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  1. Hi, I need to generate a report that always has an even number of pages regardless of the data contained therein. I have played around with the page break and adding a extra detail section but without luck... Someone have a tip, recipe or clue about how (if possible) do this? ... Why I need a even number of pages?, because our provider ALWAYS need to send our document to a double side printing output, and because we are joining two or more PDFs to get a big one where every document has to be a even number of pages to prevent a failed merge and posterior printing...hope some human can understand this :-))) Sorry about my horrible english. Grettings from Argentina!
  2. Hi, In JR 3.7.x there are a element called "callouts". You can reach these in IR under the Pallet Window. These "callouts" works like sticky notes in the IR interface and in the generate XML it can be readed like this: <property name="ireport.callouts" value="##Fri Nov 12 23:12:35 GMT-03:00 2010\ncallouts.1.text=Hello World!, I'm a callout...\ncallouts.1.bounds=294,80,181,73"/> Grettings from Argentina! PS: I have attached a screenshot.
  3. Hi, In a report with a group I need to show the GLOBAL page numbers (i.e: 1 to 10) and a per group page numbers, i.e if my group have five items I must show in the group header page 1/2 per each group (if each item take two pages obviously). I have solved this, but I consider that in a poor way. I have open this thread to ask a more experienced JR programmer/designer if there are a more optimal way to get this done. My way: <variable name="GROUP_PAGE_COUNTER" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="group_id" incrementType="Page" calculation="Sum"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals(new Integer(1))?new Integer(2):new Integer(1))]]></variableExpression> <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(1)]]></initialValueExpression> </variable> A better method? anyone?... thanks a lot. PS: I have attached a working example to ilustrate this. Grettings from Argentina! Post Edited by pablodc at 12/11/2010 22:32
  4. What if you launch in your program the report generation from a java Thread? ... or you can read the iReport 3 code and take a look so you can emulate the behaviour in this program. Grettings from Argentina!
  5. Ok. I have learned something new today. Thanks by your time. Grettings from Argentina!
  6. I have tried this with JR 3.71 - iReport 3.7.1 and the bug/feature exists. Look at attached files. I'dont know if this is related to iText of if is just a JR "behaviour" Grettings from Argentina!
  7. Hi Lucian, I have attached a report with a list element. The same report used to test what you have suggested to Faisal. Feel free to edit it to show your point. Thanks. Grettings from Argentina!
  8. Have you tried to create dummy groups and put subreports inside this groups?, I don't know if it is possible for your report but surely will helps to, in a way, check if the error is reproducible. Good luck! Grettings from Argentina! p.s: btw, you can try set the subreports elements as "opaque" in its properties and look if this helps in something. Post Edited by pablodc at 12/05/2010 22:42
  9. Hi Ned, In iReport 3.0.x while the report is filled there are a chance to stop the java Thread and then stop the process: in the lower right corner exists a window with the action performed by the iReport, when it is exporting the report i.e you can read "Generating report", doing a right click in this message the contextual menu have a option "Cancel/stop this thead". Hope this help, I don't know if this "feature" exists in the Netbeans iReport releases. Good luck! Grettings from Argentina! Post Edited by pablodc at 12/05/2010 22:43
  10. Hi, You can define a style and then using conditional styles can define X styles to change colors. How many colors do you need to use in your report?. If you need just two colors instead styles you can use a "zebra" aproach (alternate colors in two overlapped fields with a Print When Expression), each field with a color. Good luck! Grettings from Argentina!
  11. I have tried with a empty list (btw in JR 3, where I stuck, this control does not exists) and applied to it a style with borders but when I put this for the Datasource: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JREmptyDataSource(5) I get a single rectangle that expands and not five rectangles... what I doing wrong?, I using iReport 3.7.1. Thanks Grettings from Argentina!
  12. sorry, I have confused this topic with a one from the iRepor forum. hope you get a anwser. good luck Post Edited by pablodc at 07/05/2010 08:54
  13. I think there are no way to create dinamically objects in a jrxml way. If you create a program that write the .jrxml you can do this, but from design almost sure that not. I don't know if with a scriptlet and some magic you can do what you want... good luck Grettings from Argentina!
  14. Hi, If you download de JasperReports project, in the "demo/samples" folder there are a "no report" example, maybe this is what you are looking for. Good luck! Grettings from Argentina! Post Edited by pablodc at 04/05/2010 09:12
  15. Hi, The fields XPath expressions are wrong. You have: <field name="nome" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[/funcionarios/funcionario/nome]]></fieldDescription> </field> <field name="matricula" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[/funcionarios/funcionario/matricula]]></fieldDescription> </field> <field name="cargo" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[/funcionarios/funcionario/cargo]]></fieldDescription> </field> Try with: <field name="nome" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[nome]]></fieldDescription> </field> <field name="matricula" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[matricula]]></fieldDescription> </field> <field name="cargo" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[cargo]]></fieldDescription> </field> You can change the fields XPath from its properties in the IDE. Good luck! grettings from Argentina!
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