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  1. May be not the best solution, but if your header and footer band's have fixed heights, why not to put the box and lines in the background band? HTH
  2. Hi, Check if your field (gpreis) is declared as Class String. By the error that it's giving to you I'm suspect that is declared as a number (Integer or Double). Anyway I believe that it's better if declared as a number, since you want to sum it. To do the sum declare other variable with "Calculation Type" set to "Sum" and "Variable Expresion" to $F{gpreis}. You must put the reset type according to your needs, "page" in your case if I didn't misunderstood you. HTH
  3. Open the properties window of your description2 text field in the "Common" tab and check the "Remove line when blank" option. I suppose that you could need to check the "Blank when null" option in the "Text Field" tab also. HTH
  4. Hi, I'm not sure if this is exactly what's happening to you, but when I've an error like that is almost always because I've a text field with a variable (or field or parameter) of a type (java.util.Date in your case) and the text field expression class is set to java.lang.String. try change it to java.util.Date. HTH
  5. I've never used 2 subreports in the same band. What I made without problem is a subreport in the detail which in turn have another subreport in his detail. It was for a dispatch report, each dispatch have n pallets and each pallet n boxes. Anyway, AFAIK it should be possible to have two subreports and that they not overlap. Maybe it's a layout and/or properties issue. Regards. Post edited by: EuzkoArima, at: 2007/01/25 16:12
  6. Using the expresssion /Data/Nameinstead of just /Data And you must change the field description to . Regards Post edited by: EuzkoArima, at: 2007/01/25 12:36
  7. Not necessary. The subreport can make their own query and it will be called for each result of the enclosing report only if you put the subreport in the detail band. You could put yours in another band, for example in summary band. HTH
  8. Not really, I'm new to linux but I believe that it's a permision / group problem. Thats why I suggest to post in http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ Regards
  9. Hi, I'm not an expert user, but AFAIK the "Remove Line When Blank" is for what you describe. I'm used that in couple of reports and worked ok. I've no idea of which other thing could be interfering. :S
  10. It's looks more like a linux printing problem. Did you post that in ubuntu forums? HTH
  11. Hi, It sounds like you didn't include the iReport jar in your CLASSPATH. HTH
  12. Code:JasperReport myJasperReport = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject(reportFileName); Where reportFileName is a string containing the path to the jasper file. HTH
  13. With XMLDatasources you must define "what is a record" using the XPath (the query string). In your case you could put: /Merchant/Corporations/Corporation if you define each Corporation node as your record. But you can also put /Merchant/Owners/owner and these way have a "record" for each owner. HTH
  14. Calling JRXmlDataSource.setNumberPattern() resolve my problem. Thanks a lot Lucian.
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