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Everything posted by ktrinad

  1. By: Robert Casto - cincijava Problem opening more than 3 reports 2003-10-10 07:06 After I open 3 reports I can open no more. I have to quit the program and restart it. Is this a memory problem that I can fix by changing a setting on the JVM when it starts up? By: Todd - mrtodds RE: Problem opening more than 3 reports 2004-05-11 15:45 I get this too. I have version 2.2. Anyone have a fix for this? By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Problem opening more than 3 reports 2004-05-11 16:37 Use the last version: it uses half memory than 0.2.2
  2. By: marcus - meberts HSQLDB-Connection Problem 2003-12-06 02:31 Hi, I've got a little problem using the latest versions of iReport/JasperReport and HSQLDB. When I test the connection between iReport and a HSQLDB-database everything is fine. But when I type in a query a message appears "Table not found" (the table exists in HSQLDB). Is the anything special connecting to HSQLDB to get a connection to all the tables?? marcus By: Iain Sinclair - iainsinclair RE: HSQLDB-Connection Problem 2004-05-06 21:04 Hi Marcus, did you ever solve your problem? You didn't say what version of hsqldb you are using. I'm just getting started with iReport and am having the same problem. I suspect that it may be something to do wth the database version. iReport comes with the hsqldb1.7.2RC2 jar file, but I'm still using 1.7.1 (I tried to upgrade to 1.7.2RC5 recently but there was a bug that disabled my app :-( ). iReport may be depending on some changes to the database metadata functionality made in 1.7.2. That's all I can think of for now. I guess I could try RC2. regards Iain By: Iain Sinclair - iainsinclair RE: HSQLDB-Connection Problem 2004-05-06 23:46 Well, so much for that theory. I just tried it on hsqldb 1.7.2RC5 and got the same problem. I found another post where someone said it's an occaisional problem and using select *, col1, col2,.. can be used to make it work, but I didn't have any luck. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: HSQLDB-Connection Problem 2004-05-07 15:50 Have you set your connection as the active connection in build->Set active connection ? By: Peter Henderson - phenderson RE: HSQLDB-Connection Problem 2004-05-09 17:59 HSQL seems to be very version sensitive. Make sure you have the same HSQL jar files (hsqldb.jar) in the ./lib (or is it ./db_drivers) of iReport that your Hypersonic server is using. If they dont match, then they wont work, in my experience. Peter Henderson
  3. By: Shekar - shekarlsp Installing IReport On WIN-NT 2003-02-25 01:39 Hiya Folks, I am unable to install IReport(0.0.8) designer on my win-nt system. Apparently, this is the same zip that I installed on Win 2k systems. Actually the windows error dialog popped up, and it read "Class not registered" Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Shekar. By: Bertoldi Alex - berales RE: Installing IReport On WIN-NT 2003-02-27 06:31 have you instaled the Java Microsoft Virtual Machine ? By: Uma Mageswari - gumamageswari RE: Installing IReport On WIN-NT 2004-03-26 14:55 But where do you get that JVM? Microsoft is not supporting it anymore. Shekar,did u get to solve this problem? If so, please let me know the solution Uma By: flux - fluxz RE: Installing IReport On WIN-NT 2004-03-27 01:40 install the latest JRE at http://www.java.com/en/download/windows_automatic.jsp JVM is integrated. By: Uma Mageswari - gumamageswari RE: Installing IReport On WIN-NT 2004-03-30 13:23 Sekar, you can download the microsfot JVM from http://www.entsol.com/html/the_microsoft_jvm.html Install and then ireport works it is not available directly from microsoft for time being Uma
  4. By: abangkisp - abangkisp Subreport Return Value? 2003-05-29 00:29 Hai.. sorry to bother all of you again. I want to know if a subreport can return a value? I have a report that use 3 subreport and i want to add the value of all the result i got in the subreport. can anyone help me? TIA Abangkis P By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Subreport Return Value? 2003-05-29 03:31 I'm not sure that you can, but try to assign to a subreport parameter a report variable, try to set in the subreport the parameter to a variable and change the variable value. If all values are assigned by reference your master variable is now changed. Giulio By: abangkisp - abangkisp RE: Subreport Return Value? 2003-06-02 23:58 i've found the solution in the jasperreport forum. here's the link if anyone interested https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=1746736 By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Subreport Return Value? 2003-06-03 03:06 For details about the solution try to contact evguen ( Evguen Rosada ) that has discovered this solution. Regards Giulio By: abangkisp - abangkisp RE: Subreport Return Value? 2003-06-03 02:54 When i try the example. i've encountered some problems. It seems that IReport dont support java.util.HashMap (I assumed this because there's no HashMap in the dropdown list, please correct me if i'm wrong) the thing that confused me even more is that when i write it manually it work in the master report. but not in the child report. Can You Tell me whats wrong? TIA Abangkis P // =========== Master Report Code ======= <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports --> <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd"> <jasperReport name="SOE_REPORT" columnCount="1" printOrder="Vertical" orientation="Portrait" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="535" columnSpacing="0" leftMargin="30" rightMargin="30" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" whenNoDataType="NoPages" isTitleNewPage="false" isSummaryNewPage="false"> <parameter name="CompanyName" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.String"/> <parameter name="Date" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.String"/> <parameter name="SUB_REPORT_CAPITAL" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.String"> <parameterDescription><![CDATA[complete .jasper subreport name]]></parameterDescription> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["C:\ReportTools\AccountingReport\OwnerCapSubreport.jasper"]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <parameter name="SUB_REPORT_INV" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.String"> <parameterDescription><![CDATA[complete .jasper subreport name]]></parameterDescription> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["C:\ReportTools\AccountingReport\InvestmentSubreport.jasper"]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <parameter name="SUB_REPORT_NET_INCOME" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.String"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["C:\ReportTools\AccountingReport\NetIncomeSubreport.jasper"]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <parameter name="SUB_REPORT_WITHDRAWAL" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.String"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["C:\ReportTools\AccountingReport\WithdrawalSubreport.jasper"]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <parameter name="InvReturnedValuesMap" isForPrompting="true" class="java.util.HashMap"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[new java.util.HashMap()]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <queryString><![CDATA[select A.accountgroup, debet, credit from Account A inner join Balance B on A.accountno=B.accountno inner join JournalDetail JD on B.accountno=JD.accountno]]></queryString> <field name="accountgroup" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="debet" class="java.lang.Double"/> <field name="credit" class="java.lang.Double"/> <group name="DetailGroup" isStartNewColumn="false" isStartNewPage="false" isResetPageNumber="false" isReprintHeaderOnEachPage="false" minHeightToStartNewPage="0" > <groupExpression></groupExpression> <groupHeader> <band height="0"> </band> </groupHeader> <groupFooter> <band height="0"> </band> </groupFooter> </group> <title> <band height="100"> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="150" y="6" width="250" height="21" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="20" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="Cp1250" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{CompanyName}</textFieldExpression> </textField> <staticText> <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="125" y="40" width="300" height="30" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Top" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" size="20" isBold="true" 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x="18" y="5" width="117" height="14" forecolor="#FFFFFF" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="sansserif" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" size="12" isBold="true" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <text>Account</text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="420" y="5" width="80" height="14" forecolor="#FFFFFF" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="sansserif" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" size="12" isBold="true" isItalic="false" 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backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="sansserif" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[investmen On, ]]></text> </staticText> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="90" y="18" width="80" height="14" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="Cp1250" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{Date}</textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="113" y="1" width="80" height="14" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="Cp1250" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{Date}</textFieldExpression> </textField> <staticText> <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="18" y="36" width="75" height="14" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="sansserif" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <text>Net Income For</text> </staticText> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="95" y="36" width="80" height="14" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="Cp1250" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{Date}</textFieldExpression> </textField> <subreport isUsingCache="false"> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="420" y="1" width="82" height="16" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <connectionExpression>$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}</connectionExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{SUB_REPORT_CAPITAL}</subreportExpression> </subreport> <subreport isUsingCache="false"> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="320" y="17" width="82" height="16" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <subreportParameter name="InvReturnedValuesMap"> <subreportParameterExpression>$P{InvReturnedValuesMap}</subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> <connectionExpression>$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}</connectionExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{SUB_REPORT_INV}</subreportExpression> </subreport> <subreport isUsingCache="false"> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="320" y="36" width="82" height="16" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <connectionExpression>$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}</connectionExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{SUB_REPORT_NET_INCOME}</subreportExpression> </subreport> <subreport isUsingCache="false"> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="320" y="72" width="82" height="16" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <connectionExpression>$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}</connectionExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{SUB_REPORT_WITHDRAWAL}</subreportExpression> </subreport> <line direction="TopDown"> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="320" y="100" width="82" height="0" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch" pen="Thin" fill="Solid" /> </line> <rectangle> <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="420" y="80" width="82" height="16" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <graphicElement stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" pen="1Point" fill="Solid" /> </rectangle> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Group" evaluationGroup="DetailGroup" hyperlinkType="None" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="320" y="56" width="80" height="16" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="sansserif" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Double"><![CDATA[($P{InvReturnedValuesMap}.get("INV_RETURNED_VALUE"))]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="0"> </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band height="0"> <line direction="TopDown"> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="320" y="-66" width="82" height="0" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch" pen="Thin" fill="Solid" /> </line> </band> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band height="0"> </band> </pageFooter> <summary> <band height="0"> </band> </summary> </jasperReport> // ============ child report code ========= <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports --> <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd"> <jasperReport name="InvestmentSubreport" columnCount="1" printOrder="Vertical" orientation="Portrait" pageWidth="80" pageHeight="14" columnWidth="80" columnSpacing="0" leftMargin="0" rightMargin="0" topMargin="0" bottomMargin="0" whenNoDataType="NoPages" isTitleNewPage="false" isSummaryNewPage="false"> <parameter name="InvReturnedValuesMap" isForPrompting="false" class="java.util.HashMap"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[new java.util.HashMap()]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <queryString><![CDATA[select sum(credit-debet) from Account A inner join JournalDetail JD on A.accountno=JD.accountno and (A.accountgroup=2) and periodno=200305 where normalsaldo=1]]></queryString> <field name="sum" class="java.lang.Double"/> <title> <band height="0"> </band> </title> <pageHeader> <band height="0"> </band> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band height="0"> </band> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="14"> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="0" y="0" width="80" height="14" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <textElement textAlignment="Right" verticalAlignment="Middle" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="sansserif" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Double">$F{sum}</textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band height="0"> </band> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band height="0"> </band> </pageFooter> <summary> <band height="0"> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="0" y="0" width="0" height="0" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[($P{InvReturnedValuesMap} .put("INV_RETURNED_VALUE", $F{sum}) == null)?Boolean.FALSE:Boolean.FALSE]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="sansserif" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.util.HashMap">$P{InvReturnedValuesMap}</textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </summary> </jasperReport> By: Hopoz - hopoz RE: Subreport Return Value? 2004-03-28 14:39 you can use iReport to return values from a subreport using the hashmap method described in teodords "Returning values from a subreport" post in the jasper forums here: https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=1746736 You will need to manually type in the Paramater type of java.util.Map over the top of the drop down box in iReport. Scott
  5. By: Sam - ssa00319 Unable to start iReport 0.0.9 2003-04-14 06:42 When i launch iReport.exe, i've got a dialog box saying "Unable to start the application--the class files could not be loaded"... My config : - W2K - Java 1.2 (tested with 1.4.1_02 : same result) - JRE 1.2 (idem for Jre 1.4.1_02) - iReport 0.0.9 NB: I can't install JVM because W2K said me that only service pack can do this (...and i have SP3 installed). Do i have miss something ? Please help me !! By: Uma Mageswari - gumamageswari RE: Unable to start iReport 0.0.9 2004-03-26 14:52 Did you get to solve the problem? If yes,please let me know as i am facing the same problem Thanks Uma By: Rick Millar - rmillar RE: Unable to start iReport 0.0.9 2004-03-26 15:32 My recommendation is to download and extract version 0.2.3 and then download and extract the patch over it. Then you can start iReport by executing startup.bat in the noant directory. However, you may want to edit the batch file to explicitly add the path to java executables in the bin directory to be something like this: @echo off cd .. set JAVA_HOME=C:j2sdk1.4.2_03 set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%bin;%PATH% set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.classes rem Add all jars.... for %%i in (".lib*.jar") do call ".noAntcpappend.bat" %%i for %%i in (".lib*.zip") do call ".noAntcpappend.bat" %%i for %%i in (".db_drivers*.jar") do call ".noAntcpappend.bat" %%i for %%i in (".db_drivers*.zip") do call ".noAntcpappend.bat" %%i java it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame Also, if you are going to be using Oracle as your datasource, you need to make sure your oracle jdbc driver is in the classpath. Not having it in the classpath won't prevent you from starting iReports, but will prevent you from successfully defining your datasource/connection later. The easiest way to do this is to copy the classes12.jar file from the jdbclib directory into the lib directory of iReprorts.
  6. By: Ashish - ashisharte How can I add reportElement:key tag ? 2003-07-29 09:28 Hello, I was trying to add a key to a couple of textfields on my report but did not succeed. Also, ireport seems to remove them when I add them manually. Any suggestions ? Thx in advance. -Ashish By: bob2000 - bob2000 RE: How can I add reportElement:key tag ? 2004-03-04 10:12 I am also having this exact problem. I just upgraded to iReport 0.2.3 and the problem still seems to exist. What can I do to prevent iReport from removing the tag 'key'. -Bob. By: braje - braje RE: How can I add reportElement:key tag ? 2004-03-08 11:28 I am having the same problem with version 0.2.3 of iReport. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: How can I add reportElement:key tag ? 2004-03-09 08:21 I'll add support for key tag in the next version. There is not a way to prevent iReport from removing the tag 'key' :-( Giulio By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: How can I add reportElement:key tag ? 2004-03-09 12:30 On CVS is available a new version that can handle key tag. Regards Giulio
  7. By: Sarah Wang - yiin Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2003-03-30 23:39 Hi, Does ireport apply to Windows XP? There was an error message occurred,like "class did not register" when I execute it. Or what should I do to make it work? Sarah By: Tanul Karkare - tanul_karkare RE: Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2003-03-31 00:04 if u mean , it works on XP then my answer is YES. I am using win XP and developing reports using iReports/Jasper without any conflicts. try using latest releases. do u have Service Pack 1 installed ? I think ur problem will be solved. tanul By: Herman - cherman RE: Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2004-02-29 19:08 Hi... to run iReport on win XP you must install the MS JVM. Take a look at http://ireport.sf.net/manual0.1.0.html for details on where download it. good luck By: Wade Chandler - brainjava RE: Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2004-03-04 11:39 Actually the latest iReports should not be using the MS JVM. iReport 0.2+ should be using a Standard Java Certified VM. This could be Sun, IBM, or any other certified VM. 1.4+ should be used going forward. Wade
  8. By: Josh Carlson - josh_carlson Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-09 23:44 Hello all - I installed iReport 0.2.1 (full Java beta) on my Mac OSX machine (Java 1.4.1) and I am able to run iReport, connect to MySQL through the JDBC drivers, but when I try to create a new document I get the new document options window and I select my page size, etc... I hit OK and nothing happens. I also tried the report wizard which connected to my database no problem, I was able to select the fields I wanted to use, sorts, etc... and when I hit finish, nothing happens. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance! - Josh By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-10 00:42 Hi Josh. Can you see in some place a stacktrace? I think that creating a new JReportFame an exception is thorwed (evidently only on OSX).... Giulio By: Josh Carlson - josh_carlson RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-10 20:37 Giulio - Please see the following maybe you can figure out what's going on. I must say that iReports is well laid out and I can't wait to use it! Thanks - Josh [JCMAC:/Applications/iReport-0.2.1] joshcarlson% ant iReport Buildfile: build.xml prepare: compile: iReport: [java] 2003-07-10 18:44:44.499 java[1478] Warning: Font LucidaSans-TypewriterBold claims fixed-pitch with 0 max advance! [java] 2003-07-10 18:44:46.261 java[1478] Font GB18030Bitmap: in _readBasicMetricsForSize, claims 0 max advance but is fixed-pitch. [java] Il nome ?:Test [java] apple.awt.EventQueueExceptionHandler Caught Throwable : [java] java.lang.NullPointerException [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.JMDIFrame.<init>(JMDIFrame.java:54) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.JReportFrame.<init>(JReportFrame.java:83) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.openNewReportWindow(MainFrame.java:3495) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.jMenuItemNewDocumentActionPerformed(MainFrame.java:3487) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.access$4200(MainFrame.java:51) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame$44.actionPerformed(MainFrame.java:1342) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1797) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1850) [java] at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:419) [java] at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:257) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(AbstractButton.java:321) [java] at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1109) [java] at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(BasicMenuItemUI.java:943) [java] at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5093) [java] at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:4890) [java] at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:1566) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3598) [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:1623) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3439) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:3450) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3165) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3095) [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:1609) [java] at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1585) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3439) [java] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:450) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:230) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:183) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:177) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:169) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:99) [java] root $ administ jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cosmofarmer [java] apple.awt.EventQueueExceptionHandler Caught Throwable : [java] java.lang.NullPointerException [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.JMDIFrame.<init>(JMDIFrame.java:54) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.JReportFrame.<init>(JReportFrame.java:83) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.openNewReportWindow(MainFrame.java:3495) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.jMenuItemWizardActionPerformed(MainFrame.java:2283) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.access$4300(MainFrame.java:51) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame$45.actionPerformed(MainFrame.java:1354) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1797) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1850) [java] at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:419) [java] at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:257) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(AbstractButton.java:321) [java] at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1109) [java] at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(BasicMenuItemUI.java:943) [java] at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5093) [java] at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:4890) [java] at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:1566) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3598) [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:1623) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3439) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:3450) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3165) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3095) [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:1609) [java] at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1585) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3439) [java] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:450) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:230) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:183) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:177) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:169) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:99) By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-11 00:57 I think that the problem is generated by an hack that I have written to overload the maximize action of internal frames in swing. I assume that this call: ((javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI)getUI()).getNorthPane() return a non null value, but seems not true on MacOSX. Have you a way to verify this writing a very simple app that open an internal frame? If not I'll provide it a simple app that make this. Giulio By: Josh Carlson - josh_carlson RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-11 23:20 Hi Giulio - No I don't, very much a Java novice and am not capable of writing the simplest app yet. If you could provide one that would be great. I am very impressed with your level of support. Thank you so much. Hopefully, I'll be able to enjoy using iReport soon! Thanks - Josh By: Josh Carlson - josh_carlson RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-17 23:42 Hi Giulio - Did you ever get a chance to do this? Thanks so much - Josh By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-18 01:22 Hi Josh, I haveverified your error, but I don't think that the problem is what I suspectede. My brother has got an iBook. I'll try this weekend iReport on MacOSX direclty. Be patient :) We'll find a solution. Giulio By: Josh Carlson - josh_carlson RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-07-18 19:42 Thanks for your quick reply Giulio! I'm just excited about using iReport :) Have a great weekend! - Josh By: Josh Carlson - josh_carlson RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2003-08-05 22:24 Hi Gulio - Just checking to see if you've made any headway with this. Regards - Josh By: Gary Nunes - gary_nunes RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2004-03-02 13:19 I recently downloaded iReport (latest version - 0.2.2) and, as a Mac OSX user (10.2.8 - Jaguar), I experienced a problem that looks similar (if not the same) as the one reported by Josh on this thread (the stack trace follows at the end of this message). If the problem has since been solved please let me know how to get iReport successfully running on my Mac. Otherwise I'd just like to say that if the author of iReport needs any help in getting it to run correctly in a Mac OSX environment please let me know as I'm willing to help. Besides being a Mac user I am a Java programmer and use my iMac flat-panel every day to do Java development (it's one of the older 15" models but it gets the job done). Regards, Gary Nunes Here is the stack trace from iReport that occurred when I tried to create a new report: ----stack trace begins---- [java] Il nome ?:untitled_report_1 [java] apple.awt.EventQueueExceptionHandler Caught Throwable : [java] java.lang.NullPointerException [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.JMDIFrame.<init>(JMDIFrame.java:54) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.JReportFrame.<init>(JReportFrame.java:112) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.openNewReportWindow(MainFrame.java:3959) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.jMenuItemNewDocumentActionPerformed(MainFrame.java:3951) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.jButtonNewActionPerformed(MainFrame.java:3794) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.access0(MainFrame.java:51) [java] at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.actionPerformed(MainFrame.java:794) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1797) [java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1850) [java] at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:419) [java] at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:257) [java] at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(BasicButtonListener.java:247) [java] at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(AWTEventMulticaster.java:227) [java] at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5093) [java] at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:4890) [java] at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:1566) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3598) [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:1623) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3439) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:3450) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3165) [java] at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3095) [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:1609) [java] at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1585) [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3439) [java] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:450) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:230) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:183) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:177) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:169) [java] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:99) ----stack trace ends---- By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Newbie Problems - Please Help 2004-03-02 15:09 The problem is the same. If you have patient in one or two days will be released the new version. If can already get it from CVS. You can use the available patch for this bug on iReport patch traker too. Giulio
  9. By: Tim - javabuddha JDK 1.4.2 on WinXP 2003-12-15 23:00 I'm experiencing some problems running iReport 0.2.2 on Windows XP SP1 with JDK 1.4.2_01. Some buttons don't work (e.g., the "Browse" button on the New Project dialog, the compile menu items, etc...). And I am having problems getting the fields from the Report Query dialog to register with the report. The "Read Fields" works great and fills in the table at the bottom of the Report Query dialog but when I hit the "Register fields to the report" button nothing happens. I don't know if this is related to the problem above or not but it has worked at least once in the past. However, it is not working with the report I am currently working on. I am not seeing any error messages in the MS-DOS window or in the console at the bottom of the GUI. I really do like the tool but wish I could figure out the root cause of these issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Tim p.s. I searched everything I could think of in the two Forums regarding this so if I have missed a post that addresses this already I do apologize. By: Herman - cherman RE: JDK 1.4.2 on WinXP 2004-02-29 18:19 Hi.. to run iReport on win XP you must install the MS JVM. Take a look at http://ireport.sf.net/manual0.1.0.html for details on where download it. Good Luck
  10. By: Sarah Wang - yiin Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2003-03-30 23:39 Hi, Does ireport apply to Windows XP? There was an error message occurred,like "class did not register" when I execute it. Or what should I do to make it work? Sarah By: Tanul Karkare - tanul_karkare RE: Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2003-03-31 00:04 if u mean , it works on XP then my answer is YES. I am using win XP and developing reports using iReports/Jasper without any conflicts. try using latest releases. do u have Service Pack 1 installed ? I think ur problem will be solved. tanul By: Herman - cherman RE: Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2004-02-29 19:08 Hi... to run iReport on win XP you must install the MS JVM. Take a look at http://ireport.sf.net/manual0.1.0.html for details on where download it. good luck By: Wade Chandler - brainjava RE: Does ireport apply to Windows XP? 2004-03-04 11:39 Actually the latest iReports should not be using the MS JVM. iReport 0.2+ should be using a Standard Java Certified VM. This could be Sun, IBM, or any other certified VM. 1.4+ should be used going forward. Wade
  11. By: Hamza MEahmmed - hamzam Big picture within subreport. 2003-06-30 04:36 Hello, I have a Picture (BufferdImage) in my subreport. This picture is so big that doesn't fit in one page. The picture is passed to subreport as parameter. How to solve this problem. Can anyone help, Thanks. Hamzam By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Big picture within subreport. 2003-06-30 09:14 Set the image element size as big as you want to be the max image size (i.e. big as all the page...) . Set image scale to RetainShape. Giulio By: Hamza MEahmmed - hamzam RE: Big picture within subreport. 2003-07-01 06:10 Hallo Giulio, The image is so big that will take almost 3 pages. So i tried ( as far as i understand) what you suggests but i get only one page and the pictures element are so small that i can't read there content. What i do was as follows: - picture size 450 * 450 - group size 490 * 490 but i get only one page and very small picture. thanks for your help. By: hector - verman RE: Big picture within subreport. 2004-02-10 14:41 How do you pass the image as a parameter? By: Hamza MEahmmed - hamzam RE: Big picture within subreport. 2003-07-02 02:46 Hallo Giulio, Can you please write me your answer with more explanation. For example where the picture should be in detail part or in group footer .... The result must be more than one page. That means the picture will be cutted at the end of every page. This is the last step for our Report which have to be finished this weak. So i would like to thank you in advance. can you please help. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Big picture within subreport. 2003-07-02 05:35 To print a image bigger than a page, you have to split it yourself. A solution could be create a new custom datasource, with a java.awt.Image object for each record. Each record can printed on a single page, so each record is a portion of your original image that is no bigger than a page. Soppose that you have a image so bigger: 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 to print this image you'll need: Math.max( inageWidth / pageWidth, 1 ) * Math.max( inageHeight / pageHeight, 1 ) The result could be something like this: 1111 1111 1100 1111 1111 1100 1111 1111 1100 1111 1111 1100 1111 1111 1100 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 In our case you have to split your image 6 portions, creating a datasource with 6 records. I hope this helps you. Giulio
  12. By: sartaj - taj0913 Custom datasource not working 2003-10-28 05:25 Hi all, I tried creating a report using a CSV custom datasource(as given in the documentation). The connection was shown to be successful but it couldn't "register fields to report". Can anyone help me out on this. (I did place a 'test.csv' file in the c drive) thanks, taj By: sartaj - taj0913 RE: Custom datasource not working 2003-10-29 01:55 1. The JRCVSDataSource method 'getFieldValue' expects a parameter of type JRField. But even if I mention the column name myself in the report fields inserted they are not accepted and exception "field not found is thrown". I even tried giving the name COLUMN_1 to no avail. 2. By the way where and when is the method 'getFieldValue' called and by which class? By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Custom datasource not working 2003-10-29 05:48 The method getFieldValue of tha class JRCVSDatasource The parameter JRField is a pair: "name of the field" (a string) and the class that must be returned from the method. In the code you should identify how fields are labeld: any string of 7 chars and a number. I.e. COLUMN_<n> COLUMN_1 COLUMN_2 COLUMN_3 COLUMN_4.... And the returned type is ever String. Giulio Giulio By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Custom datasource not working 2003-10-28 10:26 There is no way to get fields from a CSV datasource. Names are in this case implementetion dependent. Take a look to the code of you JRDataSource (to the method getField(...) to doscover what the JR expects. Giulio By: Sean Yee - kronicmnemonik RE: Custom datasource not working 2004-01-28 15:53 I am new to using Custom DataSources. I tried to follow the documentation/samples, but no success. All I want to do is have a report that will output a simple array. Is there any SIMPLE example(s) on how to do this??
  13. By: MMMMMM - mazzam $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} as subreport connection 2003-01-13 07:52 Passing the parameter $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} as connection espression gives me the warning Warning: The supplied java.sql.Connection object is null. and obviusly retrives non subreport data. What I'm doing wrong??? TIA Mauro By: MMMMMM - mazzam RE: $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} as subreport connec 2003-01-13 07:57 Sorry for double posting and also because I've found the solution in thread: Working with Subreport Bye Mauro By: Mimmo - mimmonuzzi RE: $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} as subreport connec 2004-01-19 03:37 I have your same problem. CAn you help me to solve it? By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} as subreport connection 2004-01-24 05:52 What version of iReport? If you are using iReport 0.1.x (win32 version), leave blank the query field in compiler window. Giulio By: Mimmo - mimmonuzzi RE: $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} as subreport connection 2004-01-26 09:53 I've found the solution. Thanks a lot.
  14. By: Darren Hartford - binarymonk JavaBeans and java.sql.Date issues 2003-11-13 06:24 Hey all, Just got remote EBJ reporting to work on iReport, yay! One of the fields/getMethods I get from the JavaBean is of type 'java.sql.Date', which is normal for an EJB to have. iReport seems to have an issue with this type. Below is the error I got. Any help would be great to make iReport awesome! Errors compiling C:jasperreportsiReport-0.2.2Reportsejbtext.jasper! Nov 13, 2003 9:19:46 AM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error SEVERE: Parse Error at line 65 column -1: Value "java.sql.Date" is not one of the enumerated values for this attribute. org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Value "java.sql.Date" is not one of the enumerated values for this attribute. at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.ValidatingParser.validateAttributeSyntax(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.content(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(Digester.java:1514) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.loadXML(JRXmlLoader.java:373) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:357) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:337) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:323) at dori.jasper.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:121) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:139) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Value "java.sql.Date" is not one of the enumerated values for this attribute. at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.ValidatingParser.validateAttributeSyntax(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.content(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(Digester.java:1514) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.loadXML(JRXmlLoader.java:373) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:357) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:337) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:323) at dori.jasper.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:121) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:139) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) NESTED BY : dori.jasper.engine.JRException: Value "java.sql.Date" is not one of the enumerated values for this attribute. at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.loadXML(JRXmlLoader.java:397) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:357) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:337) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:323) at dori.jasper.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:121) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:139) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Value "java.sql.Date" is not one of the enumerated values for this attribute. at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.ValidatingParser.validateAttributeSyntax(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.content(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(Digester.java:1514) at dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.loadXML(JRXmlLoader.java:373) ... 6 more By: Darren Hartford - binarymonk RE: JavaBeans and java.sql.Date issues 2004-01-21 08:23 In case anyone was waiting on this, I converted by javabeans to java.util.Date. This fixed the problem and made the javabean usable with iReport. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: JavaBeans and java.sql.Date issues 2004-01-22 07:39 You can declare it as java.lang.Object and cast it in the expression Giulio
  15. By: Ricardo Trindade - rjst my own templates 2003-12-30 10:22 Hi, Is the template mechanism in ireport documented anywhere ? I would like to create my own templates, and perhaps in this way we could all contribute templates to ireport. thanks Ricardo By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: my own templates 2004-01-15 09:27 Implements your own templates is possible. You have to add it in templates directory. If the template ends with a C, it will be used as columnar template, otherwise if it'll ends with T, it will be treated as Tabular template. You can add a gif named as the template to see a small preview. The fields position, colors etc. are used as template. Take a look to other templated to understand as works this concept. Check the field expressions in template. Giulio
  16. By: Mats Ragnar Persson - ragn drag n drop fields not working? 2003-10-26 17:55 I follow the "Tutorial two" Nothing happens when I try to drag and drop elements from the Variables Window. Adding the elements and editing the fields into them "manally" works fine all the way but it sure would be neater to be able to drag-n-drop the fields. What am I doing wrong? I mark the field(s) with the left-mouse-button in the Variable Window and move the mouse over to a group band where I let the mouse go. Is there something more to it?? I use iReport 0.2.2 on jdk 1.4.2_01 (on win2k) also tried this on jdk 1.4.2 on linux By: Mats Ragnar Persson - ragn RE: drag n drop fields not working? Anyone? 2003-10-29 06:04 Anyone. Please throw me a notice if this is supposed to work or not! Even though it's not a major problem I'm just very qurious about it since it WOULD indeed be useful if it worked. By: Julie Bé²µbé­ orlibou RE: drag n drop fields not working? Anyone? 2003-10-29 08:21 Hi, Now, in the java version, this not work. You can read that: http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=2209853 By: Mats Ragnar Persson - ragn RE: drag n drop fields not working? Anyone? 2003-10-29 12:19 Thanks Julie! There are no duke dollars in this forum but if you throw in something here I'll hand you some anyway! http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=4&thread=457983&tstart=30&trange=15 By: David Rosenstark - drosenstark RE: drag n drop fields not working? Anyone? 2004-01-13 04:02 So what is the alternative to dragging them on the report that we do in this version? TIA, David By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: drag n drop fields not working? 2004-01-15 09:01 Drag and drop is implemented in java version (available via CVS only). Giulio
  17. By: Rafael Farias - rafaelfarias iReport not start 2003-12-15 07:40 Hello everybody! I downloaded the iReport tool, extract the files, everything is ok but when I tried to run the iReport.exe the "Class not registered" message is shown on my screen and the application is not launched. I tried to set the classpath file to bin directory but did not work. I am using Windows XP and iReport 0.1.0. What must I do to solve this? Thanks Rafael Farias By: Richard van den Berg - rpnberg RE: iReport not start 2004-01-15 06:06 I have had the same. I download version 0.0.9 and run it for a better error msg. (JVM not installed) Download the Java virtual machine from microsoft, and install it. now version 0.1.0 should run. http://www.download.support.safetec.net/msjavx86/msjavx86.exe success
  18. By: Ricardo Trindade - rjst group by working in wizard ? 2003-12-30 09:43 Hi, Is the group by feature working correctly in the wizard ? I tried with a Integer column, and it didn't compile (I think you assume all goup by is by strings). when I changed to a string, it compiles, but the report comes empty. I was just checking if it's implemented, before I try any harder thanks ricardo By: Alex Kotchnev - polrtex RE: group by working in wizard ? 2003-12-30 22:58 Ricardo, the group by feature works in the wizard. It appears that in your report design, there is a mismatch between what the query fetches as fields, and how you display them.
  19. By: pandu - pandu16 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 2003-12-17 09:29 I have a report(CRP) with subreport(crp-subreport). THe main report contains static as well as some dynamic data and is page full. The main report calls the subreport. File: D:iReport-0.1.0integrationTestCRPCRP11.xml Compiling to file... D:iReport-0.1.0integrationTestCRPjasperCRP11.jasper Compilation running time : 2469 Opening connection.... java.lang.OutOfMemoryError <<no stack trace available>> Abnormal termination! If i remove some portion of the main report then it works fine. Did any one come across such problem if so please let me know . Thanks Pandu By: Kees Kuip - keeskuip RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 2003-12-23 10:39 You'll have to get a stack trace to track this problem down. In the console where you started the jvm you should type CRTL- (linux) or CRTL-Break (windows) when the program is running (but before the Out of memory error). (If you haven't got enough time to type the key-combination you can increase the heap size with -Xmx400M) You can post a piece of the stacktrace here. Kees. By: Alex Kotchnev - polrtex RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 2003-12-30 22:15 Pandu, make sure you pass some kind of "WHERE" clause to the query of your report. If the amount of data that you are fetching is larger than a certain number for your JVM, this is what happens. I had the same problem, and it really is not a bug in the program. Hope this helps. Alex
  20. By: Ricardo Trindade - rjst jfree charts 2003-12-30 10:11 Hi, I noticed the jfreechart integration in the latest versions. How can it be used ? Are there any docs ?
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    By: T.Gopalakrishnan - gopal03 New Page 2003-12-28 22:07 Hai Friends I need to develope an report where each page is going to have 13 columns(ie. Label + 12 months) and n number of rows(n may vary depending upon the label's text size). My doubt is how can i force the iReport to start on a new page when the column count reaches 13. So i can have report for each year in seperate page. Can any one provide some sample code Thanks and Regards T.Gopalakrishnan
  22. By: Jeffrey S. Hair - jshair iReport as an applet 2003-12-15 12:48 I need to provide the ability for users to modify the layout of reports from a web application. So, can iReport be loaded as an applet? Or is there another tool that can be loaded as an applet to provide editing capabilities? Thanx, jsh By: Zihong Lu - zihong RE: iReport as an applet 2003-12-17 14:44 I ran into the same situation. My current approach is to use Java Web Start (JAWS), instead of the applet. JAWS will allow users download once and start it from their local machine. I assume your next question would be: can iReport be loaded and run in JAWS. The answer is yes it will run to a certain degree, not automatically. By: Jeffrey S. Hair - jshair RE: iReport as an applet 2003-12-22 14:46 Nice idea. I know of JAWS but I have not had the chance/opportunity to work with it as of yet. To what 'certain degree' does it run? Is there some iReport functionality that does not work? Or are you saying that there's some configuring that is required for it to run via JAWS? Thanx for giving me a direction in which to investigate and possibly proceed. Thanx, jsh By: Zihong Lu - zihong RE: iReport as an applet 2003-12-27 09:22 For some reason the jasperreports does not use the same system environment settings as ireport uses, thus, you can start ireport inside the JAWS, but the jasperreports will not work as expected, you cannot compile templates. To solve the problem, you have to make the jasperreports work inside JAWS. Assuming you have put the correct jar files in the JAWS, then, the key to make jasperreports work is to assign correct system environment path java.class.path in the ireport source code, IReportCompiler.java. There is another problem: you need tools.jar for jasperreports. The file tools.jar is about 5 MB, too big for downloading in a unreliable network. To solve both problems, I took a different approach, replace the line: JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(srcFileName, fileName); with JasperDesign jasperDesign = JasperManager.loadXmlDesign(srcFileName); dori.jasper.engine.design.JRBshCompiler theCompiler= new dori.jasper.engine.design.JRBshCompiler(); JasperReport result = theCompiler.compileReport(jasperDesign); JRSaver.saveObject(result, fileName); Ie, use Bean Shell compiler, instead of java compiler. This way, I don't need to set the system path specially. With this change, you can compile the templates. No big file to download. However, you still cannot preview the filled reports. I have not got a chance to fix this part. -Zihong
  23. By: Adrian Dimulescu - dadi how to make iReport ask for parameters 2003-12-23 07:47 Hello, I have a report which takes in parameters. I can't seem to realize how can I make iReport ask me for those parameters in the moment of generating it with a real connection. Thanks for your ideas, Adrian.
  24. By: Adrian Dimulescu - dadi scriptlet class in imageExpression not found 2003-12-19 01:46 Hello, this must be really simple but I can't seem to find the solution. I have a scriptlet called com.kertel.kercash.reporting.jasper.scriptlets.TransactionsMensuellesParSiteChartScriptlet This scriptlet has a method called getBeautifulChart() which, of course, gets a beautiful chart. At least it is supposed to. I have an image in my report whose imageExpression is: ((com.kertel.kercash.reporting.jasper.scriptlets.TransactionsMensuellesParSiteChartScriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getBeautifulChart() Trying to compile the report, I get: dori.jasper.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: C:classesiReport-0.2.2NbTransactionsParSiteMois.java:153: package com.kertel.kercash.reporting.jasper.scriptlets does not exist value = (java.awt.Image)(((com.kertel.kercash.reporting.jasper.scriptlets.TransactionsMensuellesParSiteChartScriptlet)((dori.jasper.engine.JRAbstractScriptlet)parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET.getValue())).getBeautifulChart()); It seems to me this is a classpath problem. I wonder if there is some way to dynamically modify the report classpath at compile time or do I have to specify the classpath on the iReport command line ? Thanks for you ideas, Adrian. By: Adrian Dimulescu - dadi RE: scriptlet class in imageExpression not fo 2003-12-19 03:02 yes, I fixed this by modifying iReprots command line in order to have the proper classpath. I'm not very fond of this solution, though...
  25. By: blured - blured666 Image loading in iDesigner 2003-12-18 06:31 Hi, I'd like to dynamically display a picture on a report wich name & path are on a database. Is it possible to do that ? Regards, blured
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