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  1. By: query - query_dvl Report in Excel format 2005-12-19 04:10 Hi, Iam using ireports 0.3.0. I want the report in Excel format. The report is exported to excel format.but the grid lines are not being shown. The following is the code written in the Servlet to export the report to excel file JRXlsExporter jRXlsExporter = new JRXlsExporter(); ByteArrayOutputStream xlsReport = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); jRXlsExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, report); jRXlsExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM,xlsReport); jRXlsExporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_REMOVE_EMPTY_SPACE_BETWEEN_ROWS, Boolean.TRUE); jRXlsExporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND,Boolean.TRUE); jRXlsExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME,ReportsConstants.bankDetailsHtml); //jRXlsExporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.TRUE); jRXlsExporter.exportReport(); bytes = xlsReport.toByteArray(); // response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel"); // response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","filename="); response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(bytes.length); xlsReport.close(); OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream(); ouputStream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); ouputStream.flush(); ouputStream.close(); Is there any parameter to be set to view the grid lines.The view of the report is expected to be same as the normal excel sheet( my project requirement). Hope someone can help me out query.
  2. By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche Stretch in Group / Excel page break 2005-12-12 01:07 Hi @ all I want to export my report into an Excel file. The iReport File is organized in groups, and each of the fields should be stretched if the content overflows, but the content is always cut off. When I start an new File whit one or more fields, activating "relative to band high" and "stretch whit overflow" it does work. Why in the world it won't function in my Report? I hope you can help me! The second problem: How I said, the export format is Microsoft Excel. But the page breaks don't function. The group header should be displayed on every page, and the Format should be A4, Landscape. How can I talk to Excel with iReport?;) I had the idea with an Office Macro, but the solution is not very beautiful... Thanks a lot & best regards Remo Fritzsche By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche RE: Stretch in Group / Excel page break 2005-12-19 01:06 arm...it's really not possible to give the page breaks to the excel sheets? Thank's a lot Remo
  3. By: mavisha - mavisha123 plugins - license ? 2005-12-18 09:59 Greetings, a question on license covering on new plugins - enduser will be downloading and using the ireport from ireport site and will be taking commercial support option from jaspersoft. - new plugins will be given to the enduser without charges - say new plugin will be creating preset variables in ireport using ireport public apis which help the enduser. Under above circumstances, is new plugin code needs to be kept as open source ? ireport is NOT getting embeded into the application, so I think no issue with GPL, plugin code is put into ireport and it uses ireport plugin architecture and ireport public apis. So I think plugin code need not be made open source Any input on this is really appreciated.
  4. By: Wal Millard - walmillard iReport on Solaris 2005-12-17 17:04 Hi Guys, I have been using iReport on Windowz for many months now without any problems. I have just installed 0.5.2 on Solaris and i found that the install ireport.sh scripts would not run! yes it seams that solaris will only run the setup.sh within the bash shell. the first line of the iReport.sh scrip is #!/bin/bash which is fine. however the 1st line of the setup.sh in /bin/ is #! /bin/sh running this script gives a bad substitution error. to fix this simply change the line to #!/bin/bash luck walmillard
  5. By: ryust - ryust Templates in a jar 2005-11-30 19:43 I keep trying this with each new release, but still cannot get the report wizard to find templates that are in a jar. The latest 0.5.2 release doesn't seem to support it even though the 1.1 manual states if a template jar is in the classpath, the templates it contains will be made available to the wizard. If anyone has a sample template jar, I would greatly appreciate a copy of it to see it's structure. The manual is confusing because it in a couple of places the name of the descriptor XML in the jar for the templates should be named 'template.xml' and in another reference it states it should be 'templates.xml'. Which one is correct? This shouldn't be so difficult, but accessing templates from the classpath has never seemed to work. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Templates in a jar 2005-12-06 09:47 The right name is template.xml. Here is an example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <iReportTemplateSet> <iReportTemplate name="Classic Template Resource" type="Columnar"> <XmlFile>/it/businesslogic/ireport/templates/classic.xml</XmlFile> <IconFile>/it/businesslogic/ireport/templates/classic.gif</IconFile> </iReportTemplate> </iReportTemplateSet> By: ryust - ryust RE: Templates in a jar 2005-12-08 05:37 Thanks. That is exactly the format I have, but iReport will still NOT find them if they are in a jar in the classpath. Are you sure it works? By: ryust - ryust RE: Templates in a jar 2005-12-16 12:21 I'll try again... I still cannot get iReport to find templates in a jar in the classpath. Has anyone been able to do this with the 0.5.2 release?
  6. By: cbaeza - cbaeza Master Report: 2 SubReport, 2 DataSource 2005-12-15 12:23 Hi, I try do make a Master Report with 2 SubReport and each SubReport is composed by 2 different XML DataSource: iReport can use many SubReport (and subsubreport), but the same one Connection DataSource (XML for my Example). With a unique XML DataSource iReport it works very well, but: - How I can pass to each SubReport different XML DataSource ??? Master_Report ---- SubReport_1 (XML DataSource_1) | ---- SubReport_2 (XML DataSource_2) Thanks in Advanced, Carlos carlos.baeza@pad.cl By: Chris Germano - netslayer RE: Master Report: 2 SubReport, 2 DataSource 2005-12-15 15:29 i've never done this before. i'd check the Connection / Database Expression stuff under the Subreport properties. By: C-Box - c-box RE: Master Report: 2 SubReport, 2 DataSource 2005-12-16 02:11 Just pass your two datasources from outside to the masterreport and use them as Parameter within each subreports datasource-expression: $P{SubDatasource1} $P{SubDatasource2} quite easy... I have up to 9 different datasources linked to several subreports... works great. hth C-Box By: cbaeza - cbaeza RE: Master Report: 2 SubReport, 2 DataSource 2005-12-16 05:40 Thank C-Box, You can explain with more details the definition of the parameter. $P{SubDatasource1} - Parameter class Type - default Value Expression - Parameter Description Also, my XML DataSource is as: XML DataSource: =============== Name: MyXML_Data_Source XML File: ./file.xml Select Expression: /document Thank an advanced :) Carlos By: C-Box - c-box RE: Master Report: 2 SubReport, 2 DataSource 2005-12-16 10:18 Well, I don't have any experiences with XML-DataSources (as I remember right, this kind of datasource is very slow when there are much data inside) ... but as the principle is the same... my parameters are of class "JRDataSource" (ok I implemented my own one... but this extends the JRDataSource) DefaultValue and Description is not needed. So just create your datasources either BEFORE and pass it as Parameter as I described or perhaps you can also use an expression like "new JRXmlDataSource("XmlFile","YourNodeForSubReport1")" ... note: I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE XML-DATASOURCE - just abstract it as you would do it for a single report) hth C-Box
  7. By: soujiro_as - soujiro_as Design pattern to a report generator 2005-12-16 07:46 Hi, I am implementing a report generator tool, I have to generate a report from two existing structures, one from a list generator and the second contains user data about the view of the report. My question is if you can suggest me a design pattern to apply. The hard work will be create the JasperDesign from the two other structures. Thanks in advance.
  8. By: hillary - wikkitt Dynamic SQL select stmt 2005-11-22 09:31 Hi All! How do you dynamically create a select stmt based on what/if info is passed in paramameters? Example: If $P{id}>0 then select * from table where id = $P{id} Else select * from table I've tried using variables based on the parameter info but it doesn't work. Here's what I tried: If $P{id}<0 then $V{where} = new String(" where id = " + $P{id}) Else $V{where} = new String("") select * from table $V{where} Any suggestions would help...I'm stuck at this point. Thanks Hillary By: hillary - wikkitt RE: Dynamic SQL select stmt 2005-11-22 09:54 Would it be better to just create the sql stmt in my program and pass that as a parameter? So, for my Report SQL query I would use $P!{query} with the ! instead of $P{query} right? By: harvestmoon1200 - harvestmoon1200 RE: Dynamic SQL select stmt 2005-12-15 23:10 select * from table where If ($P{id}>0 , id = $P{id}, 0=0) 1st part, if statement, true/false 2nd part, action if true 3rd part, action if false. 0=0 is true so means u do nothing for the "where "
  9. By: tolga gucuk - e111982 substring 2005-12-13 06:57 i have a string like a1 | b2 | a23edw | .... i want to get a1,b2,a223edw strings and pass them into variables. how can i do that? thanks. By: Chris Germano - netslayer RE: substring 2005-12-15 15:52 at the bottom of the variable expression. you can stick java in there but only one line. depends on your source also of this string.. let's say you have $F{var} = 'a1|b2|a23edw' ie ($F{var}).substring(0, ($F{var}).indexOf("|")) + ($F{var}).substring($F{var}.indexOf("|") + 1, ($F{var}).indexOf("|") .. this gets messy quick a much better approach is String.split("|") however it returns an array and that's pretty tricky to unwind in one line of code :-P
  10. By: Chris Dagnon - chrisdagnon Charts disappear/never save in 0.5.1 2005-12-14 15:37 Hello all, I'm using a fresh install of iReport 0.5.1 and have had Java 1.4.2_02 on my machine for a while. I've previously worked with charts in iReport 0.4.0 and they worked fine. I've already done a couple weeks of regular report work in 0.5.1 and everything has worked out fine. Until I got to charts: If I open a report which already has a chart in it and compile and run, the chart never shows up. If I make a new report and add a chart to it, save, compile, and run, the chart does not show up. When I close that report and open it again, the chart widget is no longer on the report! No matter how many times I add a chart to a report, it is no longer there when I reopen it. Is there any way to get charts working in 0.5.1? What could possibly be the cause of this? I know of at least one other workmate who is using 0.5.1 and charts work fine for him. Why is my machine/setup different? Thanks, -Chris By: Chris Dagnon - chrisdagnon RE: Charts disappear/never save in 0.5.1 2005-12-15 07:51 That is under Windows XP SP2 on a Sony Vaio. I've also had the GUI more than once draw a frame (esp. the bottom one w. console, etc.) incorrect - it looked like the graphic being drawn wasn't the same width as the space it was being drawn in, leading to a slanted, inscrutible pane. Oh, and the menus at the top tend to disappear and reappear when you click on them. Last night I uncompressed the same .zip file (and copied tools.jar into lib) on my much older home tower (Windows XP... maybe SP2), and the FreeChart stuff worked perfectly there. Still not on the laptop, though. Ideas? By: Chris Germano - netslayer RE: Charts disappear/never save in 0.5.1 2005-12-15 15:32 in the last few versions from what i know, gulio converted from using his own graph scriplet ( a separate java file along with the report) that ties into jfreechart to the jasper reports graph support system. Along the lines you may have found a bug that removes the old code after failing to update it .
  11. By: Chris Germano - netslayer Wiki Needed 2005-12-15 13:49 This project needs a wiki plain and simple. I see too many questions that are answered week after week and that I had to figure out a year ago myself because there was no wiki. Things like returning parameters from subreports (search by my posts) for example. Although I highly recommend you just create a new subreport, stick in the summary section and customize the sql query to do the work for you. Returning parameters from subreports gets messy and doesn't always produce good results.
  12. By: masti - masti24 even and odd pages 2005-12-15 06:28 Hi, I made a report, now I would like to every other side of page looks the same. (even pages are the same) Is there any way to do it ??
  13. By: kootjekip - kootjekip iReport 0.5.2 cannot find user fonts 2005-12-14 02:22 Hello again, iReport 0.5.2 cannot find my own fonts, which are located in iReport 0.5.2Fonts, why are there no PDF fonts in the select list? By: flyfoxlau - flyfoxlau RE: iReport 0.5.2 cannot find user fonts 2005-12-14 19:46 add path to %CLASSPATH% in iReport-0.5.2bincpappend.bat restart ireport
  14. By: woodchuck - woodchuck5 can a report have more than one detail band? 2005-12-12 11:23 hihi all, can we create extra detail bands in a report? (and then each of these detail bands will have their own different datasources) thanks in advance! woodchuck By: cbaeza - cbaeza RE: can a report have more than one detail ba 2005-12-14 10:08 I have tried but don´t it can. You must create a new "group" and in each FooterGroup to make a link an new Subreport (other DataSource). GROPU_1 (Footer) --->new DataSource GROUP_2 (Footer) --->new DataSource greetings, Carlos
  15. By: sergio - sergiomaky Problems with compiling iReport under UNIX 2005-12-14 03:44 I need HELP!!! Witch libraries I need to compile iReport under True64 UNIX 5.1.e Thank you
  16. By: antobuccia - antobuccia footer problem 2005-12-14 00:00 I want to print a report that have this schema: group header detail footer (ever a the end of page hence group footer is not usefull because it is floating) If detail goes to next page I don't want to see footer. The footer will be show on each header group. --------------- I try with lastpagefooter Thinking to use it at the end of page and my group reset number page on each break, but lastpagefooter is like summary! --------------------- Anyone have some ideas? thanks
  17. By: antobuccia - antobuccia summarize rows 2005-12-13 01:57 For each rows, I want to sum 2 columns, but the result on same rows is not synchro with row itself! col1 col2 tot 1 0 null (I want 1) 1 1 1 (I want 2) have you encounter same problem? How work arunded it? thanks By: antobuccia - antobuccia RE: summarize rows 2005-12-13 23:55 I find solution thanks to all
  18. By: Shammi Hettiarachchi - shammif2 HELP PLEASE.......subreports 2005-12-13 10:56 I cannot do sub reporting properly.... error says connection is busy with another...htsmt likewise how avoid that.. i've tried type 4 JDBC driver.. still no luck.. what is the correct format of connection URL when there is no network(stand alone machine-even no network card).. there are two hreads on this topic. please help me.. shammif2
  19. By: tvan66 - tvan66 Stored-procedure and JasperReport 2005-12-13 03:59 Hi, I get stuck with the question is that how I can call a stored-procedure in JasperReport? If someone knows it? Please help. Great thank. Tvan By: tolga gucuk - e111982 RE: Stored-procedure and JasperReport 2005-12-13 07:20 hi. i am using informix database. and i wrote my stored cgpa(..) as select cgpa(,,,) from -a table name it worked... By: tvan66 - tvan66 RE: Stored-procedure and JasperReport 2005-12-13 09:04 Hi tolga gucuk, Thank you. But what you wrote seems to me quite general. I don't know where I can use my Oracle stored to generate the report. Inside <queryString><![CDATA[ of the famous jrxml file and how is the syntax? or where? In a JavaBean??? Thank you very much Tvan
  20. By: cfi - delphinecfi Sub report problem 2005-11-27 10:49 I have a report with a master report and five sub reports. The master report prints well. One of the sub reports has a larger detail band and the others have smaller band with dynamic number of info in the detail band to be printed. The first sub report prints in hte second page following the contents of the master report. Now there is some empty space left in the second page after printing the 1st sub report. The second sub report has larger detail band. When there is not enough space for the bigger one to print, there is empty space in the page before. Now the bigger sub report prints in the new page. The info of any of the following sub reports that could fit in the empty space of second page sits there. How to avoid this? Is there a way to set the report to print in the order specified leaving the empty space as it is? Thanks. By: cfi - delphinecfi RE: Sub report problem 2005-12-13 08:00 I solved the problem by placing each of the sub reports in different groups.
  21. By: vtzeta - vtzeta How to stretch an image 2005-12-12 10:02 i need to stretch an image to fill a page if necessary. what feature should i use? By: ctn6 - ctn6 RE: How to stretch an image 2005-12-12 22:47 Using iReports 0.5.2: Double click on the image to bring up its properties, select the "Image" tab, click on the "Scale Image" dropdown and select "FillFrame". This will stretch your image to fill whatever size you make its frame. If you want to do it dynamically, then I'm not sure...
  22. By: Saurabh Dubey - dubeysaurabh Dynamic Reports 2005-12-12 21:48 Hi Guys, I have a query. I am not an expert in this so this may be a very lame question. I am creating reports to show up on a html page. Is it possible to create dynamic reports, that every time the page is refreshed, the report gets created again?? Or is it possible to run something through command line to re-start/re-evaluate the reports?? Thanks in advance.... Regards, Saurabh
  23. By: Saurabh Dubey - dubeysaurabh Error on creating a Chart 2005-12-11 21:18 Hi, I am a newbie on iReport. I have recently downloaded "iReport 0.5.2" and I have also been through most of your posts to search for regualr queries that I have come across. When I try to create a chart, in Summary Section, I get the following error: ------------------------------------------------ Compiling to file... F:iReport-0.5.2ReportsChartIncidentsperSpecialist.jasper -> F:iReport-0.5.2ChartIncidentsperSpecialist.java it.businesslogic.ireport.ReportClassLoader@bfbbe3 Compilation running time : 2797 Filling report... Locale: English (United States) Error filling print... java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluateBarImage(JRFillChart.java:900) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluateImage(JRFillChart.java:540) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluate(JRFillChart.java:521) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillElementContainer.evaluate(JRFillElementContainer.java:204) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillSummarySamePage(JRVerticalFiller.java:792) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillSummary(JRVerticalFiller.java:743) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReportEnd(JRVerticalFiller.java:260) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReport(JRVerticalFiller.java:134) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:834) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:705) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFiller.fillReport(JRFiller.java:63) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:247) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:163) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:654) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Print not filled. Try to use an EmptyDataSource...! -------------------------------------------------- Am I missing some file somewhere? I read a post that mentioned I may have to copy a file to some other folder... Can someone please give me the required information?? Thanks, Saurabh By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche RE: Error on creating a Chart 2005-12-12 01:38 Hi Saurabh What for a java version are you using? best regs Remo By: Saurabh Dubey - dubeysaurabh RE: Error on creating a Chart 2005-12-12 21:45 Hi Remo, Thanks for replying.. But I solved the issue myself. Regards, Saurabh
  24. By: JArmy - jaycobbsk8 Subreports create spaces 2005-12-12 19:00 I have a report which displays the whole report only on detail section. There are 2 subreports. The page height must be fixed to 3inches. The problem is, it creates unnecessary blank pages. The report should generate only 1 page but it generates 3. If I remove a subreport, it works fine and creates 1 page. On the other hand, if the height has been set to 6inches (or longer) it also works fine. However, it must be set to 3inches and use the subreports. Anyone can help?
  25. By: vtzeta - vtzeta Indent first sentence in subreport 2005-12-12 15:22 how can i indent the first sentence of each variable in my subreport? the indentation coding of "t" doesnt seem to pass into the main report. when i use the "t" in the main report, it indents correctly.
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