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Everything posted by damiankober

  1. here it is explained how to set it to use jdk1.7 http://community.jaspersoft.com/%3Ca%20href%3D%22/comment/809527%23comment-809527%22%20class%3D%22permalink%22%20rel%3D%22bookmark%22%3EPermalink%3C/a%3E
  2. I reported teh page break thingy on http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=4796 it turned to be a duplicate of http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=4760 still open
  3. yes, we've seen it with page breaks as well (we added a explicit check to avoid user uploading such templates)
  4. Also, I see the page and time governor settings are default to ON but the page and time out is default to 0 so they are ignored I think it would be better to default them to some safe numbers and have the admins make them greater if found the need
  5. is there any way of setting jasperreports properties programatically instead of the config file? (so we enforce the setting thus not missing it by oversight when upgrading the jar file)
  6. Great, I'll do that. Thanks
  7. I understand Couldn't jasper include some known trouble makers (such as this one) detector on the template validator Bringing the server down is really *really* unacceptable Maybe also virtualizers could detect this case and avoid writing file to disk forever Just saying. I think I will add this check to our app so they don't fire me if someone brings the server down and I say "I knew this could happen but it is not possible to guarantee jasper won't kill the server" :-D Thanks. I will stop bothering you now :-)
  8. I'm sure, I have tested this thoroughly Just run the attached sample templates and you will see It works without virtualization but hangs using the virtualizer I think this is not a "program" users are writing when they come up with a template xml. It is a configuration file. I think applications should validate configurations so they don't hang the server (not preaching you although it sounds like it :-)) I bet custom report support is a widely jasperreports use. If jasper doesn't have this check we will have to add it ourselves to detect the offending case, since we do have users uploading their own templates to the server and we cannot afford having a user hanging the server up
  9. Thanks Teodor We, of course, fixed the report that time and got it to work OK once the problem was identified I think, however, no template should be able to bring a thread down or it will be very unsave to let app users upload their own templates (which we are using jasperreports for, basically -custom reporting support-) Please note that the report will generate fine if virtualization is not turn on, that's why I think the virtualizer is the one with the problem
  10. I posted our particular case as a bug with a sample to reproduce http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=5189
  11. we are seeing the same problem when pagination is on for the report and we have a report including two subreports, running the report eats all the memory it works fine if we turn pagination off. The report is not that big. It ends up having only one page
  12. Teodor, hi We are seeing this with jasper 3.7.3 using this code: JRXlsxExporter exporter = new JRXlsxExporter();exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, ((RPPrintJR) print).getJasperPrint());exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, output);exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE);exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_FONT_SIZE_FIX_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);exporter.exportReport(); When I give the OK to try to open the file it opens with this message: Excel was able to open the file repairing or removing unreadable content: Removed feature: Hyperlinks from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part Post Edited by damiankober at 04/05/2011 10:26
  13. Sorry about my question. I don't use excel much. It was not possible the last time I checked so I'm assuming by your response it isn't yet :-)
  14. which formats support links on the html textfields? Does excel?
  15. (although including an image to support html layout that is not supported in a given format is not a bad idea)
  16. What if we include support only for those html things that can be exported to any of the supported formats (for instance, tables cannot be included on excel so we can leave that out) I can think about multiple links on the same field as a good use of this Right now I cannot think of any other example, sorry
  17. Thank you Teodor Could we put a request for some "color expression" on the textfield so we can use a different color according to some expression on each row? Would it be considered? I bet there is a lot of people that want to color cells
  18. for those with this need, what we did instead is to use conditional styles whenever there was a known set of colors and styled text when colors come from an unknown source
  19. We have tried Teodor's scriptlet approach on 3.7.2 and it doesn't work we have put a backcolor setting on afterDetailEval and it works only for the first color you set public void beforeDetailEval() throws JRScriptletException { JasperReport report = (JasperReport)getParameterValue(JRParameter.JASPER_REPORT); for(JRElement element :report.getTitle().getElements()) { _lastDetailColor = Color.green == _lastDetailColor ? Color.blue : Color.green; element.setBackcolor(_lastDetailColor ); } } Post Edited by damiankober at 09/28/2010 16:43
  20. there is a scriplet approach Teodor posted here http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=73973
  21. there is a scriplet approach Teodor posted here http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=73973
  22. As it has been said here, the styled text background color applies only to the text and not the texfield Is there way of coloring the whole textfield without the need of creating a conditional style for each one of the possible colors? like the styled text does but for the whole textfield
  23. We have the same need to paginate differently for different formats. I think pagination should be determined on export time, not on fill time It is common that excel and csv would work better without pagination while pdf and rtf wouldn't
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