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Everything posted by alex.chan

  1. Actually, an easier way is to do the following: open up jasperserver-servlet.xml go to section: <bean id="paramResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction.PropertiesMethodNameResolver"> <property name="mappings"> <props> <prop key="/home.html">homePage</prop> <prop key="/login.html">login_welcome</prop> ... </props> </property> </bean> change login_welcome to login restart the server (don't need to re-build the WAR file). It will switch back to the old login, which doesn't have the links.
  2. tan36: take a look at your $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/stdout_<date>.log e.g. $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/stdout_20080425.log to see what error you might have encountered.
  3. gushie Another way to do so is to create a hidden <div> and put the value in it. Whenever you submit a form or clicking a hyperlink, use the document.getElementById('id') to get the value and pass along. If you are using webflow, you can also try to put the value in the flowScope in your Java action class.
  4. Starting in 3.0, tomcat will be decommissioned, instead jasperadmin/jasperadmin will be used. joeuser/joeuser will still be valid.
  5. Mike When you call list, you can do the following to specify the folder you want to start from: ... ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setParentFolder(parentFolder); list(rd, locale); ... parentFolder = '/' means all the reports, parentFolder = '/report/samples' means only reports reside under this directory recursively.
  6. Tejeshwar If you want to do so in the jrxml, try this: <parameter name="RequestDate" isForPrompting="false" class="java.util.Date"> <defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA[new java.util.Date(97, 5, 1)]]> </defaultValueExpression> </parameter> it represents 06-01-1997
  7. Make sure you point to the correct jasperserver-repo directory. Also, try compile with -U flag to force update your artifact. e.g. mvn -U clean install
  8. bbergquist We are working on a new repository manager in the next release of both OS and Pro. The new repository manager UI is available to all users under View->Repository. (Manage->repository will be gone) Now depends on your role (and hence permissions), you will see certain functions available or missing. In the example mentioned here, the role_user can create new folder under a folder if s/he has the permission. However, role_user can only creating resources type: Folders, adhoc(Pro Only), and dashboard(Pro Only). Other resource types are still only available to ROLE_ADMIN (same UI, the creation functionality is available only to role_admin though). Hope this helps.
  9. rubedogg04 Please provide more info and the context. Did you check the logs/ directory for any errors? -Alex
  10. xen0 Try com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.ReportJobsQuartzScheduler.java -Alex
  11. Tom Try to modify the acegi setting in applicationContext-security.xml to specify the viewReportFlow to accept anonymous access. You can put the reports in certain folder and set the ROLE_ANONYMOUS to have read access to this folder. For reports outside this folder, users need to log in first. -Alex
  12. Wolle You could modify the acegi setting in applicationContext-security.xml to specify the viewReportFlow to accept anonymous access. You can put the reports in certain folder and set the ROLE_ANONYMOUS to have read access to this folder. For reports outside this folder, users need to log in first. -Alex
  13. Sean It's under XP SP2 IE7. I just checked, the minimum requirement for Acrobat reader is 7.0. Let us know if you still have the problem after upgrading to the latest (8.0?) Thanks, -Alex
  14. Sean I have no problem displaying pdf on IE7 in my XP box. Another thing you can try is to clean up your IE cache files/temporary files? Sometimes when it's full, it will cause problem. In some IE version, when the directory for temp files is full, clicking "View Source" will not display the page source and has no error. -Alex
  15. Sean Could you try to bring up a regular PDF file from your file system and see if the reader behaves correctly? I tried in my system and it works fine. -Alex
  16. shalomd I think what anandharaj means is that he updates the jiresource table? I wouldn't recommend that unless you know what you are doing. Like Lucian mentioned, we will have a brand new repository manager which will allow users to delete, copy, paste, and move resources and folders, given the users have the permissions.
  17. benhur99ph If you get the Connection refused error during stopping jasperserver, then jasperserver is probably not up at the first place. Make sure jasperserver is up and running when acessing the report
  18. Paul Look at your $TOMCAT/webapps directory, do you have a app context jasperserver? If not, then that's the problem. During installation, did you change the context from the default jasperserver to something different? If so, try to replace jasperserver in your access URL to the one you chose?
  19. kingsnet This involves Spring web-flow. You need to bring up the file: jasperserverjasperserver-warsrcmainwebappWEB-INFflowsviewReportFlow.xml and take a look at the <transistion> tags. Apparently the state <transistion on="selectReport" ... /> is missing. BTW, the state doesn't exist out-of-the-box for JasperServer. How did you compose the URL with parameter _eventId_selectReport=yes? -Alex
  20. kingsnet In viewReportFlow.xml, it doesn't have the transition state "selectReport" defined. That's why you get the error message. Post edited by: alex.chan, at: 2008/01/05 20:45
  21. zxhjia For question #3, yes, JS 2.1 Pro version comes with LifeRay JSR-168 support showing JasperReports and Chart within portlets. It also supports multiple instances. -Alex
  22. Zxhjia Yes, we have the JSR-168 with LifeRay supported in JS Pro 2.1 version. It allows multiple reports showing on a single portal, including supports of adhoc reports and regular JasperReports. -Alex
  23. Nick You need to use comma. E.g. "email@a.com,email2@a.com" -Alex
  24. Ahmad JSR-168 support is available for the JasperServer Pro 2.1 version only. It comes with two forms: 1) bundled with LifeRay 4.3.3 2) WAR file to be deployed to LifeRay as Plug-in. -Alex
  25. tejeshwar The folders and resources are stored in db tables. You can take a look at jasperserver.jiresourcefolder and jasperserver.jiresource -Alex
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