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Everything posted by tjahfe

  1. Hi, I have managed to generate a report in Arial Unicode MS with bold simulation using Jasper Font Extesion. The following is my Jasper Font Extension configuration: jasperreports_extension.properties: net.sf.jasperreports.extension.registry.factory.fonts=net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionsRegistryFactorynet.sf.jasperreports.extension.simple.font.families.ireportfamily1379581299032=fonts/fontsfamily1379581299032.xml[/code] fontsfamily1379581299032.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><fontFamilies> <fontFamily name="Arial"> <normal><![CDATA[fonts/arial.ttf]]></normal> <bold><![CDATA[fonts/arialbd.ttf]]></bold> <italic><![CDATA[fonts/ariali.ttf]]></italic> <boldItalic><![CDATA[fonts/arialbi.ttf]]></boldItalic> <pdfEncoding><![CDATA[identity-H]]></pdfEncoding> <pdfEmbedded><![CDATA[true]]></pdfEmbedded> </fontFamily> <fontFamily name="Arial Unicode MS"> <normal><![CDATA[fonts/ARIALUNI.TTF]]></normal> <pdfEncoding><![CDATA[identity-H]]></pdfEncoding> <pdfEmbedded><![CDATA[true]]></pdfEmbedded> </fontFamily></fontFamilies>[/code] However, I have a problem with text-wrapping when bold is set to 'true'. Text often gets wrapped to the next line too early, and sometimes creating unnecessary whitespace as per screenshot below. Could anyone please help?
  2. Hi, I have been working on a web-based application which provides a functionality for the users to view/print PDF reports displaying data retrieved from a database. I have been using iReport to generate report templates in jrxml format, and JasperReport to do the back-end implementation. I'm now looking for a way to extend the functionality such that it allows the users to generate their own custom reports. Ideally, the application will present a GUI form which contains a (static) list of available report fields that the users can select and add to their custom reports. When the users add a report field to their custom report, they will be able to position the field anywhere they like on the report. The selection of report fields will somehow define their custom report template (preferrably in jrxml format). The user will not be required to define SQL query or any other data source to populate the report as it should be done at the back-end. I have been looking at a number of different reporting tools such as: - DynamicJasper - JasperServer All of then allow the users to select and add report fields to their custom reports, however they don't allow the users to position the fields anywhere they like. In fact, the selected report fields are presented as columns. In other words, those reporting tools focus more on presenting data of many database entries (ie. in table format). On the otherhand, the report that I'm trying to achieve will present data of a single database entry (in a 'label' form) Could anyone please give me some hints and recommendations as to what I should be looking for to achieve such functionality? I've been looking for a way to generate jrxml file on the run yet I have little luck. Someone says that we could use Velocity to create a dynamic jrxml file, and unfortunately I could not find further information or examples on how to do it. Please help and thank you in advance.
  3. but if I put them within a group, then how can the header be displayed repeatedly on every page (if the details expand over 1 page)?
  4. I have the same problem... that the column header being displayed at the end of the first page without any details row (since the first row does not fit the remaining space). Does anyone know a work around for this? Please help... and thanks in advance.
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