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Everything posted by codyjasperForge

  1. Now you should look at each .jsp included in the sample, this is where the actual implementations are. They are very straight forward. (runReport.jsp, executeReport.jsp etc.) Hope it helps.
  2. New scenario: I am scheduling jobs using the new web services... However, for some unexplained reason, a method being called by the 'ReportSchedulerFacade' is now returning 'null' when earlier it was returning actual results. I have only made minor changes to my code, yet I can't seem to find out what would be causing this. The method(s) is/are: .getReportJobs(String reportURI); and .getAllJobs(); The only changes that I have made were to my custom code, so what are some possibilities? Thanks in advance. :pinch:
  3. There is a great example of this in the JasperServer distribution. Look under samples -> webapp-sample, and it has the details that you will need. Pay close attention to the web service client code, it helped me the most.
  4. Hello again, I have another question. With the new version (2.1), what are some possibilities of accessing the repository directories externally? How would you gain access to the repository from outside of the JasperServer application itself? Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks again. Post edited by: codyjasperForge, at: 2007/11/14 17:22
  5. Thanks again Lucianc, I will test out version 2.1 and report my opinions... :)
  6. Oh thank goodness, You guys have saved me more hassle than you could realize. I am anxious to test this new feature out. Thank you once again Lucianc.
  7. What java domain objects would I need to create/serialize to export a job to the import tool? Are there any examples of this?? ---------------------------------------- Are there ANY other examples of how to implement a report job from a web app? I really need some direction as to what classes/interfaces are required to achieve this. I could really use some help... Thanks in advance... :huh: Post edited by: codyjasperForge, at: 2007/11/12 19:49
  8. ...the scheduling web service will only be included in the next release. ...employ the export/import tool by generating job XMLs and using the tool to import in into the JS db The idea was to use a scheduling web service... When you say 'job XMLs', what are you referring to? - xml formatted job requests? I'm not sure where your coming from. Thanks.
  9. It sounds like you may need to debug your request. So run your app in debug, and set a breakpoint as soon as you enter the Action class. Look at your request's attribute, and parameter values, make sure that the request has the right details to run the report more than once... Remember, that once a request has been submitted and responded to, it is no longer active, meaning that all of its values are GONE. Try starting there and see what you can determine. Thats my suggestion. :huh:
  10. Are there any samples showing the steps taken to run the report scheduler (programmatically)? Does anyone have advice on what is needed to schedule a job? Thanks is advance.
  11. First of all, Thanks for the replies. ...all you have to do is to create a new thread (or fetch one from a thread pool), and invoke the "runReport" web service operation on this thread. How is it that I "fetch" a thread from a thread pool? Once I do this, is it then possible to have a notification sent, stating that the job has finished execution? Also, other than the docs that are bundled, is there any other documentation of the import/export tool and how it could be used in a web application? I am struggling with this idea as well... Please help. Post edited by: codyjasperForge, at: 2007/11/12 18:08
  12. you fill the report into a JasperPrint object, keep this object on the session and when the user requests the next page, you retrieve the JasperPring object from the session, export the requested page to HTML and write the result in the response. I see what you mean... (sample) I have the Ajax functionality implemented now also, thanks to the PAGE_INDEX parameter. Thanks again Lucianc!
  13. Hello ceriise, Actually I have solved my previous issue, but I do have a new problem that I could use some help on. My requirement is to generate a report "asynchronously". The user should have the ability to navigate throughout the application while the report is being generated. I have seen similar functionality in the JasperServer download source, but I am unsure as to how to implement this using Ajax/Struts. As of now I am able to submit an asynchronous request to my Action. Now I just need to know how to execute the report from my Action class asynchronously. Everywhere I have searched, I have found that ppl are using threads/queues to do this, but it isn't explicit on exactly how this is integrated into Struts. Please help... :unsure:
  14. Thank you kindly Lucianc, I have discovered the use of the PAGE_INDEX parameter. No documentation that describes how the JasperServer code works is available. However, the code itself is available Are you referring to the source of the download? I have viewed it several times. I am using different frameworks, and need some guidance as to how the source would relate... I'm not asking you to write the code for me, but I do need some direction as to how I should implement my code. Thank you for the reply.
  15. If I am not mistaken, the path to your file is context-sensitive. (that means its relative to your application) Try either giving the absolute path to the file, like: C:|Documents and Settings|abc... OR give an context relative path, like: |files|abc.xml Hope it helps! NOTE: | actually is a 'backslash' (\\) Post edited by: codyjasperForge, at: 2007/10/11 20:56
  16. Hello, Just wanted to poll Jasper users on the best methodology that can be used to generate reports asynchronously. I have some considerations, but I want to hear what other developers are doing. Feel free to comment...
  17. ...to accept an SQL ? Please be more specific. What do you mean by "accept"?
  18. I cannot use tatget = _blank because I am not using a link. -What are you using? ...also I cannot use javascript because it's a java action class and doesnot reconize the script tag like a rejulas jsp -What do you mean by "doesnot reconize the script tag"? You should be able to use javascript in your jsp to accomplish this. Have you tried forwarding to a new .jsp page, and loading the contents then?
  19. Hello, I have an issue that I need some help with. I wish to create a 'JasperReport' Object from a '.jrxml' source file stored in my JasperServer repository. If anyone has any ideas of how this can be accomplished, please share. Thanks in advance.
  20. I made changes to each of the jsp's that were included to integrate with my ActionForm's. Then I wrote my Action classes to do whatever processing needed to be done. (This is usually the way that struts is used in a web app) If you have anymore questions I'll try my best to answer. Good luck. Code: JSP -> ACTIONFORM -> ACTION -> FORWARD -> NEWJSP ;)
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