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Everything posted by tgutgu

  1. Hi Kristen, Thanks for the reply. I would hope that the documentation is updated with each new release. Where else can we obtain information about the new features? Also, there should be more information about what dependent library is needed for what feature. What is the JavaFlow stuff good for? Why had the png-encoder.jar be included? We have to learn, whether it is neccessary to integrate this library additions in our own project. This aspects aren't documented (or at least I can't find it), and I hoped to get this information in the commercial documentation. We use JasperReports in a production environment and therefore need to know this stuff. How often do you plan to update the commercial documentation? I need this information to decide if it is worth to buy the annual subscription. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  2. Hi, Sorry for critics, but I think the web information about JasperReports and iReport are a mess. I was looking to find the order pages for JasperReports and iReport documentation (willing to buy the annual subscription) and to find out if they are on par with the current release (1.2.8) - to no avail or only after long searching. Please give the web content a more logical structure! Now my questions: 1.) Are the commercial documentations for both products updated to version 1.2.8 2.) Is there a reduced offer for a combined subscription (JasperReports & iReport?) 3.) If the docs do not reflect version 1.2.8, when will they be updated. Also please, document changes in used third party libraries together with the what is new information. A png-encoder.jar has been added - what is it good for? What is the deal with the JavaFlow related archives and downloads. If there is information about this topics, can somebody direct me to this? Again browsing through the pages on JasperForge did not give me the answers I need. However, I may be to blind to find it. Thanks and kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany Post edited by: tgutgu, at: 2006/11/16 08:34
  3. Hi, I have some reports, which include functions contained in Java classes. For the normal report compiler I put these classes in the iReport classpath, so that the report compiles. However, the same does not seem to work with the massive compiler plugin, as the reports, which contain the external functions do not compile. Apparently the classpath setting of iReport is not used / recognized by the massive compiler plugin. Without this, the plugin is close to useless. I would be glad if this problem could be fixed with the next release. Or tell me, if there's already a workaround. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  4. Hi, It would be nice, if filechooser dialogs could remember the last accessed directory at least within one iReport session. Quite often the dialogs always default to the user.home directory, so that I have always to navigate again to the last used directory. One example, I experienced today is the directory chooser in the massive compile plugin. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  5. Hi, It would be nice, if filechooser dialogs could remember the last accessed directory at least within one iReport session. Quite often the dialogs always default to the user.home directory, so that I have always to navigate again to the last used directory. One example, I experienced today is the directory chooser in the massive compile plugin. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  6. Hi, iReport writes the following url for the dtd in the jrxml source file: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd However, it seems that this url is not found (my IDE, IntelliJ, could not fetch the resource and typing in the browser was not successful either). Could somebody reveal the actual url of the dtd and could iReport be fixed so that the correct url is written? Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  7. Thanks for the info, please, just declare the status of the documentation, when you make an announcement of a new version. Kind regards Thomas
  8. Hi Guilio, Seriously, I do not understand the way how JasperForge.org is organized. The News page seems never updated, and the download section does not list the new release. Before the opening of Jasperforge it was fairly easy to get news and notice about new downloads. Now I only got the notice, because I looked into the forum. Maybe I miss how JasperForge ist organized, but the whole thing does not to seem very logic at least to me. Also, it would be great, that an announcement of a new version would include a "status report" about the documentation (JasperReports Ultimate Guide and iReport User Manual), i.e. whether the new release is reflected in the docs or not and when the docs will be updated the next time. I do not want to be overly critic, on the whole Jasper Reports and iReport are good, but I think JasperForge could need a consequent approach to organize the content. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  9. Hi, I need to display a unicode character in a static field. I tried the u -notation to no avail. The goal is to display the diameter symbol (u00F8). Any idea? Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  10. Please no. Spend all your efforts into the core product and do not waste time for Eclipse plugins. There are other and better IDEs out there than Eclipse :P (IntelliJ IDEA) so why not a plugin for this and the other? To me iReport is just fine as a standalone product. As a plugin you would need to start a full blown IDE to use it. Report Designers are not always full-fledged Java developers and do not have to work in an IDE necessarily. Move the glitches from the product, be innovative and add functionality, which makes report design more efficient. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  11. Hi Guilio It seems that the issue was because there were still report fonts existing in the report template and associated with the report element. After blanking the report font in the dialog, the display is as expected. Still, I think that assigning a style to a report element does not transfer all font attributes of the style, as I mentioned in another thread. (As I try it now, it appears that changing the style via drag'n drop or by using the drop down box has no effect). Personally, I think that styles should override report fonts, because the latter are deprecated. Also there should be a possibility to eliminate report styles from a template and to propose to convert them to styles. Styles are a very welcome feature to provide report appearance consistency across reports and among team members. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany [file name=sub_AllgemeineStammdaten-0c26185eb9ef2ff93f166646ea169695.jrxml size=47518]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/sub_AllgemeineStammdaten-0c26185eb9ef2ff93f166646ea169695.jrxml[/file]
  12. Hi Guilio It seems that the issue was because there were still report fonts existing in the report template and associated with the report element. After blanking the report font in the dialog, the display is as expected. Still, I think that assigning a style to a report element does not transfer all font attributes of the style, as I mentioned in another thread. (As I try it now, it appears that changing the style via drag'n drop or by using the drop down box has no effect). Personally, I think that styles should override report fonts, because the latter are deprecated. Also there should be a possibility to eliminate report styles from a template and to propose to convert them to styles. Styles are a very welcome feature to provide report appearance consistency across reports and among team members. Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany [file name=sub_AllgemeineStammdaten.jrxml size=47518]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/sub_AllgemeineStammdaten.jrxml[/file]
  13. Hi, I have a problem with font sizes. I have defined a style with Arial 10 and assigned this to some report elements. In design view, the report font and size appears correct. However, when running the report in the preview panel the elements appear in a very tiny font size, much smaller than at design time. Any idea what the reason is ? Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
  14. Hi, I have defined some styles in the style library of iReport 1.2.5. When I drag a style of the style library onto a static textfield or a textfield not all style attributes of the style are applied. Not applied for example are font size and font type. Only font styles (bold, italic etc.) are correctly transferred to the element. The same problem exists when I set the style with th combobox of in the element's property dialog. Is this a bug or do I miss something? Kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany
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