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Everything posted by dpeykov

  1. Hi, I have the same problem and still don't have a solution for that. Did U find something? Or somebody else to help me.. ? :dry: Best Regards, D.Peykov
  2. Hi, I would like to ask you how can I put 2 or more fields in different series/categories in ONE chart. I mean - if I have the following fields: $F{sent_count}, $F{viewed_count} and $F{linked_count}, and I want to make a chart, which depicts these 3 fields. How can I do that? I am using iReport 2.0.2 Thanks in advance! Best regards, D. Peykov
  3. Hi, I would like to ask you how can I put 2 or more fields in different series/categories in ONE chart. I mean - if I have the following fields: $F{sent_count}, $F{viewed_count} and $F{linked_count}, and I want to make a chart, which depicts these 3 fields. How can I do that? I am using iReport 2.0.2 Thanks in advance! Best regards, D. Peykov
  4. Hi, I have the following problem with dates: I would like to display in which Quarter is a specified date. I mean ... is there any trick to take and display only the part I want (... month,quarter,year)??? I tried with different levels.. set the levelType as I would like ... but it is not working - it shows mi the whole date. I hope some of U will help me ! Thanks a lot! Best Regards, Dpeykov
  5. Hi, I have the same problem ... trying to take the year, the quarter, the month and the week from the date, but I still can't do that. I have an idea to use MySQL query to take what I want from the date, but I don't know how to combine MySQL in MDX query or in the schema or anywhere. I have already posted a few times the forum but there isn't any answer yet. :( Hope, some of You guys, will help me to solve that problem and go ahead. Best Regards, D.Peykov
  6. Hi, Thanks for willing to help me but I solved this problem by myself, setting the defaultMember ih a dimension's Hierarchy. I don't know is that the main reason, but now It is working :) and I am focused on solving the next problem, which I posted under a topic 'JA - How to get Year from the whole Date'. Thanks for your recent answer and hope I will find how to solve the other problem soon (even with your help). Best Regards, D.Peykov
  7. Hi All, I still don't have any solution of the problem, so please help me. Give me any idea .. how can I set a Time period (Month, Quarter, Year), using it in the Analysis View. This one, below, is my last idea, but it is not working properly. :( <Schema name="New Schema1"> <Dimension type="StandardDimension" name="Product"> <Hierarchy name="" hasAll="true" allMemberName="AllProducts" primaryKey="id_c" primaryKeyTable="opportunities_cstm" defaultMember="HACCP" caption=""> <Table name="opportunities_cstm" schema="" alias=""> </Table> <Level name="ProductName" table="opportunities_cstm" column="product_c" nameColumn="product_c" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never" caption=""> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Dimension type="TimeDimension" name="Time"> <Hierarchy name="" hasAll="true" allMemberName="AllTimePeriods" allMemberCaption="" allLevelName="" primaryKey="id" primaryKeyTable="" defaultMember="" memberReaderClass="" caption=""> <Table name="opportunities" schema="" alias=""> </Table> <Level name="Month" table="opportunities" column="date_closed" parentColumn="date_closed" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="TimeMonths" captionColumn=""> <ParentExpression> <SQL dialect="mysql"> select month(date_closed) from opportunities; </SQL> </ParentExpression> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Cube name="calendarTest" cache="true" enabled="true"> <Table name="opportunities" schema="" alias=""> </Table> <DimensionUsage source="Product" usagePrefix="" name="Product" foreignKey="id"> </DimensionUsage> <DimensionUsage source="Time" level="" usagePrefix="" name="Time" caption="" foreignKey="id"> </DimensionUsage> <Measure name="SumAmount" column="amount" datatype="Numeric" formatString="Currency" aggregator="sum" caption="" visible="true"> </Measure> </Cube> </Schema> I hope somebody of U guys will help me solve this problem recently. Best Regards, D.Peykov
  8. Hi, I have the same problem and No solution yet :( Did U find how to solve that. I was trying with setting "levelType" = TimeYears, TimeQuarters... while designing the schema, but It doesn't work properly. Hope somebody tell us, recently, how to make it working. Best Regards, Dinko Peykov
  9. Hi All, I'm using Jasper Analysis and I have a problem getting the YEAR datepart only from the whole date.:S I mean ... in my DB (MySQL) there is a column "date_closed", which contains all the dates, when the opportunities were closed. But in my Analysis View I would like to display Time as a dimension with the following Levels: Year, Quarter, Month. I tried setting the levelType as TimeYears... and so on, but no results. :( I'd like to ask something else .. how to define a Quarter?!? All The Best, Dinko Peykov
  10. Hi All, I am new in JA, but trying to improve myself in that field. I have a problem while trying to display my analysis view in JasperServer. The problem is that it shows me the data for AllMembers only (for the dimensions which are not from the fact table). I mean ... all other cells are empty :( I stuck on solving this problem, so please help me!!! Best Regards, Dinko Peykov
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