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Everything posted by tomsimmons

  1. Hmm Must have got confused when I tried this last time... The answer is: jasperDesign.getProperty(String propertyName) Tom
  2. Afternoon All I'm wondering if someone can enlighten me as to how I can read the values of the custom report properties from code? I know having loaded the report as a JasperDesign object I can reach the parameters and their properties, but I would like to check the custom properties of the entire report. Thanks Tom
  3. Thank you for your help, I have now been able to complete this report. A note to others: I found info here... http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=35245 The point that I initially missed in the second post is that you only need to include the information in one place. Also, for those using iReport, under the Edit Menu, you'll find Custom Properties, when you click New here, you'll find this setting in the Special Meaning Properties list, double click and add true as the property value, amke sure you've turned off all the over flow stuff and when you excel sheet loads you'll find if you expand the column all your text is present. Tom
  4. Thanks for your reply. I'm looking now for information on the net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text option. I don't suppose you have a link to a handy explantion/example of how to use it? Tom
  5. Hi Thanks for your reply. I know it's not easy to follow, wasn't easy to explain either :) I've attached another screen shot showing the report in iReport. The prroblem is that the long description field can be pretty big, to handle it overflow is enabled which causes where necessary to becomes 2+ lines deep. On a PDF or similar output this is not a problem, but I need Excel and that results in the problem you see in the first posts attachment. The subreport I can guarantee will always only be one row high, it is a column report actually. The band is currently the same height as the subreport, but grows when the description fields grows. I can't see another way that the data could be gathered other than with a sub report, sadly. Tom
  6. I think people will need the .jrxml files to understand what's going on. I'll have a look when you've posted them, this sounds like an problem I had some time back and managed to solve. Tom
  7. Hmmm, I'm quite surprised there has been no answer to this topic. Surely there must be someway of making a subreport stretch to the tallest object or band height? Tom
  8. Hi Folks I have written a report that consists of top report with only a subreport which is in the detail band. The subreport has some fields and a subreport in its detail band and column labels in it's Column Header band. The final subreport has columns, and two fields only in the detail band - it has a group for the columns. I have a couple if fields in the middle subreport that can be large, so they have stretch on overflow, consequently I have set all fields to strech to band height, and the subreport. I have also set the fields in the subreport to strech to band height (clutching at straws?). Long and short, everything in all reports is set to strech to band height. When I run the report as PDF or JR Viewer, all is fine, but I need to run as Excel. When I run as Excel, on rows where the two fields need to stretch, but there is nothing from the subreport, all is fine. However if they stretch and there is info fromt he subreport, then the subreport isn't stretched, so I end up with a line of blank cells under the subreport data. I've tried both Excel export API's. How can I make the subreport stretch to band height? I have attached a screen sippet, the blue being the fields (including the cause of the stretch, the yellow being the subreport, and the green being the bit I don't want. Tom Post Edited by tomsimmons at 05/07/2009 08:18
  9. I think you've lost me?! Are you saying that POI does (now) support images? Tom
  10. I realise this, what I coudn't understand is that all the information point to needing to use the JExcel(JExcelApiExporter) if you want to have graphics in the excel sheet and POI(JXlsExporter) if you don't need graphics. However when I tested my report, using both of these in iReport they both included the graphics. Tom
  11. If you need to use JExcelAPIExporter to get graphics in the export, how does iReport (3.0.0) achieve it regardless of which Excel option you choose under the Build menu? Tom
  12. Don't seem to be able to edit a message - well you can, just can't submit the edit?! The line that it fails on is.... JExcelApiExporter e = new JExcelApiExporter(); Tom
  13. OK, not sure of the very first time, but it seems it was in the from about 1.2.7, certainly earlier than I need to worry about. So my next question is...which jar files do I need for JExcelApiExporter? I see people talking about jxl.jar, which I assume is jxl-2.6.jar in recent releases of iReports lib directory? However including this doesn't improve matters. The error I'm getting is...below? Hopefully. Thanks Tom Code:14:04:27,006 ERROR [[jsp]] Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exceptionjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: jxl.JXLException at org.jboss.mx.loading.LoadMgr3.beginLoadTask(LoadMgr3.java:212) at org.jboss.mx.loading.RepositoryClassLoader.loadClassImpl(RepositoryClassLoader.java:514) at org.jboss.mx.loading.RepositoryClassLoader.loadClass(RepositoryClassLoader.java:408)...14:04:27,006 ERROR [ReportServlet] doGet(): org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jxl/JXLException
  14. Can anyone tell me that from which version of JasperReports is JExcelApiExporter included? Tom
  15. I guess there is no reason for it to be HTML, it could just as easily be RTF, just as long as it is the body of the email and and rich formatted. Tom
  16. Hi Folks I have created a report that works perfectly, I even had it working in HTML, but now everything has fallen apart. I need to use this report as the body of an email, and of course once out of the rendering environment the images used for spacing/alignment don't exist, so I end up with broken links. I don't suppose anyone has an ingenious solution to this problem? Tom
  17. OK I got this working fine using the PrintWriter to output the HTML in a web page. The problem is that my final goal is export the report as HTML to feed into an HTML email. For this I have changed the JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER to JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STRING_BUFFER, then fed this into the content of the email. When I receive the email however the result is as though the image servlet stuff isn't being used. Any thoughts? Tom
  18. To answer my own question.... Yes, if you apply styles to the fields then these do render correctly when exported to HTML. Tom
  19. OK I was just going to report back saying I'd ruled out it being an old version, but that doesn't matter now. If I were to replace the rectangles with themes in the report would they work OK? (assuming that's possible) Tom
  20. Thank you I kind of expected that was the going to be the answer. I have now implemented it, but I'm still suffering a couple of problems. The report has a couple of tables that had shaded rectangles to create a background to the headings and the data and lines to seperate the rows of data - see attachment 1 (good table.jpg - this is in PDF format). When the HTML report is generated, this all falls apart - attachment 2 (duff table.jpg). The first tables data isn't displayed at all, neither is the shading, but I do get some lines. The second tables data is present, but no shading or lines. I am currently stuck using JasperReports 1.3.3, I currently don't have full control of the project so I can't upgrade it to 3. Is this a limitation of the HTML export, or a limitation at version 1.3.3? Tom
  21. Folks I am trying to output a report as HTML, the eventual goal to actully stream the HTML into an HTML email rather than to screen. I have modified an existing report launcher I use for PDF with the following code... // ServletOutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream(); // response.setContentType("application/pdf"); // JRPdfExporter pdfExporter = new JRPdfExporter(); // pdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jPrint); // byte[] output = JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(jPrint); // response.setContentLength(output.length); // ouputStream.write(output); // // ouputStream.flush(); // ouputStream.close(); PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); response.setContentType("text/html"); JRHtmlExporter htmlExporter = new JRHtmlExporter(); htmlExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jPrint); htmlExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, pw); htmlExporter.exportReport(); pw.flush(); pw.close(); And get the output you see in attachment 1. As can be seen from attachment 2, the commented out PDF works fine, so does the report. There is an image on the page, but it's none of the areas marked with the missing image cross or the other funny blank squares. Is this is caused because I'm not using the image servlet etc or is there another problem? Tom
  22. JasperReports 3.0.0 Having moved up to version 3 I am having a lot more success working with the elements and properties of a report. but I've just hit another obstacle. I can get the Map of parameters, and retrieve one of my own from it, I can get the value, even access the custom properties, but what I need to know is the type (class). When inspecting the object I can see the valueClass property, and for this example it says java.lang.String (which is correct). What I can't work out is how to determine the class of a parameter in code. My initial guess of param.getValueClass instanceof java.lang.String doesn't work. I guess I could make do with string comparison on param.getValueClassName(), but..... Tom
  23. Maybe I've missed something, but I can't decide whether iReport NB is now fully released and suitable/stable for all out report developing or whether iReport 3.0.0 is the latest version to use? Tom
  24. JasperReports 2.0.2 Using the following code.... jDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(reportsPath + "PIReport.jrxml"); JRDesignParameter jP = (JRDesignParameter)jDesign.getParametersMap().get("ads"); String[] z = jP.getPropertiesMap().getPropertyNames(); ...jP successfully becomes the parameter from the report, I can see the type, name etc correctly. However I don't seem to be able to access, or in fact see the two properties I created for this parameter. There's no error, just nothing there, ie z for example is length 0, the map can't be explored etc Tom
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