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  1. So you should using subreport to accomplish this effective
  2. hi, As your text field's height is big enough you can use this style to accomplish this effective "good"+"(backslash)n"+"morning" the attachment is a sample. hope to help you! cheng.ken [file name=new_line_character.jrxml size=3263]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/new_line_character.jrxml[/file] Post edited by: Cheng.Ken, at: 2007/07/16 10:13 Post edited by: Cheng.Ken, at: 2007/07/16 10:14
  3. Dear all, http://www.talend.com/tos/tutorials/menu.php is the tutorials from talend.com hope to help you all! Make progress together! cheng.ken
  4. Deploy jasperserver in a cluster environment error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attribute [com.tonbeller.wcf.controller.RequestContextFactory] is not serializable it's seems that that some property not implement serializable cluster environment: 2 tomcat v5.5.20 jdk5 two cluster machine share the same database others: run anyone tomcat of the cluster there is no error.
  5. Dear all, Did you all have the experience of the cluster jasperserver v1.2.1? When we cluster it we get the following error Deploy jasperserver in a cluster environment error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attribute [com.tonbeller.wcf.controller.RequestContextFactory] is not serializable it's seems that that some property not implement serializable cluster environment: 2 tomcat v5.5.20 jdk5 two cluster machine share the same database others: run anyone tomcat of the cluster separately there is no error. the attachment is the detail error message Thank you anyway! Post edited by: Cheng.Ken, at: 2007/07/16 07:18 [file name=error.html size=4155]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/error.html[/file] Post edited by: Cheng.Ken, at: 2007/07/16 07:51
  6. error incrementing crosstab dataset This is a common error when generate a corsstab report. you should not place the corsstab in the detail secion, you should place it in the summary section hope to help you!
  7. hi, The .jrxml and other resource file reside in the database. when you installed jasperserver and there is a database named jasperserver in the assigned the database server. you will find that all the jasperserver configure file reside in the this database. hope help you
  8. hi, I upload a sample file. if you want to use a conditon-style for some text filed. please make sure to clear the "fore-color" or "back color" otherwise you may not get the result. hope to help you! [file name=condition_style_sample.jrxml size=8177]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/condition_style_sample.jrxml[/file]
  9. hi, please refer http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=&func=view&catid=8&id=20716#20716 it may be help you!
  10. so sorry to response so lately. I have upload a sample you can refer it. in order to make this report work you should use the foodmart(the sample data of the jasper analysis) as the backend data [file name=AllFeatures.jrxml size=8589]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/AllFeatures.jrxml[/file]
  11. Why not create a group using the "status field". As the need of your is the born to group. Wish help you!
  12. This is corsstab report. It's supported by jasperreport now.there is a sample in the ireport manual.
  13. Thank you! It's a good method. 1:create a dummy group 2:put your corsstab in the footer of the dummy 3:put your title at the header of the report 4:put your title at the footer of the report
  14. Dear all, When I modify the report through jasperserver plugin in ireport then use the "refresh content" function to synchronize the report with jasperserver. but the report in the jasperserver is unchanged! Thank you anyway! Cheng.ken
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