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Everything posted by darya

  1. But how does it looks when I have a say StateGroup into which CityGroup is embedded :( How would you then implement the counter :unsure: The CityNo should always start from the begin with each new state. Any hints?
  2. Great solution, that was the trick I was looking for :woohoo:
  3. Calm down. First of all I did help myself in this thread :) . Second, I was very nice to share my wisdom here, and this even for FREE ;) . Third, don't you think you should restrain yourself a little bit before insulting me :sick: ? I think the emoticons I used in my posts all speak for themselfs. If YOU feel upset send a private message to me but don't do it in public, if you want beware your social behavior.
  4. :pinch: Couldn't you post that earlier? Nice, now we have two ways for solving this problem :woohoo: . Regards, darya
  5. Ok, seems that I had to answer this question myself :S . I got my own class integrated with iReport and share the steps with you as shown below: go to your jasperreports home directory go to the lib directory and copy jdt-compiler-3.1.1.jar into your clipboard go to your iReport home directory and paste jdt-compiler-3.1.1.jar into the lib directory rename or delete the original file jdt-compiler.jar start your iReport go to the file menu Tools->Options and click the Compiler tab folder Under Compiler select JDT Compiler (need jdt-compiler.jar) and click Save to add your class to iReport's classpath, go to menu Tools->Classpath add your own class and click on Save classpath[/ol] I do this broad explanation because I saw this similar question asked again and again. This feature of using one's own class is not well documented (at least I couldn't find a hint :blink:). When one moderator read this, I recommend that we create a FAQ list with common problem solutions explained like this one. Regards, darya
  6. There is a very nice thread from the JasperReports Discussion/Help forum rename values/Months which seems to solve my problem :woohoo: . I thought I could do all editing stuff from inside iReport (I use v1.1.0) but that's obviously not the case at least not for the version I use. But since there is this wonderful .jrxml file one can do some editing like adding an <import .... /> and so bypassing iReport's weakness. So far the theory, I'll have to check that out :sick: . Regards, darya
  7. :woohoo: . I'm not sure whether the question is too hard or too easy. Let me know :cheer:
  8. Hi, create a new group. Go to your iReport file menu, click on View and submenu Report Groups. There you can add a new group which gives you three new bands (one for header, detail and footer) Regards, darya
  9. It seems that I wasn't clear with my question :unsure: . The $P{myLongParameter}.toString() is too less. I have a method that displays the duration, say public String getDuration(long l) {...}. This method displays the duration as I want it to be displayed. The question is now, how can I make this method known to iReport? Regards, Darya
  10. Hi, I want to convert a long value into a String (for a patternized duration) and have a method which does right this conversion. But how on earth can implement or use this method in iReport :whistle: ? Any hints are welcome :) Regards, darya
  11. Hi, I have a report similar to a table. Each row is based on one subreport that defines a row and its fields. Is their a way a field grows with the length of text? What about multiline texts? How can I fit them into a field? Any hints are welcome :woohoo: Regards, Darya
  12. Hi, is iReport backward compatibel? For example can I use iReport-1.2.5 with jasperreports-1.1.1.jar :unsure: Regards, Darya
  13. Thanks, I'm going to discuss this topic further in thread setting backcolor at runtime for a text Regards, Darya
  14. Thanks Giulio, I'll give it a try and post my feedback later here. Regards, Darya
  15. Where on earth is the background color in Element Window or Element Properties :unsure: ? As I said I'm talking about iReport-1.1.0. Regards, Darya
  16. This question still needs an answer, even when the answer is NO :pinch: . Regards, Darya
  17. Giulio, you forgot that I stuck with iReport-1.1.0 What you say seems to work with the latest iReport-1.2.5 release and I am not sure whether I can use this latest release because I depend on jasperreports-1.1.1.jar. Anyway, I should give it a try first. Regards, Darya
  18. conditionalStyle sound more intelligent :woohoo: (sorry Monika ;) , I'll use your approach as fallback in case Giulio's apprach doesn't work for me.) Giulio, can you elaborate a little bit more what I need to do? Regards, Darya
  19. What do you mean by conditional stylesheet :sick: . I could follow Monika. But I don't know how a conditional stylesheet works here. Isn't iReport creating the whole thing? Anyway Monika's way sounds good for me, I only have the problem that I don't know how to set the background color for my 2nd rectangle. At least not with iReport-1.1.0 :( Is it possible at all. Or do I have to add the background color by hand in iReports' created .jrxml file? I can't simply upgrade to iReports-1.2.5 because I depend on JasperReports jasperreports-1.1.1.jar JAR file and have no authority to change that :whistle: . Regards, Darya
  20. Hi Monika, Thanks a lot for the tip. Can you tell me what iReport version you use? I use iReport-1.1.0 and there is no way to set the backcolor :unsure: . Regards, Darya
  21. Hi Monika, Thanks a lot for the tip. Can you tell me what iReport version you use? I use iReport-1.1.0 and there is no way to set the backcolor :unsure: . Regards, Darya
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