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  1. I would use scriptlets: https://community.jaspersoft.com/blog/all-you-want-know-about-scriptlets
  2. Have you tried to pass the information as a parameter to the subreport? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13843167/passing-parameters-from-main-report-to-subreport-in-jasper
  3. I has installed the And plug-in in iReport,, I can add/edit the ant tasks xml, but I don't know how to run the tasks from iReport. Can someone explain how to execute the targets please? Post Edited by asejas at 12/28/2011 21:18
  4. And the xsd in this location: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd Don´t contains the patternExpression element.
  5. I am using this header: <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd"
  6. This may be a problem with the xsd, in IntelliJ Idea, the xsd used don´t contains the <patternExpression>, I had added it manually and it works. This should be an obsolete xsd problem Post Edited by asejas at 12/22/2011 13:54
  7. You need to add the not supported font as a jasperreports font extension. See the fonts sample and try to generate your own jasperreports-fonts extension jar with the needed font as ttf embedded.
  8. Or you can use two textFields (one with "YES" text and another with "NO") with "showWhenExpression" selection.
  9. I think you should use scripting in the parameter default value expression. e.g.: new java.util.Date("01-01-1970"); Post Edited by asejas at 12/22/2011 13:21
  10. I think, this should be a problem with the extension fonts jar. Perhaps the locales section in the fontFamily Sample: <locales> <locale>en_US</locale> <locale>de_DE</locale> </locales> See this: http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/jw-presentations/JW11_JasperReports_Tips_And_Tricks_TeodorDanciu%2002.pdf
  11. I think, you should pass the properties file path as a report parameter (add a parameter to the template), and load the path in the scriptlet with: this.this.getParameterValue("propertiesFilePath");
  12. I was reviewing the changes log, and I see the JasperReports 4.1.1 Change Log: - pattern expression added to text fields elements to allow for more flexible dates and numbers formatting; But I notice that no one tag or property "patternExpression" was added to the template xsd, the "patternExpression" field was only added in the JasperReports API. So, ¿can I use the patternExpression through the API only? Regards. Alvaro
  13. Can you post a piece of your report template in order to explain your problem? I think you can be missing the pattern for the date. Code:<textField isBlankWhenNull="true" isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"> <reportElement x="400" y="0" width="150" height="12" style="detailStyle" stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" mode="Opaque"/> <box padding="1"> <pen lineColor="#000000" lineStyle="Solid"/> </box> <textElement textAlignment="Left"/> <textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date"> <![CDATA[$F{purchaseDate}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>
  14. Hi, I have a textBox in order to show the page number (e.g. 1 / 10 pages). In this textBox I show the PAGE_NUMBER variable, with a "Report" time evaluation. But when I add a box for the field padding, then the number is not rendered at all, but if I remove the box tag or I remove the evaluationTime, then the number is rendered in the report. I am using JasperReports3.7.0 in a JEE web application. Code: Post Edited by asejas at 05/19/2010 13:33
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