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Everything posted by ktrinad

  1. By: sud - sudhakar06 Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServer 2006-05-31 15:31 Hi, I'm using JasperServer-0.9.2. Is there a way to invoke the jasperreport from jasperserver as URL passing in the report name and its parameters? i.e, http://localhost:8080/jasperserver?report=test.jasper&param=test If so, please let me know how to do this or please direct me to the documentation. Thank You. By: schneewittchen - schneexy4 RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServe 2006-06-02 02:13 I have the same problem. I have already tested a lot of variants- however unfortunately it doesn't work. I now have tried to call the report within the Jasperserver-Ws to merge over a Java class called JasperEngine. However I get error messages also there. For assistance to this topic I would be very grateful. Thank you. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServe 2006-06-02 03:47 To get to the parameter entry page: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/fillparams.html?report=/reports/samples/SalesByMonth To get to the report itself without going through parameters: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/viewreport.html?report=/reports/samples/AlAccounts What we do not have as a feature is being able to pass the report parameters in the URL. We need to do this as an enhancement. Sherman JasperSoft By: schneewittchen - schneexy4 RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServe 2006-06-02 05:01 Thanks, this helps a little bit ;-) Is there no way to pass the login parameters in the URL, so that you don't have the login screen bevor you can see the report? Thanx By: schneewittchen - schneexy4 RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServe 2006-06-07 23:43 Hello again, it will be greatful if somebody can tell me if it is possible to implement the generated report without going through the login page.. its really urgent.. Thanks for your help. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServe 2006-06-08 10:35 Do you want any authentication for the system? It is easy to drop out through a security config change. Sherman JasperSoft By: schneewittchen - schneexy4 RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServe 2006-06-12 22:32 Yes I think this is the problem, there should be an authentication for the system, but the reports which were implemented should be shown without the login.. where do I have to do the security config change? if there is no other way to pass the login then this would be the solution of the problem.. It would be greatful if someone can tell me how to do the security config change.. Thanks By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServe 2006-06-13 17:55 Here is something to try: Look at WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml and find the filterInvocationInterceptor bean definition. Change the page definition lines to: /flow.html=ROLE_USER,ROLE_ANONYMOUS /loginsuccess.html=ROLE_USER,ROLE_ANONYMOUS /viewreport.html=ROLE_USER,ROLE_ANONYMOUS /fillparams.html=ROLE_USER,ROLE_ANONYMOUS Sherman JasperSoft By: ibisabel - ibisabel RE: Invoking JasperReports - from JasperServer 2006-06-14 08:55 sud, I don't know what your setup is, but it is possible to invoke a report from jasperserver using PHP and CURL to pass the parameters to the JasperServer 'behind-the-scenes' in lieu of passing directly from the URL. My setup uses PHP/CURL to login to the jasperserver, get the flowExecution key, and pass my report parameters to jasperserver and then display the report in PDF without requiring a user to directly enter this information. hope that helps some...
  2. By: Herbert Augustiny - haugusti New release 2006-06-06 08:04 Hi In a fiew messages it was sead, that there will be a new release of JasperServer at the end of Mai, which will fix a number of bugs mentioned in this forum. When will this new relese be available? Regards, Herbert By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: New release 2006-06-06 09:54 We are aiming for a release in the next 2 weeks. See http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=19 for an outline of the new features of this 1.0 release. Sherman JasperSoft By: Herbert Augustiny - haugusti RE: New release 2006-06-06 21:58 Tony mentioned, that there might be a way to get a prerelease...
  3. By: sumeet - sumanth142 How to deploy .RDL file into webapplication? 2006-06-03 05:49 Hi I am new to JasperDecision technology. I have implemented one small report that is displaying 2columns avilable in the local database. Now I want to call that .RDL file from the jsp. Could any budy please give me the procedure to call that file. It is very urgent. Thanks By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: How to deploy .RDL file into webapplicati 2006-06-03 07:51 JasperIntelligence is not JasperDecisions. JasperIntelligence does not use JasperDecisions RDL files. If you need support for JasperDecisions, please contact support@jaspersoft.com. If you already have a support agreement with JasperSoft for JasperDecisions, you can login through the JasperSoft support web site at http://www.jaspersoft.com/support_login.html. Sherman Wood JasperSoft
  4. By: Daryl - daryld Customize home page 2006-05-29 14:44 How can the HOME page be customized so that it runs a report. Can it be set-up to run different reports depending on the user who is logged in? By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Customize home page 2006-05-30 10:18 You can change homePage.jsp or create a new JSP to do that. Have a look at the viewReport.jsp and fillParams.jsp and the related viewReportFlow.xml to see how reports are generated and the UI can be customized. Sherman JasperSoft By: Daryl - daryld RE: Customize home page 2006-05-31 11:27 I am using jasperserver-0.9.2 and I cannot find any of the .jsp files mentioned. I did find the viewReportFlow.xml By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Customize home page 2006-06-02 03:48 Under /WEB-INF/jsps and /WEB-INF/flows Sherman JasperSoft By: Daryl - daryld RE: Customize home page 2006-06-02 13:02 I don't see homePage.jsp but there is a home.jsp. Is this the correct one? I was searching for the file names in a case-sensitive mannor so I didn't see ViewReport.jsp & FillParams.jsp - Sorry. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Customize home page 2006-06-02 13:58 Sorry, home.jsp is right. Sherman JasperSoft
  5. By: Maurizio D. - mdecolle Report truncated when saving to repository 2006-05-29 02:46 I saved an existing (and working) report to the repository but when I try to execute it I get an error message about some problem with the jrxml structure : "JRException: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity" I tried then to open the same report usign iReport and the plugin. The layout was completely messed up, or better inexistent. I then saved the report to the file system and the jrxml file resulting was corrupted. It looks like a problem related to the size of the source file, simple reports work fine and removing some features fix the problem even with big ones, but the problem is that there is no consistent behaviour in which feature to remove to obtain a working report. Any suggestion would be greately appreciated. Thanks By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Report truncated when saving to repositor 2006-05-30 10:21 We store the JRXML, images, JARs etc as a MySQL LONGBLOB, so your report should not get truncated. What size of report are you having problems with? Sherman JasperSoft By: Maurizio D. - mdecolle RE: Report truncated when saving to repository 2006-05-30 23:29 The original reports isn't that big, compared to what a LONGBLOB field can handle, just 68Kb. What I get when I extract it from the repository is this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports --> <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd"> <jasperReport name="M00STVF1__1148895469546" columnCount="1" printOrder="Vertical" orientation="Portrait" pageWidth="0" pageHeight="0" columnWidth="535" columnSpacing="0" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="30" bottomMargin="30" whenNoDataType="NoPages" isTitleNewPage="false" isSummaryNewPage="false"> <property name="ireport.scriptlethandling" value="2" /> <property name="ireport.encoding" value="UTF-8" /> <import value="java.util.*" /> <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*" /> <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*" /> <background> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </background> <title> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </title> <pageHeader> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </pageFooter> <summary> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </summary> </jasperReport> nothing more. This report uses a subreport (11 kb) that is stored and treated correctly and an image (a bmp file) which is just 170 Kb in size. Thanks for your help, feel free to ask me whatever you feel necessary to solve this problem. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Report truncated when saving to repositor 2006-05-31 05:28 How did you load the report into the server? Via the iReport plugin or through the Web screens? Sherman JasperSoft By: Maurizio D. - mdecolle RE: Report truncated when saving to repository 2006-05-31 06:30 I've tried both ways with the same result By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Report truncated when saving to repositor 2006-06-02 03:49 Could you log a bug in Tracker and include your JRXML? Thanks, Sherman JasperSoft
  6. ktrinad


    By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr soapAPI 2006-05-12 11:20 Next question, Looking at the php soap example I see there is a soap call: apiRunReport($soapClient, $reportUri, $reportParms, $outputFormat, $reportPageInt) 1) Are there API docs? 2) What are the values for $outputFormat? I want to have add a button on a pre-exsisting web page that will bring up a pdf report. (I know that I will need a wrapper that sets the mime type before passing the result to the user's browser.) Thanks for any help. By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: soapAPI 2006-05-15 23:51 Hi Michael, All of the documentation for the soap api is on the server side. Take a look at the file com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.ws.SoapAPI.java. It's under the jasperserver-ws-war dir. Unfortunately, the $outputFormat is not really used currently... the only format currently returned is html. It is pretty straight-forward to use the JasperPrint object in the runReport() method to have it produce a pdf ... just didn't get a chance to implement this in the first version. -Tony By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: soapAPI 2006-05-23 23:09 Sorry I am just getting to this. I have been working on multiple projects. Found the class file in the war, but no source. I downloaded the current svn and looked but could not find it (did a find . -regex ".*Soap.*" I assume I will need to edit the SoapAPI.java recompile it and put it in my ws=war classes tree. If this is true where can I find the java file. By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: soapAPI 2006-05-26 09:20 Michael, I just checked the source code that is on this site (0.9.2) and I found that jasperserver-war directory is not completely populated. Not sure how this happened, but this is why you are not seeing the SoapAPI.java file. I will see about getting that dir updated, or perhaps just send you a zip... Sorry about that! -Tony PS. We plan to get head source tree up on the site for our next release (around June 8th) ... this will make life easier :-) By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: soapAPI 2006-05-26 10:56 That would be great. I am working on a project right now, so if you could get send me (or sync the svn) soon that would be great. If you are in the US have a great holiday. By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: soapAPI 2006-05-30 13:57 If you could send me the zip that would be great. How can I get you an email address?
  7. By: Maurizio D. - mdecolle iReport plugin for JasperServer 2006-05-25 02:07 I have installed JasperServer, iReport 1.2.2 and the plugin. Everything went smoothly, including the installation of the JasperServer webservice, but when I try to connect to the repository from iReport I get a "bad credentials" error message. I have double checked each step and re-installed the whole thing more than one time but to no avail. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Maurizio By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: iReport plugin for JasperServer 2006-05-25 04:24 Hi Maurizio, there is a bug in the current version of the plugin: try to exchange username and password in the plugin server settings. Currently the username is taken as password and vice versa. Giulio By: Maurizio D. - mdecolle RE: iReport plugin for JasperServer 2006-05-25 06:06 Hi Giulio I feel a little bit silly ... an italian writing to another italian in english ... but so the entire thread is accessible also to non italian speaking people. I've exchanged the username and password and now the connection works. Thanks for your help. Maurizio By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: iReport plugin for JasperServer 2006-05-25 06:13 Thank you from us non-Italian readers. It is greatly appreated. By: Maurizio D. - mdecolle RE: iReport plugin for JasperServer 2006-05-26 04:46 Another subject on the same thread ... I'm still experimenting with JasperServer and the plugin for iReport. I've succesfully integrated into jasperServer both some existing reports (developed previously) and also some new ones (written from scratch). Now I'm facing a strange problem: I've tried to add to the repository a report using a rather complex layout and when I try to open it into iReport all I get is an almost empty layout ... it looks like all the layout elements are shrink into the upper left corner of the layout itself. The report uses images, non standard fonts, a scriptlet and has some graphic elements in the background band. Please, feel free to ask for any kind of additional info. Maurizio
  8. ktrinad


    By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr Barcodes 2006-05-19 14:04 I am setup a report that uses bar codes and I am getting the following error(s): org.springframework.webflow.ActionExecutionException: Exception thrown executing [AnnotatedAction@17dff15 targetAction = com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ViewReportAction@f5cbda, attributes = map[[empty]]] in state 'verifyData' of flow 'viewReportFlow'; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage cannot be resolved to a type value = (java.awt.Image)(it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(2,"O" + ((java.lang.Integer)field_orderid.getValue()),true,false,null,0,0)); <--------------------------------------> 2. it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage cannot be resolved to a type value = (java.awt.Image)(it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(2,"O" + ((java.lang.Integer)field_orderid.getOldValue()),true,false,null,0,0)); <--------------------------------------> 3. it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage cannot be resolved to a type value = (java.awt.Image)(it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(2,"O" + ((java.lang.Integer)field_orderid.getValue()),true,false,null,0,0)); <--------------------------------------> 3 errors I assumed that I was just missing a jar file so I put barbecue-1.1.jar in tomcat5/common/lib. Any help would be greatly appreated. Michael By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Barcodes 2006-05-19 19:45 Add the barbecue.jar as a resource in the repository. For each report that uses barbecue.jar, refer to the jar. Let use know whether that does the trick, Sherman JasperSoft By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: Barcodes 2006-05-23 23:16 I added the jar to the respository as a jar file. Then I added it to the report as a resouce (from the repository) (called it barbecue). Now I get the following errr: org.springframework.webflow.ActionExecutionException: Exception thrown executing [AnnotatedAction@25b3d5 targetAction = com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ReportUnitAction@1416b2d, attributes = map[[empty]]] in state 'validateReport' of flow 'reportUnitFlow'; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file It looks like the repository can open that file to use the library. Any suggestions? By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc RE: Barcodes 2006-05-24 07:17 If you use the iReport barcode tool, you need both the barbecue jar and the iReport jar on the classpath when running the report. Regarding the ZipException, I was not able to replicate it, it worked fine once I had both jars uploaded as resources. Could you verify whether the blob saved in the db in file_resource.data is identical to the barbecue.jar you uploaded? As a note, if you're planning to have many reports containing barcodes, it's easier and better (performance-wise) to include the jars on your application's classpath (or tomcat's classpath, if you wish) than to upload them as resources in JasperServer. Regards, Lucian
  9. By: openross - openmax71 Jasperserver and JDBC driver for Iseries 2006-04-12 07:12 I have add a new "Report Unit" with a jrxml file report that look at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver as DataSource. When i go to "Localy Defined" and next to "JDBC Data Source" the wizard ask for Driver, Url, Username and password, I insert com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver but i get error :"driver contains invalid characters" !! so I inserted the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for go on and validate the Report Unit. then i went in then mysql table(with phpmyadmin) for jasperserver and manualy i have replaced com.mysql... with com.ibm.as400... well, magicaly the report work and connect to iseries. So the question is : why "driver contains invalid characters" error ? By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Jasperserver and JDBC driver for Iseries 2006-04-12 10:42 Looks like a bug. Can you log it in Tracker? Thanks, Sherman JasperSoft By: openross - openmax71 RE: Jasperserver and JDBC driver for Iseries 2006-04-12 23:41 I don't know how to track, tell me how o give me some link to a tutorial.. Maybe you can try on your own installation with the iseries Jdbc driver that you can download from : http://jt400.sourceforge.net/ By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Jasperserver and JDBC driver for Iseries 2006-04-13 06:04 I was meaning SourceForge Tracker for this project at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=162962&atid=825861 We have fixed the validation for the driver class name - it was not taking numerics. This will certainly be in the next release. We will be getting source out into SourceForge Subversion soon. Sherman JasperSoft By: openross - openmax71 RE: Jasperserver and JDBC driver for Iseries 2006-04-13 06:36 Ok i do it. Bugs 1469812 Thanks. By: mrr_zeus - mrr_zeus Is MS SQL 2000 + JTDS Driver combo supported? 2006-05-23 08:25 We'd like to take advanatge of your Web Service version of your solution, however, after downloading both the UI and WS based version of JasperServer and following the instructions to use an alternate database via changes to context.xml and hibernate.properties we can't get either server up and running. Software stats: * Tomcat 5.0.28 and 5.5.17 -- we've tried both of these versions. * JTDS JDBC Driver 1.2 -- we're using this driver in our existing application and would like to use it here as well. * MS. SQL Server 2000 -- we have an existing database and would like to tie into it. * Jasperservr.war & Jasperserver-ws.war 0.9.2 Is this combination of drivers, databases, etc. supported? See tomcat exceptions below. Context.xml & Hibernate.properties Mods ~~ Context.xml ~~ <Context path="/jasperserver" docBase="jasperserver" debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"> <Resource name="jdbc/jasperserver" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="root" password="root" driverClassName="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://htn755sql1.cce.cpqcorp.net:2048/LI"/> </Context> ~~ Hibernate.properties ~~ metadata.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect metadata.hibernate.dataSource.jndiName=jdbc/jasperserver ~~ Web.xml ~~ Note: The web.xml file had a syntax error in the <resource-ref> </resource-ref> on the <description> tag. The description end tag was "description>" instead of </description>. Tomcat Exceptions Thrown (Catalina.out) May 22, 2006 4:18:35 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR INFO: Deploying web application archive jasperserver.war 16:18:41,257 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter,ContainerBackgroundProcessor[standardEngine[Catalina]]:71 - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null 16:18:41,264 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,ContainerBackgroundProcessor[standardEngine[Catalina]]:72 - Cannot load JDBC driver class 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver' 16:18:41,269 WARN SettingsFactory,ContainerBackgroundProcessor[standardEngine[Catalina]]:103 - Could not obtain connection metadata org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver' at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:766) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:540) at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalDataSourceConnectionProvider.getConnection(LocalDataSourceConnectionProvider.java:81) ~~ Troubleshooting ~~ *We've unbundled the war and added the jtds-1.2.jar to the applications WEB-INF/lib directory, rebundled and delopyed. *We've verified that the jtds-1.2.jar driver shows up under the Tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF directory after it is unpacked. Any thoughts or pointers would be appreciated.
  10. By: Johann Rosner - xsare Usage of an other DataSource 2006-05-23 05:38 I can fill a ordinary JasperReport with a Java-Object: JRDataSource (Interface). Is it able to fill the reports for the JasperServer manually (no JDBC/JNDI DataSource). I need this, if I wont to preprocess the data to display! I hope for your help, Sincerely Johann Rosner Deutschland By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Usage of an other DataSource 2006-05-23 06:36 At this time, we have only included JDBC and JNDI data sources. We need to do some work to allow other data sources to be attached to reports, defining the metadata about the data sources and the machinery to connect to them. This will need to be pluggable, so that people can plug their own data sources in. This work is not going to be done for the release in June, but definitely the release after that in July/August. Sherman JasperSoft
  11. By: Arian Prins - prinsarian username as input-parameter 2006-05-22 05:31 Hello group, Would it be possible to include the username as a parameter? I'd like to do something like: select * from financial_data where owner = $P{username} Thanks for your time, Arian. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: username as input-parameter 2006-05-22 07:33 In the next release. See http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1474403&group_id=162962&atid=825864 LoggedInUser.fullName is the full name. LoggedInUser.username is the user name. You can get the user's roles too. Sherman JasperSoft By: Arian Prins - prinsarian RE: username as input-parameter 2006-05-22 13:47 That sounds very good. I might be able to use jasperintel in our company when that release is out. Any hints on the timing? Thanks for the quick reply and the good product. Arian.
  12. By: Jason Roberts - jroberts42 JasperServer WS via ColdFusion + 2 other Bugs 2006-05-17 22:48 Hi, Today I installed JasperServer via the windows installer and then proceeded to install the web service jar within it as well. The main web protal worked fine (except for finding the bugs already posted in this forum). I then tested all the wsdl's below through IE and they all appear to work correctly. http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/view-services/JasperServerService?wsdl http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/view-services/AdminService?wsdl http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/view-services/Version?wsdl http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/services/repository?wsdl So now I create a CF page (CFMX 7) that creates a webservice object pointing to: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/view-services/JasperServerService?wsdl I get a Compilation Failed Exception error from CF. I then test it with the other three WSs and get no errors, instead getting a valid object which I can call methods on. The error I got: coldfusion.jsp.CompilationFailedException: Errors reported by Java compiler: Found 3 semantic errors compiling "C:/JRun4/servers/cfusion/cfusion.ear/cfusion.war/WEB-INF/cfusion/stubs/WS1622892587/localhost/jasperserver_ws/view_services/JasperServerService/SoapAPI.java": 11. public SoapAPI.FileContent getFile(java.lang.String fileUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; <---------> *** Error: Type localhost/jasperserver_ws/view_services/JasperServerService/SoapAPI$FileContent was not found. 15. public SoapAPI.ReportParameter[] getReportParameters(java.lang.String reportUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; <-------------> *** Error: Type localhost/jasperserver_ws/view_se.... (rest of error unfortunately truncated in logs) ========================================== Another thing I found that I'm not sure is related... when I go to the following url within IE: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/view-services/JasperServerService?method=login&username=tomcat&password=tomcat I get the following error(s) in my tomcat command window: WARN ResourceBundleMessageSource.http-8080-Processor24:184 - ResourceBundle [jasperserver_messages] not found for MessageSource: Can't find bundle for base name jasperserver_messages, locale en_US ERROR SoapAPI,http-8080-Processor24:155 - error logging in with tomcat/tomcat java.lang.NullPointerException at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.ws.SoapAPI.login(SoapAPI.java:151) ... ========================================== Last thing I noticed was going to: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/view-services shows a list of services with wsdl links. The links don't work properly. For example, the first one points to: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/services/JasperServerService?wsdl instead of: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-ws/view-services/JasperServerService?wsdl Anyways, any help on the webservice via CFMX 7 integration would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need more information. Thanks, Jason By: Jason Roberts - jroberts42 RE: JasperServer WS via ColdFusion + 2 other Bugs 2006-05-17 23:20 Here is the full error I grabbed through a try/catch: coldfusion.jsp.CompilationFailedException: Errors reported by Java compiler: Found 3 semantic errors compiling "C:/JRun4/servers/cfusion/cfusion.ear/cfusion.war/WEB-INF/cfusion/stubs/WS1622892587/localhost/jasperserver_ws/view_services/JasperServerService/SoapAPI.java": 11. public SoapAPI.FileContent getFile(java.lang.String fileUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; <---------> *** Error: Type localhost/jasperserver_ws/view_services/JasperServerService/SoapAPI$FileContent was not found. 16. public SoapAPI.FileAttributes getFileAttributes(java.lang.String fileUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; <------------> *** Error: Type localhost/jasperserver_ws/view_services/JasperServerService/SoapAPI$FileAttributes was not found. 22. public SoapAPI.ReportParameter[] getReportParameters(java.lang.String reportUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; <-------------> *** Error: Type localhost/jasperserver_ws/view_services/JasperServerService/SoapAPI$ReportParameter was not found. Here is the SoapAPI.java file that CF is trying to compile: (C:JRun4serverscfusioncfusion.earcfusion.warWEB-INFcfusionstubsWS1622892587localhostjasperserver_wsview_servicesJasperServerServiceSoapAPI.java) /** * SoapAPI.java * * This file was auto-generated from WSDL * by the Apache Axis 1.2.1 Jun 14, 2005 (09:15:57 EDT) WSDL2Java emitter. */ package localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService; public interface SoapAPI extends java.rmi.Remote { public SoapAPI.FileContent getFile(java.lang.String fileUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public java.lang.String getRoles() throws java.rmi.RemoteException; public java.lang.String getRemoteUser() throws java.rmi.RemoteException; public java.lang.String login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException; public SoapAPI.FileContent[] runReport(java.lang.String reportUri, java.util.HashMap parameters, java.lang.String outputFormat, int page) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public SoapAPI.FileAttributes getFileAttributes(java.lang.String fileUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public SoapAPI.FileAttributes getFolderAttributes(java.lang.String fileUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public SoapAPI.FileAttributes[] getFolders(java.lang.String folderUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public SoapAPI.FileContent[] getFiles(java.lang.String[] fileUris) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public SoapAPI.FileAttributes[] getReportList() throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public SoapAPI.FileAttributes[] getFileList(java.lang.String folderUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; public SoapAPI.ReportParameter[] getReportParameters(java.lang.String reportUri) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceException, localhost.jasperserver_ws.view_services.JasperServerService.WebServiceFileNotFoundException; } Could it be a malformed WSDL? Jason By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: JasperServer WS via ColdFusion + 2 other 2006-05-18 10:09 I am wondering if this is a problem with the qname definition found in the server-config.wsdd file (in WEB-INF). The capitalization is used a bit inconsistantly... <beanMapping qname="jaspersoft:fileContent" --> jasperserver.ws.FileContent"/> but other definition uses: <beanMapping qname="jaspersoft:FileAttributes" --> jasperserver.ws.FileAttributes"/> So, perhaps hand modifying the server-config.wsdd might help. Regardless, I will make these consistent for the next release (end of May). By: Jason Roberts - jroberts42 RE: JasperServer WS via ColdFusion + 2 other Bugs 2006-05-19 07:47 I capitalized all the qnames, restarted JasperServer and still got the same errors. I then messed around with the beanMappings a little and still didn't get anywhere, except I noticed that certain things caused the error to change a little. For the heck of it I tried removing the beanMappings all together and now I don't get any errors creating the webservice object. I tested the login method with tomcat/tomcat and it returned "success". I then tried tomcat/tomct and got an error insead of the method returning "failed" or whatever error responce it sends back. Could not perform web service invocation "login". Here is the fault returned when invoking the web service operation: AxisFault faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.ws.WebServiceException: error on login() faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}hostname:xxxxxx Perhaps I'll put the beanMappings back and experiment more. Any other suggestions? Jason By: Jason Roberts - jroberts42 RE: JasperServer WS via ColdFusion + 2 other Bugs 2006-05-19 10:19 Update... I played around with the beanMappings some more based on some sample service/beanMapping configurations I found through google. Changing the xmlns values seemed get me closer... I tried the following: xmlns:jaspersoft="SoapyAPI" --> xmlns:jaspersoft="urn:JasperServerService" xmlns:jaspersoft="SoapAPI" --> xmlns:jaspersoft="urn:JasperServerService" xmlns:jaspersoft="SoapAPI" --> xmlns:jaspersoft="ws.jasperserver.jaspersoft.com" So it seems that just "SoapAPI" was causing issues. So now I can connect to the web service without the 3 not found errors having the beanMappings there, but testing the login method again still responded the same as above: tomcat/tomcat returned "success" tomcat/tomct caused same error I'm not a java guy, so I'm just shooting in the air... I'd really like to see the ws part work so I can test some reports for a project I'm working on. Jason Jason
  13. By: Ronald Pölking - rpolking INFORMIX DB AS DATA SOURCE 2006-05-18 10:50 HI, I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE WITH JAVA, TOMCAT AND APACHE. I'M TRYING TO USE JASPERSERVER WITH INFORMIX DB, BUT I'M NOT SUCCEEDED YET. I COPIED JDBC DRIVER FOLDER TO <tomcatdir>commonlib C:Arquivos de programasjasperserver-0.9.2apache-tomcatcommonlibcominformixjdbcIfxDriver.class AND I MODIFIED <js-install-dir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml (VALUES: <Resource name="jdbc/reportingDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="user" password="password" driverClassName="com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver" url="jdbc:informix-sqli://<ip>:<port>/logix:informixserver=ol_baseteste"/>)) AND <js-install-dir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/web.xml (VALUES: <resource-ref> <description>Report data source</description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/reportingDS</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref>) WHEN I TRY TO ACCESS I RECEIVE THE ANSWER THAT CAN´T CONNECT WITH THE SERVER. DID I FORGET TO CONFIGURE ANYTHING? IF I DON´T USE THESE VALUES I CAN ACCESS THE SERVER, BUT I CAN´T VIEW THE REPORT BECAUSE OF THE DRIVER. THE iREPORT IS WORKING FINE WITH THE DRIVER. THANKS, RONALD POLKING. By: Ronald Pölking - rpolking RE: INFORMIX DB AS DATA SOURCE 2006-05-19 04:42 Hi, Was my fault, I forgot to start JasperServer. Now I can connect with the server, but when I try to view de report I recieve this message: Error Message: org.springframework.webflow.ActionExecutionException: Exception thrown executing [AnnotatedAction@970110 targetAction = com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ViewReportAction@1c6f1f4, attributes = map[[empty]]] in state 'verifyData' of flow 'viewReportFlow'; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver Thanks. Ronald. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: INFORMIX DB AS DATA SOURCE 2006-05-19 06:07 If you have your driver JAR in <Tomcat>/common/lib, you should not have this problem. Sherman JasperSoft By: Ronald Pölking - rpolking RE: INFORMIX DB AS DATA SOURCE 2006-05-19 07:14 Hi Sherman, I was using the driver opened (with the complete folder .../com/informix/jdbc... Now I copy .JAR to tomcat folder and work fine. Thank you very much for the help. Ronald.
  14. By: Mental_Mayhem - mentalmayhem Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repository 2006-05-12 16:12 I am attempting to build for the DB2400Dialect and the build is dying on the tests where the DDL is apparently generated. I'm not familiar with either Maven or Hibernate, but is there a quick way to get my jt400.jar in and recognized as part of the build? By: Mental_Mayhem - mentalmayhem RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-12 19:53 Well after I got home from work, I decided to just add the jt400.jar to my jdk and jre installations and building is proceeding now. At least I see DDL scrolling up my terminal window. I'll just have to wait and see how far it gets. By: Mental_Mayhem - mentalmayhem RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-12 20:30 Hmmm, 6 failures and 9 errors. Looks like most of the messages are like the following: 20:03:56,401 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 - SQL Error: -99999, SQLState: IM001 20:03:56,416 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:72 - The driver does not support this function. Anyone have any thoughts, comments, experience? By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-13 13:01 This is a Hibernate issue. Was this during the database creation? Did you configure the system as per http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=42? Did you set the Hibernate dialect? Also I just took a look at the Hibernate forums and saw that there is a problem with the DB2 AS400 driver. See http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=950850&highlight=db2400 . Fixes appear to be: "So, for the time being, the only way not to break compatibility with Hibernate is to force getGeneratedKeys() disabled even if the driver reports it is supported and to specify "naming=sql" in the url for jdbc. Besides allowing Hibernate to use its standard syntax for queries (with the '.'), it is just the Good Choice to use "naming=sql" when using JDBC on iSeries. If you want to call RPG or custom iSeries commands you can always use a separate connection from the Toolbox." hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys=false in applicationContext.xml ie. <prop key="hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys">false</prop> Let us know how you get along. Sherman JasperSoft By: Mental_Mayhem - mentalmayhem RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-14 23:16 I did set my hibernate.cfg.xml and jdbc.properties per the document. I added the property to the applicationContext.xml file as well. I wrote the build out to a file and the first failure point is in the Setup test where RepoFolder is attempting to insert a record into resource_folder. The insert fails and then the SQL error appear. I can post anything you feel would be relevant to figuring this out. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-15 04:11 I also saw these posts on the Hibernate forums: http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=956565&highlight=jt400 http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=958167&highlight=jt400 Can you set journalling on? Sherman JasperSoft By: Mental_Mayhem - mentalmayhem RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-15 11:45 I've recreated the schema through SQL so that journalling is enabled as the tables are created. That doesn't seem to fix the problem. I[m posting my files for examination. You'll notice I've attempted to stop the use of generated keys in both files, as I'm not sure they are both being used. I also placed the property in the applicationContext.xml file, but I'm assuming it's not to the point of using that file and am leaving it out. The following is the contents of my jdbc.properties file: # Property that determines the Hibernate dialect # (only applied with "applicationContext-hibernate.xml") metadata.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect metadata.jdbc.driverClassName=com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver metadata.jdbc.url=jdbc:as400://as400.wibank.com/jaspersvr;naming=sql metadata.jdbc.username=****** metadata.jdbc.password=****** metadata.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys=false metadata.jndi=jdbc/jasperserver Here is my hibernate.cfg.xml file: <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd"> <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory name="metadata"> <!-- Database connection settings --> <property name="connection.driver_class">com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver</property> <property name="connection.url">jdbc:as400://as400.wibank.com/jaspersvr;naming=sql</property> <property name="connection.username">******/property> <property name="connection.password">******</property> <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect</property> <property name="show_sql">false</property> <property name="format_sql">false</property> <property name="jdbc.use_get_generated_keys">false</property> </session-factory> </hibernate-configuration> By: Mental_Mayhem - mentalmayhem RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-15 14:39 Tried a little more mucking about with variously setting hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys or metadata.hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys, etc. and nothing seems to be working. I'm wondering if there is some way to see what the preparedstatement data looks like. Particularly the timestamp data. I was able to get the hibernate Auction demo running quite easily by just adding hibernate.jdbc.use_generated_keys false to the hibernate.properties file. This makes me wonder if it's just not seeing that property before executing the tests. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Howto Add Classes for Non-MySQL Repositor 2006-05-19 06:11 Looking at it again, you are right. The tests use a different Spring bean to set up the Hibernate connection. Look for hibernateConfig.xml and put the <prop key="hibernate.jdbc.use_generated_keys">false</prop> in there. Sherman JasperSoft
  15. By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch "Input Control" and report parameter  2006-05-16 08:13 Hi,  i'm using jasperserver 0.9.2 and i have a problem with the parameter of an jasper report. I have create them with iReport and all works fine. In jasperserver a create the "report unit" and it works without the paramter. With the paramter and type text i get an error "fillParameters.error.greaterOrEqual" similiar to the thread "Parameter not working" from haugusti. Then i tried to use a parameter "Single Select List of Values". When I run the report it prompts for the parameter and i pick one. All seems good, but the result is a blank page. In the Logfile the entry  "09:35:23,284 ERROR JasperViewerTag,TP-Processor2:78 - Report is empty." With tcpdump i see the connection to the database and the select statement and there is something wrong with the parameter, because he has the value "null". The database is mysql and the problem occurs on windows and linux.  Did anybody have a working "select box" for parameterisation?  Thank you for any hint.   Best regards  Holger Koch By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: "Input Control" and report parameter  2006-05-18 10:27 Holger, the sample report SalesByMonth comes with a single select list of values example. Not sure if you have already seen this.   There are a number of bug fixes around input controls that have already gone into the code stream. The next release is end of May and at that time we will also be getting the head stream up on sourceforge so that you can always get the latest bug fixes.  Regards,  -Tony
  16. By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch Description Field length only 100 characters?  2006-05-16 07:24 Hi,  i'm using jasperserver 0.9.2. If i create a new "Report Unit" with the Report Wizard, i can describe the report in the description field. But it seems to me that the describtion is cut off after 100 characters. In my opinien the field should be enlarged (better) or the textarea field should be limited to 100 characters.  This problem occures on Windows and Linux.   best regards  Holger Koch By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Description Field length only 100 charact  2006-05-18 10:13 Hi Holger, yes I agree. This should be consistent. Will add as bug.Â
  17. By: ElTincho - thetincho jasperserver with a PostgreSql data source  2006-05-16 12:39 i dont want to use Postgresql as repository, only as datasource. I dont need to config nothing with hibernate?. I just copy de jdbcdriver in <tomcatdir>commonlib. and define the JNDI and JDBC data sources in the repository of jasperserver?.   By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: jasperserver with a PostgreSql data sourc  2006-05-16 12:44  Exactly. The Hibernate configuration is just for the metadata repository.   Sherman JasperSoft By: ElTincho - thetincho RE: jasperserver with a PostgreSql data source  2006-05-17 08:40 i also modify  <js-install-dir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml and <js-install-dir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/web.xml to add the datasouce and works fine!!! thank you.
  18. By: Herbert Augustiny - haugusti Graph not showing  2006-05-10 05:56 Hi again  With an other report I have the following problem.  The report contains a XY chart and when I run the report, the chart is not shown in the HTML passed back to the browser. If I prss the PDF button, the report shows fine, including the chart.  Running the same report in iReport using HTML output works fine.  Is this a bug?  Regards,  Herbert By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Graph not showing  2006-05-10 14:36 Hi Herbert,   I logged this as bug #1485979 in the bugs area of the site. Do you mind attaching your original jrxml? This would help in the debugging.  Thanks,  -Tony By: Herbert Augustiny - haugusti RE: Graph not showing  2006-05-10 22:22 Here it is:  Btw: I'd love to get a prerelease version. I'm trying to build a pilot project at our company using jasperserver and if we have success with it, we might use jaspar for all kind of stuff later on. Unfortunately My due date is end of May...  Herbert  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports --> <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd"> <jasperReport name="RunDetails" columnCount="1" printOrder="Vertical" orientation="Landscape" pageWidth="842" pageHeight="595" columnWidth="782" columnSpacing="0" leftMargin="30" rightMargin="30" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" whenNoDataType="NoPages" isTitleNewPage="false" isSummaryNewPage="false"> <property name="ireport.scriptlethandling" value="0" /> <property name="ireport.encoding" value="UTF-8" /> <import value="java.util.*" /> <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*" /> <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*" />  <parameter name="Run" isForPrompting="false" class="java.math.BigDecimal"> <parameterDescription><![CDATA[Run Nummer]]></parameterDescription> <defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA[new BigDecimal(609102)]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <parameter name="StartZeit" isForPrompting="false" class="java.sql.Timestamp"> <parameterDescription><![CDATA[startzeit]]></parameterDescription> <defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA[new java.sql.Timestamp(0)]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <queryString><![CDATA[select * from V_TREND where run = $P{Run} and timestamp >= $P{StartZeit} order by timestamp]]></queryString>  <field name="timestamp" class="java.sql.Timestamp"/> <field name="oben" class="java.lang.Double"/> <field name="mitte" class="java.lang.Double"/> <field name="soll" class="java.lang.Double"/> <field name="unten" class="java.lang.Double"/> <field name="run" class="java.math.BigDecimal"/> <field name="ofen" class="java.lang.Integer"/>  <background> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </background> <title> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </title> <pageHeader> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </pageFooter> <summary> <band height="510" isSplitAllowed="false" > <xyLineChart> <chart hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="782" height="510" key="element-3"/> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <chartTitle color="#000000" > <titleExpression><![CDATA["Run 0" + $P{Run}]]></titleExpression> </chartTitle> </chart> <xyDataset> <dataset > </dataset> <xySeries> <seriesExpression><![CDATA["Soll"]]></seriesExpression> <xValueExpression><![CDATA[new Long(($F{timestamp}.getTime()-$P{StartZeit}.getTime())/60000)]]></xValueExpression> <yValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{soll}]]></yValueExpression> </xySeries> <xySeries> <seriesExpression><![CDATA["Oben"]]></seriesExpression> <xValueExpression><![CDATA[new Long(($F{timestamp}.getTime()-$P{StartZeit}.getTime())/60000)]]></xValueExpression> <yValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{oben}]]></yValueExpression> </xySeries> <xySeries> <seriesExpression><![CDATA["Mitte"]]></seriesExpression> <xValueExpression><![CDATA[new Long(($F{timestamp}.getTime()-$P{StartZeit}.getTime())/60000)]]></xValueExpression> <yValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{mitte}]]></yValueExpression> </xySeries> <xySeries> <seriesExpression><![CDATA["Unten"]]></seriesExpression> <xValueExpression><![CDATA[new Long(($F{timestamp}.getTime()-$P{StartZeit}.getTime())/60000)]]></xValueExpression> <yValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{unten}]]></yValueExpression> </xySeries> </xyDataset> <linePlot > <plot /> <categoryAxisLabelExpression><![CDATA["Dauer / Min"]]></categoryAxisLabelExpression> <valueAxisLabelExpression><![CDATA["Temperatur / °C"]]></valueAxisLabelExpression> </linePlot> </xyLineChart> </band> </summary> </jasperReport> By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Graph not showing  2006-05-11 21:17 Thank you for the jrxml. I added it into the bug report. I'll check around and find out the right way to get you a pre-release (and find out exactly when the head source is due to be online).  Cheers,  -Tony By: Herbert Augustiny - haugusti RE: Graph not showing  2006-05-16 04:45 Do you have any idea when we can get a pre release?  Herbert
  19. By: Bill - sudoroot Default values for parameters  2006-05-15 11:31 I have looked around, but I can't find any comments specific to this issue.  What does JasperServer do with default values in report parameters? Are they ignored? I would like to have default values either automatically entered in the text boxes when the report is processed, or at least have them honored if the user decides to leave the box empty.  Example - some of my fields have a default value of % for a field type of java.lang.String, so that all records are returned. If the user wants all records, they should be able to not type anything in that field.
  20. By: mnio8210 - mnio8210 Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc  2006-05-14 20:49 i've installed jasper server using minimal installation and it works fine. when i login using jasperAdmin username it shows an http status 500 error page which says:  org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open Hibernate Session for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager.doBegin(HibernateTransactionManager.java:543) org.springframework.transaction.support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.getTransaction(AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.java:283) org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.createTransactionIfNecessary(TransactionAspectSupport.java:234) org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(TransactionInterceptor.java:93) org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:170) org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:176) $Proxy2.loadUserByUsername(Unknown Source) org.acegisecurity.providers.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider.retrieveUser(DaoAuthenticationProvider.java:88) org.acegisecurity.providers.dao.AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.java:134) org.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderManager.doAuthentication(ProviderManager.java:208) org.acegisecurity.AbstractAuthenticationManager.authenticate(AbstractAuthenticationManager.java:49) org.acegisecurity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilter.attemptAuthentication(AuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:90) org.acegisecurity.ui.AbstractProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractProcessingFilter.java:228) org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:303) org.acegisecurity.context.HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter.doFilter(HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter.java:220) org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:303) org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:173) org.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy.doFilter(FilterToBeanProxy.java:120)  when i look at tomcat catalina.out log  May 15, 2006 10:26:30 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start INFO: XML validation disabled 10:26:38,879 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter,main:71 - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null 10:26:38,903 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,main:72 - Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' 10:26:38,908 WARN SettingsFactory,main:103 - Could not obtain connection metadata org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'  it seems that it can't load a mysql driver. pls help  mnio By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.  2006-05-15 03:58  When you say you did a "minimal installation", what do you mean? The installers can create a Tomcat with the MySQL driver jar in the right place. If you used a pre-existing Tomcat installation, you will need to put the MySQL driver jar in <Tomcat>/common/lib.   Sherman JasperSoft
  21. By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr Install Issues FC4  2006-05-11 09:52 I am trying to a test install on FC4 with MySql 4.1.16 Tomcat 5.0.30. (These are the current for FC4)  With jasperserver (UI): Had to edit WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties, it the default was trying to put the log file in the root. log4j.appender.fileout.File=/var/log/tomcat5/jasperserver.log  Then edited WEB-INF/web.xml small typo:  <description>JasperServer metadata repository/description> to  <description>JasperServer metadata repository</description>  Now with that cleaned up I get : 09:10:04,727 ERROR ContextLoader,http-8080-Processor3:? - Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Error 'Class that bean class [org.acegisecurity.vote.Bas icAclEntryVoter] depends on not found' in resource'ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml]' a t: Bean 'aclUserAdminVoter'; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: while resolving class: org.acegisecurity.v ote.AbstractAclVoter java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: while resolving class: org.acegisecurity.vote.AbstractAclVoter   I assune this is my version of Tomcat. You say in the install text you need 5.1.2 how about 5.5.17? I will need to look for an RPM for my real install.  Running the SAOP version I get: 2006-05-11 09:49:04 StandardContext[/jasperserver-ws]Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'authenticationManager' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'daoAuthenticationProvider' while setting bean property 'providers' with key [0]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'daoAuthenticationProvider' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'userAuthorityService' while setting bean property 'userDetailsService'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'userAuthorityService' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not instantiate class [org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean]; constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: while resolving class: net.sf.cglib.core.DebuggingClassWrite  Again I assume that this is the Tomcat version again.  Thanks for any help. Michael  Any other suggestions?  By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Install Issues FC4  2006-05-11 21:28 Hi Michael,  JasperServer should work fine with tomcat 5.1.2 and 5.5.16/17.  It looks like classes are not being found, so I am wondering whether you have a standard setup within tomcat/webapps. (Ie you simply dropped the js war into webapps). Because jars seem to not get resolved. By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: Install Issues FC4  2006-05-12 07:02 I will see about install installing the lastest tomcat from apache.   I did use the manager that comes with tomcat to install the war file. By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: Install Issues FC4  2006-05-12 08:12 OK, I did load Tomcat 5.5.17 and I also made sure that I am running off of Sun's 1.5.0-06 SDK. I tried to get the old one to use that SDK but is seems to want to use only GNU's.  I am at the next step. I don't think that I have the mysql jar in the correct place for jasper server to use.   I have tried: tomcat5/common/lib tomcat5/shared/lib tomcat5/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib  I am tring to use: mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar  Thanks for all of your help. By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: Install Issues FC4  2006-05-12 08:47 I forgot to mention why I am trying to load the mysql jdbc driver. I am getting the error message of: 08:05:13,563 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter,http-8080-Processor25:71 - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null 08:05:13,580 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,http-8080-Processor25:72 - Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' 08:05:13,581 ERROR [default],http-8080-Processor25:260 - Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open Hibernate Session for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection By: Michael Calabrese - m2calabr RE: Install Issues FC4  2006-05-12 08:57 OK after some fishing I got. Put it is <tomcat5>/common/lib restart tomcat  For other people look at a similar problems this link could be helpful: See http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=42 and the jdbc.properties setting.  (Taken from a post on oracle.)  By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Install Issues FC4  2006-05-12 10:02 Michael, good work getting this going ;-)  I think you found something I missed in my docs - adding the mysql driver to tomcat - sorry you had to stumble on this. I will update the docs on this point and also add a trouble shooting section for the error message.
  22. By: tortois - tortois jasperserver report repository on oracle  2006-05-12 02:52 Hello, I'd like to know if there are any plans to support oracle db as a report repository alternative to mysql. regards tortois By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: jasperserver report repository on oracle  2006-05-12 07:03  We have not tested this, but since we use Hibernate to access the repository, you can generate the DDL for Oracle by running our build and try it out.  See http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=42 and the jdbc.properties setting.    Sherman JasperSoft
  23. By: Stephen Hughes - srhughes Exporting to CSV  2006-05-12 03:34 Is there any way to harness the export facility of JasperReports in JasperServer to export to CSV? I would like to add another button to the report header to do this, any ideas?  Is this going to be a feature of further releases? By: Teodor Danciu - teodord RE: Exporting to CSV  2006-05-12 03:39  Hi,  This would be fairly easy to add.  We'll consider it for a future version.  Thank you, TeodorÂ
  24. By: Stephen Hughes - srhughes Bug with single select drop down box?  2006-05-11 03:40 In the SampleByMonth sample, when the parameters are passed to the report, the value of the single select deop down box returns "null". This error is shown in the screenshot in the User Guide (page 5). Header shows: "Sales By Month Report 999 true null May 5, 2006". According to the docs this should be the value of the single select item. Stephen By: Teodor Danciu - teodord RE: Bug with single select drop down box?  2006-05-11 09:20  Hi,  This was indeed a bug and was fixed earlier today. It will be part of the next release.  Thank you, TeodorÂ
  25. By: ceyusa - ceyusa Can I use postgresql instead of mysql  2006-05-10 16:52 Hi all,  I've tryed to use jasperserver with postgresql, using the war packages without any luck. The error message in jasperserver.log is:  12:23:57,788 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,http-8080-Processor24:72 - Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' 12:23:57,789 ERROR [default],http-8080-Processor24:260 - Servlet.service() para servlet default lanz? excepci?n org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open Hibernate Session for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection  Even though change the jdbc driver in context.xml and hibernate.properties.  So, currently is possibly use another DBMS for jasperserver?  Thanks for all folks! By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Can I use postgresql instead of mysql  2006-05-10 21:51 Sherman just made a checkin to support postgres (and the framework for supporting any future DB). However, there are some differences between mysql and postgres when using hibernate - so these differences are being ironed out.   I expect postgres support to be in the next release - end of May. Unfortunately, we haven't converted over to getting the dev source tree on sourceforge yet - we only have the last release snapshot (0.9.2). By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Can I use postgresql instead of mysql  2006-05-11 04:52  Was this message related to using Postgres as the repository? If so, then Tony's anser is correct.  You can define a data source for a report that uses a Postgres data source. Include the Postgres driver into Tomcat and define the data source to use the Postgres driver. JNDI and JDBC data sources can be defined.    Sherman JasperSoft
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