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Posts posted by dprogrammer

  1. I have tried all things as mentioned in your email but still no luck. I turned on more logging options and I noticed at many places following lines:

    " Public object - authentication not attempted"



    Will that tell if something is not configured properly? I have also double checked mysql dbs and its only one db not two.


    Attached is a jasperlog file.


    Post edited by: dreporter, at: 2007/03/12 20:19

    Post edited by: dreporter, at: 2007/03/12 20:20

  2. Thanks. I did that and here is how the uids and pws look like in that table:


    mysql> select * from jiuser;


    | id | username | fullname | emailAddress | password | external

    lyDefined | enabled |


    | 1 | anonymousUser | Anonymous User | NULL | |

    | ☺ |

    | 2 | jasperadmin | Jasper Administrator | NULL | jadmin |

    | ☺ |

    | 3 | joeuser | joeuser user | NULL | joeuser |

    | ☺ |


    The password that I had entered for root while installation was 'jadmin' and that's what I am using to try to login to the app. I also tried anonymousUser and joeuser but both didn't work. Also, the error that I get in the tomcat logfile is as follows:

    "15:52:51,172 WARN LoggerListener,http-8088-Processor24:55 - Authentication event AuthenticationFailureLockedEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffd148a: RemoteIpAddress: 12X.X.X.X; SessionId: BEEAE27D2F8C1F4986CC8C2DE5BE5D9E; exception: User account is locked

    15:52:51,192 WARN JSCommonController,http-8088-Processor25:118 - There was a login error"


    The port I am using is 8088. Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi, I have installed Jasperserver three times (install/uninstall, install/uninstall,install) and I am still getting above error. I did not choose bundled install because I already had tomcat installed. I am putting correct uid/pws but still no luck. In first installation I had pre-installed mysql and Ireport. The installer created sample dbs and users but that install didnt' work. I removed everything and did a second install with JasperServer and MySQL as bundled but it didn't work either. Third time I removed IReport from my machine and did the install with JasperServer,MySQL and IReport and still same error. I saw one tracker that this is a bug. Unfortunately they have not provided any solution as to how to fix it. Any ideas please? The error is when I login to the app using http://localhost:8080/jasperserver url.
  4. So, if I install JasperServer, will those jars be automatically there or I will have to add manually?

    What does jasperserver basically do? Basically we have a web app and some jasper reports. We want OLAP functionality added in our app through some open source tools. Will JasperServer serve our purpose? And thanks again.

  5. I would really appreciate if someone could point me to a right direction and give a list of steps that I need to take to make OLAP work with our Java app.

    We have a java app and the requirement is to add an OLAP engine or server that should give us slice/dice functionality to view sales and commissions charts etc.

    Any step by step instructions would be highly appreciated.

    I am very new to OLAP but I have developed several reports that used charts.

  6. Thanks Sure919 and Warwithin. Can you guys also help me understand how this is going to be embeded in our web app?

    Currently we have a web app and there is a reports module that allows us to run dyanamic jasper reports. How does OLAP fit in it? I downloaded Mondrian OLAP designer. If I design an OLAP report in it, how can I link it back to my jasper report? Little confused so I would really appreciate if you guys can explain it to me. Thanks.

  7. I am a report developer and our company wants to implement an OLAP solution using Jasper OLAP Server or JasperServer for their web application. I am new to this OLAP technology but very good at creating reports in Jasper and other tools. Can anybody guide me as to what programs/servers/dbs etc I need to install to get all OLAP work for our website? Do the reports need to be built by keeping OLAP in mind? Thanks in advance.
  8. I have placed a subreport on a main report and the subreport is slightly aligned towards right. How can this alignment be corrected? I have set the Left property value of the subreport to 0 to make sure its left aligned with the main report's headers but still no luck. size=341]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/MyreportWithSub.JPG
  9. I have an image expression as

    $F{Quarter}=="Q1" ? $F{IMGPATH}:"C:\myappimagesdefault.gif"


    The condition value of Quarter is true (Q1) but still the image being displayed is not the one from $F{IMGPATH} but the default.gif. Am I doing anything wrong here? Thanks

  10. I need to display about 10 images at a same location. I want to know if its possible to display 10 images using an expression as follows:

    ( <condition> ? exp1 : exp2 )

    How can this be done?

    Can this work?

    (condition=1 ? image1, condition=2 ? image2, condition=3 ? image3...:image10)

  11. It worked when I enlcosed the whole expression with new Double(). Is this a better solution or we can play around with a field's properties and achieve same without using a variable? My goal is to display a field value if it has a value that falls in any quarter and display 0 if no value for any quarter.

    The layout of the report is as follows:

    Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4

    234.00 0.00 1234.56 34.00


    Is is possible to do it without using a variable?

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