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  1. oh and thats what the xml file does, forwards it to the next screen but because the pdf comes up in the <iframe> and I cannot close it it cannot forward to the next page. *.java classes do not reconize any other language but java, not even javascript
  2. Well what I did was call the report in the java action class after is does its update, assuming the PDF would pop up in a different window as they normally do then my XML file tells the program what page it needs to go to next. What is happening is the pdf is opening in the actual <iframe> on my jsp. I know if I was calling it from the jsp I could use javascript no problem but I wanted to have it automatically come up.
  3. I am programming in java using the struts frame work I want to open my report in a new window but since I am calling it in a struts action class the pdf come up in the iframe instead of popping up like a traditional pdf in a seperate window. I cannot use tatget = _blank because I am not using a link. Can anyone help also I cannot use javascript because it's a java action class and doesnot reconize the script tag like a rejulas jsp
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