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Everything posted by tomsimmons

  1. If I load my .jrxml file into a JasperDesign object (using JREmlLoader.load()), I can then see all the field via jasperDesign.getFieldsList() or jasperDesign.getFieldsMap(). I can also see all the parameters with jasperDesign.getParametersList() or Map. How can I find if there are any subreports and the subreport expression if there are? Tom
  2. We have several applications that have been written over time that all use JasperReports for their reporting output. There are also several report launcher apps for different reports that exist. What I'd like to do is use JasperServer to host all these reports, then people either use JasperServer's web interface to run the reports or programs are intergrated to it to for the reports. This raises a couple of questions. 1. A lot of the standalone reports that exist so far don't require any form of security, in fact having to log into JasperServer to run the reports is not desirable. Can some reports be made available without a login? 2. From our existing application I'd like to take advantage of JasperServers parameter pages rather than always having to code our own. Is there anyway through the API to basically automate the login process and jump straight to the report list available to that login? 3. Finally, there is one old system we have that currently launches JasperReports by using a system call to launch IE specifying the URL of a launcher we wrote and supplying a parameter. Obviously I can supply the login credentials on the URL, is there anyway I can pass the parameter? I did see something once about creating custom pages for users. Tom
  3. We have several applications that have been written over time that all use JasperReports for their reporting output. There are also several report launcher apps for different reports that exist. What I'd like to do is use JasperServer to host all these reports, then people either use JasperServer's web interface to run the reports or programs are intergrated to it to for the reports. This raises a couple of questions. 1. A lot of the standalone reports that exist so far don't require any form of security, in fact having to log into JasperServer to run the reports is not desirable. Can some reports be made available without a login? 2. From our existing application I'd like to take advantage of JasperServers parameter pages rather than always having to code our own. Is there anyway through the API to basically automate the login process and jump straight to the report list available to that login? 3. Finally, there is one old system we have that currently launches JasperReports by using a system call to launch IE specifying the URL of a launcher we wrote and supplying a parameter. Obviously I can supply the login credentials on the URL, is there anyway I can pass the parameter? I did see something once about creating custom pages for users. Tom
  4. I have just downloaded JasperServer 2.1 having previously looked at a much older version, but never got round to using it. Does anyone know of any good guides/information on how to put a custom JSP parameter page in for a report when you register it? I see from the User Guide that you appear to be able to specify one, but I can find nothing about doing it other than people saying look at the DefaultParameterForm.jsp. Tom
  5. OK, With further investigation..... I added the Toplink jar files to the class path, and have moved on a little. The error I now get is "cannot acquire datasource [jdbc/attendance]" Comparing my persistence.xml with someone elses on here, theirs has the full connection details, however mine points to the jndi in glassfish. At this point I'm a little stumped, obvioulsy I need the persistence file to work the way it does now so I can't edit that, so how do I get the details I need? Tom
  6. Afternoon I'm sure this must have been covered before, but I cannot find anything that helps me. I have a enterprise web app using EJB3 (Toplink) and that all works just great. Now I need some reports. I recalled seeing an EJBQL option on the DataSource window in iReport, so thought, bonus, home and dry! Well no..... I have added the ejb jar file from my project to the class path in iReport, I have specified the name of the Persistence Unit, the persistence.xml is in the jar. But when I click test, "No Persistence provider for EntityManager named EmployeeAttendace-ejbPU". Anyone able to provide any guidance on this, please? Tom PS OK, failed to upload the image twice, now I have no option to upload, so its now an attached file! [file name=rotten_error.jpg size=23455]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/rotten_error.jpg[/file] Post edited by: tomsimmons, at: 2007/10/16 15:27
  7. Afternoon all After a break of a few months I am again back writing more reports, and see that iReport and Jasper Report have progressed from 1.3.3 to 2.something. If I download the latest versions are all my old reports likely to work under it? Also will any reports written under 1.3.3, altered under 2.x still work with the 1.3.3 libraries (assuming I don't use any new fancy stuff)? Finally, ;), I have a vague memory of seeing something in iReport that allows you to specify the Jasper Report version. Does that simply use a different set of libraries or....... Regards Tom
  8. Hi folks just fired up iReport for the first time in a couple of months and created a really simple report, ran it and rather than getting several lines of data, I got a single line with every field set to null! Tried connecting to a different DB (different server, different database type) quick test report, the same. Loaded a previous report, again null for all the values. Un-installed and re-installed iReport 1.3.3, still nulls. No errors being reported Anyone a got a clue? Tom
  9. I realise there are numerous posts on the documentation, an for that reason, I wonder if a single pinned/locked thread could be created at the top of each forum providing information about the documentation for each product? My question simply is.... I am gathering information on which documents I would like my employer to purchase, so far I'm pretty sure I need JasperServer and iReport, what I don't know is what the JasperReport documentation supplies. Is this solely for progromatic use/control of reports? Going back to the first point, a lot of books have a 'Who is this book for' section, maybe a couple of paragraphs could be drafted by those that composed them and that could be included in the static post in each forum? Tom
  10. I have written a report that reports against, as you would expect, a specified table in a specified database. The report displays information for a specific division of the company. Other divisions are have an identical table, but in a different database. Currently I use my own JSP application to launch the report, and simply alter the required part of the query, set the parameters the make and fill the report. Ideally I'd like to skip my JSP app and use JasperServer, I have figured out most of what I need to do, I have a couple of question on the forum about parameters, but I'm not sure how I'd handle the query change. The perfect solution would be a drop down on the custom parameter screen where I can specify the division, then from there alter the query or whatever the solution would be. Tom
  11. I have linked JasperServer and iReport together and created a report that draws upon a sub-report (using a paramter on the subreport) and image that are all held in JasperServer and it works well - I'm very impressed. The next stage is to add a parameter on the main report and as I understand is possible, create a custom JSP page that will be displayed to collect the parameter from the user. If I use the wizard in JasperServer and look at the report I added through iReport I can step through the registration stages to the screen entitled 'Custom Input Control and Report Screens' where 2 JSP pages can be referenced. I have seen, though I can't find it again, somthing about being able to specify these pages from the iReport plug-in too. What I'm hoping to end up with is a JSP page, that uses JSTL to access a database, populate a control, that provides the parameter values the user can choose. The chosen value is then passed to JasperServer and the report displayed. Is this possible, or am I wide of the mark as to what these JSP pages are used for? Tom
  12. Hmm I would be very interested in any information on the version control features of JasperServer. My interest is not so much for a compliance reason, well not yet, but more the age old problem of wanting to return to an older version of the report. I was thinking that I would need to store copies of the jrxml's outside of the JasperServer in CVS or similar. Tom
  13. Hi All This is probably a bit of a silly question, but I can't find any real reference to it. I assume it is possible to access the reports inside JasperServer progromatically? What I'm thinking is if we used JasperServer as the sole store of all reports for the company, then people can access reports they require through the existing front end. Reports that are for use in application could be held in there also and called from the programs, with parameters being passed. I guess as a side affect those reports if so deired could also be run outwith the application. Tom
  14. OK, I've fixed this. It all comes down to the backslash n or r for new lines. Originally I was having an issue where n wasn't working, but r did in PDF, so I changed them all to r. The combination didn't appear to work either. However the new lines weren't appearing because at this time I hadn't discovered the Stretch on Overflow. What I tried to resolve this was using a different viewer, namely the java viewer, where I discovered the r didn't work, but n did. The final conclusion, r and n with stretch on overflow seems to guarantee the result I want in all viewers. Tom
  15. I seem to have found a problem with the isStretchWithOverflow function. I have been working on a report that has a lot of fields on it but needs to be A4, so I changed it such that all the fields are 6 rather than the default 10 pt text. This was fine. I was then informed that of a slight change to a field, that needed 3 extra pieces of information in it if they existed, so I created a variable, add all the strings together, put it on the report and set the isStretchWithOverflow to true, only the first line was displayed. Having spent nearly a day chasing the problem I have discovered that the isStretchWithOverflow function only seems to work correctly with fields of 10pt or greater, anything less and it doesn't have an affect. I am using iReport 1.3.3, recently downloaded so I assume it has JasperReport 1.3.3(?) included in it. The isStretchWithOverflow attribute is being set on the field properties through the tick option. However I'm thinking its a JasperReport error rather than iReport because modification of the jrxml is sufficient to prove it. Not usre if its important, but the font is the default SansSerif. Tom Post edited by: tomsimmons, at: 2007/05/24 10:08
  16. I understand that the band height changes to accomodate the content of the fields at run time. In fact I have two subreports in my detail band that cause this and thats fine. The problem I have is there is also a variable field in the report that is actually made from the concaternation of 4 other variable fields, the last 3 all having "\r" (that should be backslash r) then the string to give me a seperate line for each. If the subreports I have stretch the detail band height sufficiently, then all is well, all 4 lines come through, however if the subreports are small, then the variable field gets cut off after however many lines fit. I have tried the Stretch on Overflow, no luck, any ideas? Tom
  17. Afternoon I am just investigating JasperServer and so far I have to say I'm quite impressed with it. One little question though, I have several reports I have written that use subreports. When I follow the guide on adding the example Sales By Month report the wizard is aware there are subreports and requests them as extra resources. When I import one of my own master reports, it isn't aware of the subreports. I'm guessing there is something that needs to be done in the reports, but what? Tom
  18. edwin wrote: Try compiling your subreport first before executing the master report. Also check if the path you specified in your subreport element is correct. Remember: it must have the path to the .jasper file NOT the .jrxml file... I believe you used the .jrxml file. Find out where your compilation directory is. That's where the .jasper files are. In addition to this, if you have parameters that link to the master report, check if you linked them correctly. Let us know how it goes. Edwin<br><br>Post edited by: edwin, at: 2007/05/08 17:38 Thanks for confirming the bit about the master must point to the .jasper for the subreport. Sadly when you use the wizard for adding the subreport, at the point where you specify the subreport expression one option indicates the .jasper, the other the .jrxml, as can be seen in the image. Tom size=400]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/wizard.jpg Post edited by: tomsimmons, at: 2007/05/14 08:14
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