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Posts posted by alex.chan

  1. I tried a few simple examples in the released version, and they worked fine for me. There are couple of known issues, e.g. if the domain name includes dash (-), it rejects the pattern. A bug has been filed for that matter.

    Post edited by: alex.chan, at: 2008/06/30 18:18

  2. hkjang


    login_welcome.jsp is the default login page. You can either modify the content of the file to your like, or modify the following files to point to your own login page:


    JSCommonController.java: add a new method to handle the new login page

    jasperserver-servlet.xml: modify the id=paramResolver section to use a new mapping for /login.html



  3. When you see errors like:





    Usually it means a particular uri is referred by the reports doesn't exist in JasperServer with the specific uri path. You can take a look at the report jrxml, and see what resource it's looking for. In iReport, it might point to a local resource, but you need to upload the resource to JasperServer to certain location. e.g. /datasource/my_datasource, and then have the jrxml point to that uri

  4. Actually, started in 2.1, the password change functionality is available provided the authentication is through JasperServer.


    If you open up JasperServer-servlet.xml, go to the following section:


    <bean id="jsCommContr" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.control.JSCommonController">


    <property name="allowUserPasswordChange" value="false" />




    change allowUserPasswordChange to true. Restart the server, you will see in the login page, there is a password change link above the login button.

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