use the standard mail mechanism to send the report as attached file to a specific mail address and attach to this mail address an automatic processing (as far as I remember It should be possible) which extracts and save the attached report in the right shared location. It is not very smart but it doesn't require huge programmation (shell script should be sufficient) and allows to wait the final solution. Hope this helps you Gaby
  9. More Info, In fact, when I said it was not working when I tried to escape the single quote with a backslash, I was wrong : jasperserver launched the report but there was a SQLM execution error. When I write \')\' in the input control jasperserver accepts and launches the report but I get " \')\' " inside the parameter value. So I have to eliminate the backslah caracters with a ".replace("\\",""). I have tested and it works. So in my report I have a first parameter which maps the input control, and I have another parameter to be used in the query which has as default value the first parameter.replace("\\",""). It works fine. But perhaps have you a smarter method ?? So thanks for your future suggestions. Gaby
  10. Hi, I use in a query a parameter $P{CLSH} wich is got at execution time from a single select list Input Control. One of the possible content of this parameter is : substr(lib_nom_lie,1,decode(instr(lib_nom_lie,'('),0,length(lib_nom_lie)+1,instr(lib_nom_lie,'('))-1) (that allows me to change the grouping level of the query by playing with the part of the field "lib_nom_lie" taken into account) I use it in the query as follows : select $P!{CLSH} ......... Till now no problem : this was working fine. Since the 3.7.1 Jasperserver release, when I select the parameter input of the list corresponding to the value listed above, nothing happens : no error, but I remain on the parameter window. If I select another value for the parameter in the list, all is OK. If I test my query with this value outside Jasperserver on the same database (with sqldevelopper) , all is working well with the right results. I tried to change the value by deleting the single quotes inside the parameter : "substr(lib_nom_lie,1,decode(instr(lib_nom_lie,(),0,length(lib_nom_lie)+1,instr(lib_nom_lie,())-1)" Of course this is crazy from sql point of view but if I click on "OK", then jasperserver launches my query and I get an "SQL execution error" that is normal according to my modification. So, it seems that something has changed with the new release of Jasperserver in the parsing of the input parameters ( introduction of cascading input controls??). Can anybody help me to fix this point : how to escape the single quotes in a parameter in Jasper. I tried with antislash. I tried also to put "\Q')'\E (found in the net). But nothing worked. Thanks for any suggestion Gaby
  11. Daniel, Have a look at the "JI-menu.xml" file in "$Tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/classes" directory. You should be able to invalidate sub-menus for "ROLE_USER". As for me, I did that for menus "menu.repository" and "menu.administration" and it works fine.
  12. Can anybody help me about this problem of timezone ? I just want to add a new timezone of "GMT +2.00" in the dropdown combo box of the " schedule" window for scheduled jobs. I am not familiar with timezones. From where jasperserver gets its timezone's list : from itself or from the system ?? Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
  13. Thanks for your answer Sherman. You said "You may need to set up a new time zone for French Daylight Savings" . How can I do that? It's inside jasperserver?? In which directory ?
  14. Hello, Last Sunday, in France, time changed and we got one hour more : now we are GMT +2. I have scheduled jobs and now these jobs are one hour too late. I didn't find in the dropdown time zone box any zone corresponding to GMT +2. I may change the start time of my jobs. Is there another solution ?? Thanks for suggestions
  15. Hello, In my case, I wanted to have a report as home page for a user. What I did is to modify the "jasperserver-servlet.xml" file where there is <bean id="homePageByRole" class="java.util.ArrayList"> <constructor-arg> <list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR|redirect:/flow.html?_flowId=searchFlow</value> <value>ROLE_USER|redirect:/flow.html?_flowId=searchFlow</value> </list> </constructor-arg> </bean> and I overwrote the "searchFlow" (which is the repository tree) by another "flow" which sets the reportUnit value with the URI of my report. After that, in this report, I can list only the reports that I want to show to the user by querying the jasper Metadatabase. This works right for me. Code:<bean id="homePageByRole" class="java.util.ArrayList"> <constructor-arg> <list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR|redirect:/flow.html?_flowId=searchFlow</value> <value>ROLE_USER|redirect:/flow.html?_flowId=searchFlow</value> </list> </constructor-arg> </bean>
  16. I did the test with a user which has the "ROLE_USER" role. I had no problem to run reports. Have you checked if "ROLE_USER" has the adequate permissions on others directories used to run a report as : DataSources, Images,Input Data Types,... As far as I remember I got this kind of trouble at my beginnings using JasperServer.
  17. I think that your problem is not a problem of sql syntax. Your parameter must be set before. As it is used in the parameter form, I think that none of the reports parameters are set at this time. so your parameter must come from a previous input control. This kind of controls are named "cascading controls" and have been released for the first time in the 3.7 release. Where do you set your "para" parameter in your report? In a previous input control ??
  18. Hello, For me, it's not a good idea to have your dates passed as input controls, because they will always have the same static value. I have also some reports with the same kind of problematic : what I do is to have a main report just to have a query "calculating" the good dates and to have a sub-report inside which is the report doing the work and to which I pass as parameters the fields got from the main report query. For instance , in your case, supposing that you want a time period starting from to-day to to-day+8, you could have a query like : "Select to_char(Sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') as StartDate, to_char(Sysdate+8,'YYYY-MM-DD') as EndDate from dual" and you pass the fields StartDate and EndDate as parameters to your sub-report. PS: My query works against an Oracle Database
  19. Hello, As for me, I prefer manipulate database tables than complex java expressions with ten or plus levels of choice. So I would create a table with a column "ProductType" and colums "Hyperlinkxxx" as many as various reports that will use this mechanism. In the main query I have just to do an "inner join" with this table on "ProductType" and I get directly the hyperlink to be used. After that, if there are changes, I don't modify anythinf in my reports : I have only to do the modifications in the "hyperlink table".
  20. For info : In my case, I sometimes got a "continous loading" of the tree. It was when I was on the tree page and when a session time-out occured. If I click on a cross (not on a node), then I get a "continuous loading". Hope this will help for debug
  21. I have several reports using conditional style that work well. In these reports, the "opaque" property is not set in the style definition but in the database textfield definition. To be more precise, as I have several fields , they are put inside a frame, and that is the frame which as the conditionnal style and the opaque property. Hope this Helps.
  22. Sometimes ago, I was wondering the same question. I Had a look to the jasperserver meta-database. As far as I remember, each mail address between coma is an entry in a table column. So, for me, there is no limit except the database size constraints. It should be better that a JasperSoft team member confirms what I am saying. Gaby PS: I didn't take care of graphical interface constraints !! Post Edited by Gaby38 at 02/09/2010 20:22
  23. I suggest that, instead of putting directly the field into the textfield, you use an expression like : new String( new SimpleDateFormat("yy/MM/dd").format($F{DateDeb})). You can format as you want. But,sure, it is to be done for each date field of each report. I don't know if that could be done by a global property at report level.
  24. Please have a look to this post : jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php
  25. Hello, What I did is to create a report which queries the metadatabase of jasperserver (mysql) and lists only the reports by their designation (=label) as hyperlinks. Then I associated this report as the home page for the user's Role. After that, I complicated by filtering the reports according to the jasperserver "rights" on the reports and folders containing the reports. So I can have different views of the available reports for the users. I did that one year ago and since it works fine HTH Gaby
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