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Posts posted by kchaudhry

  1. I would just create a subdataset and use that for the pie chart. Your subdataset will return only two columns for example

    1. Age

    2 Count_

    Simply place the chart in the summary band and set the key exression to $F{Age} and value expression to ${Count_}

    Hope this helps!

  2. Try something like this in your textfield expression.

    "Final result is: <style isBold=\"true\" pdfFontName=\"Times-Bold\">"+$F{X}+"</style>"

    Simply replace the X with your actual field name. Also check the "Is styled text" property on the "Font" tab.

    Hope this helps!

  3. The reason why you see those spaces is due to the fact that you have literally increased the size of the fields. I would suggest decreasing the size of the field and using the Stretch with overflow and Float properties. I have modified your jrxml. Give this a try.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Yes, I have seen it before. It started happening when I was messing with ireports settings. But this was only happening when I had my output format set to html. If I changed it to pdf the chart rendedred without any issues. The soultion was to uninstall ireports and do a clean install.

    Hopefully, someone else has a better solution.

  5. Did you right click on the subreport object and create the parameters there?

    Right click on the subreport > Properties > Subreport (Other) > Subreport parameters > Add

    I normally set the default value of this parameter to be my main report's parameter.

    Hope this helps!

  6. The problem is that your query is returning a null for $F{OTA} and therefore you are getting this error message. You can modify your query to exclude nulls for this field and that will resolve the issue. The reason why you don't get any error message at compliation time is due to the fact that the issue is with the data and not the report.

    Hope this helps!

  7. I haven't tried this but its worth a try. On the group add/modify screen, you'll notice that there is a property called "Min height to start page". You can put the height of you group header and details section added together to see if that will make a difference.

    Hope this helps

  8. 1. Create a parameter;
    <parameter name="LastPageFlag" isForPrompting="false" class="java.lang.Boolean">

    <defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA[boolean.FALSE]]></defaultValueExpression>


    2. Create a blank Text Field in the Summary band with expression;
    ($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.put("LastPageFlag",Boolean.TRUE)) and set Eval.Time to 'Report' and class to 'Boolean'.

    Note: This MUST be in the Summary band, even if that band is not used (band height set to zero), it can be given a negative y offset but be aware that moving it subsequently via the iReport interface will change the band that it is associated with and this must then be reset to 'Summary'.

    3. Add the continued message Text Field with Eval.Time set to 'Page' and class to 'String' and expression;
    ($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("LastPageFlag").equals(Boolean.TRUE))? null:"** Continued **"

    4. If necessary (i.e. if the message differs or prints in different places on the fist and subsequent pages), make this instance print only on the first page and add another instance to print on all pages except the first.

    Hope this helps!

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