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  1. Hi Sherman, Thanks for your response. I guess my query was not properly framed. I have been using query based input control query for long without any issues. What I was interested in was "encode those values and then decode them". I wanted to know how actually can I encode and decode a value fetched from a query. Rahul.
  2. Hi all, I am using JasperReports in a web-application <based on Struts2.0>. The report I generate has a simple pie chart attached to it <which appears in the topic tag of the report>. I export the report to HTML format. When I view the report in a pop-up the chart comes up fine but if I include the HTML report generated in another JSP the chart does not show up. Any help/suggestion? Regards, Kumar Rahul
  3. I too would need the code for the same. Have sent you an email regarding this. Thanks in advance, Rahul.
  4. Can your SQL query for the control encode those values and then decode them in the parameter in the JRXML? How exactly do i do that? I have been trying to accomplish this for long but to no avail. Thanks, Rahul.
  5. This is not a message in the server logs. It is a prompt i.e. a message back to iReport. Sorry, there is no stack trace.I am attaching a screen-shot of the message, if that helps in figuring out the problem in any way. Thanks, Rahul. size=217]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/plugIn.JPG Post edited by: Kumar_rahul, at: 2008/03/26 21:20
  6. Hi All, I have topics which typically return large result sets, in the range of 3,00,000 records. Each time I try to create a report I get an error screen with message "An error occurred. Check the server's logs for details.". PFA the server log. 1) What can be done to overcome this problem given that I can in no way optimize the query, as it is a simple select statement? 2) The second statement in the log is "limit of cat column unique values is 32767". What exactly does it mean? Does it any way refer to the number of maximum records that the Ad Hoc report can support (In which case it is approximately 10th of what actually my topic fetches)? Thanks and Regards, Kumar Rahul. [file name=log-f37707589494bdda9fefb76ded3c1655.txt size=9449]
  7. Hi, I've installed the JasperServer plugin for iReport. I am trying to access a JasperServer installed on a remote system. I changed the URL on the JasperServer Access Configuration prompt to: http://gtmdevreports1.sftech.corp.biz:8080/jasperserver-pro/services/repository I've set the username and password to the username and password I use to login into the instance of JasperServer. However, when I try to access the server I get an error prompt stating: "Repository Helper not instanced...". Any idea as to what am I missing out on... Thanks in Advance... Kumar Rahul...
  8. Hi, I've installed the JasperServer plugin for iReport. I am trying to access a JasperServer installed on a remote system. I changed the URL on the JasperServer Access Configuration prompt to: http://gtmdevreports1.sftech.corp.biz:8080/jasperserver-pro/services/repository I've set the username and password to the username and password I use to login into the instance of JasperServer. However, when I try to access the server I get an error prompt stating: "Repository Helper not instanced...". Any idea as to what am I missing out on... Thanks in Advance... Kumar Rahul... Post edited by: Kumar_rahul, at: 2008/03/12 09:10
  9. Hi All, I need to put two date prompts in my report and these should implement the between functionality on dates, that is to say, the two date fields will be something like "Begin Date" and "End Date". I want the prompts to behave in such a way that the "Begin Date" should not accept a greater value than "End Date". Is there a way in JasperServer to accomplish this? OR Does JasperServer support inter-related prompts? Thanks in Advance, Kumar Rahul.
  10. Hi All, I have a multi-select prompt which is populated by data fetched from database. It is implemented using $X{IN,field,parameter} There is a string which begins with a "tab-space". When a user selects this particular value we get an error: "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Multi parameters cannot contain null values." Any ideas/ suggestions? Thanks and Regards, Kumar Rahul.
  11. Thanks. Had not gone through the documentation completely. My mistake. Regards, Rahul.
  12. Hi all, We have configured all our reports i.e. uploaded JRXMLs, implemented prompts and all, on a particular instance of JasperServer. We are now ready to move from Development to QA (and then to production). Does that mean we need to repeat the whole configuration all over again? Is there some feature like project export that Jasper Server supports to export the whole project or a single report from one instance of Jasper Server to the other? Any help/ suggestion? Regards, Kumar Rahul.
  13. Hi Shalom, Is the input-control you added is a user-entered value, something like a text-box? If so you should use something like: Code:select count(*) as summ from payxx where color=$P!{InputTest} Do mind the "!" after $P, it is important to use your parameter in a SQL statement. If your input-control is a multi-select value, something like a combo-box, your SQL statement will look like: Code:[code]select count(*) as summ from payxx where $X{IN,color,InputTest} HTH, Kumar Rahul Post edited by: Kumar_rahul, at: 2008/02/21 05:44
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