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Everything posted by nicolasdiogo

  1. thanks i tried this but it does not seem to work i get the following error messages complaining that it can not find the user on LDAP. could you possibly post the rest of this file - scrambling any sensitive data? thanks,
  2. I thought the GPL required modification to be sent back into the project and copyright of the project to be added and displayed in the commercial product. could you please provide a snipped of the GPL that demonstrates commercial support to be required?
  3. same here i will need to setup some JSF pages to call webservices that startup the ETL processes
  4. hello guys i am trying to get myself to understand how Jasper runs the Analysis toolset i have used MSSQL/MSAS but i can not understand which tools uses to create the OLAP schema. the server has pages for setting up connection but how do i create the schemas? is there an IDE for that? thanks, Post Edited by nicolasdiogo at 06/30/2011 15:02
  5. the new 4.0.1 version has been released. does Jasper now work with MSAS? thanks,
  6. hi folks, i would like to find out how i can filter the LDAP authentication to enforce users to be part of a specific group to be able to login into JasperServer? we have setup LDAP authentication against LDAP but any user is able to login - and we are now tryign to limit them. many thanks, Nicolas
  7. thanks but should there not be something that would enable filter users to just a portion of the AD tree or to force users to belong to a given group to be able to login? thus stopping everyone login in? thanks
  8. Hi, i have installed the Jasper Studio on Eclipse Helio. and i can find the views (preview, repository) *BUT* - was it meant to have a 'perspective' as well? that would seem to be the eclipse way of having the studio enabled. i have also tried to create a 'data adapter' but there is no options for me. possibly because i do not have the database connectivity within my eclipse installation. it seems to be missing some requirement when installing it. please let me know if you would like further. iReport is a great tool and i am looking forward to having it on Eclipse. thanks Nicolas
  9. Code:hello folks i would like to inquire about how LDAP authentication.we have setup a community version of JasperServer and connected to our MS Active Directory using instructions provide by Jasper documentation.very straight forward.however, we are not able to limit the users able to login into the system, it seems that anyone with a valid account in AD can login.how can we limit the users able to login? could we create a certain AD group as a requirement for successful login?we are also puzzled as to how Jasper understands AD groups.is there some strategy for managing AS accounts in Jasper - is there some documentation about this subject?could we create local Jasper Roles and map these to AD groups?or could any of these features be part of the supported version of Jasper? with a paid for subscription?thanks a lot in advance.please let me know if you would like further clarification.NicolasCode:[code]hello folks i would like to inquire about how LDAP authentication.we have setup a community version of JasperServer and connected to our MS Active Directory using instructions provide by Jasper documentation.very straight forward.however, we are not able to limit the users able to login into the system, it seems that anyone with a valid account in AD can login.how can we limit the users able to login? could we create a certain AD group as a requirement for successful login?we are also puzzled as to how Jasper understands AD groups.is there some strategy for managing AS accounts in Jasper - is there some documentation about this subject?could we create local Jasper Roles and map these to AD groups?or could any of these features be part of the supported version of Jasper? with a paid for subscription?thanks a lot in advance.please let me know if you would like further clarification.NicolasNOTE: there was no message input box when trying to post this message (this is why it is in the CODE instead - tried with IE8 and FF4 on winXP ) Post Edited by nicolasdiogo at 06/16/2011 10:01
  10. it seems to be a problem in connecting with the database. there has been some discussions about it. try installing it using mysql ROOT and adding all sample into it as well.
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