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Everything posted by faheemhameed

  1. Hi There I am using JasperReports 4.0.2 (and using ireports to design the reports) I am having the same issue as follows: com.lowagie.text.DocumentException: Font '' with 'Cp1252' is not recognized I have not set the property "Pdf Font" as it seems to deprecated as displayed in the property box. I had installed the font through Options->Fonts. When I run this through iReport I do not get any issue but when run it through PhpJavaBridge then I get the above issue. It occurs on my Windows 7 and Ubuntu Server. Please help on this. Thanks a lot! Hameed
  2. Hi there, I am successfully using PHP-Java-Bridge to connect to jasper reports on Windows 2003 server. Now I have a requirement move the site to Linux (Redhat) server. We have successfully installed PHP-Java-Bridge application in the Tomcat server. It seems the bridge is working fine as I can use the testing applications successfully. But I get issues when using jasper reports. We are using jasper reports 3.0.0 libraries. Please see my partial code below: ============================================================================================= private function getExportReport($paramMap) { global $cfg; ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once("http://{$cfg['tomcatServer']}/JavaBridge/java/Java.inc"); try { java_require($this->javaLibraryPath); $Conn = new Java("com.pilot.jasperReports.JdbcConnection"); $Conn->setDriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); $Conn->setConnectString("jdbc:mysql://{$cfg['serverName']}/{$cfg['dbName']}"); $Conn->setUser($cfg['dbUserName']); $Conn->setPassword($cfg['dbPassword']); $sJfm = new Java('net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager'); print $sJfm; $print = $sJfm->fillReport($this->reportFilePath, $paramMap, $Conn->getConnection()); // Export $sJem = new Java('net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager'); $sJem->exportReportToPdfFile($print, $this->outputFilePath); if (file_exists($this->reportFilePath)){ header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $this->outputFileName); header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: '. @filesize($this->outputFilePath)); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Expires: 0'); set_time_limit(0); @readfile($this->outputFilePath) or die('problem occurs.'); unlink($this->outputFilePath); } } catch (JavaException $ex) { $trace = new Java('java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream'); $ex->printStackTrace(new Java('java.io.PrintStream', $trace)); print "java stack trace: $trace\n"; } } ======================================================================= At the below line $print = $sJfm->fillReport($this->reportFilePath, $paramMap, $Conn->getConnection()); I get just the following error but no java error trace at all: "java stack trace: Object id #73 " I am not sure how can I debug when there is no error trace available. When I tried to print $sJfm variable as print $sJfm; I got the following: "Object id #65" but sometime I got the following but I am not sure why and could replicate that again "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager@20eb607d" Please help as my client is screaming why the prints are not working. Also I am not a java expert so it's quite daunting for me to fix. Thanks a lot, Hameed
  3. Hi there, I am also looking for the same functionality. It would be nice to have the pagination in one field as it would make the design of the page in the ireport easier. Thanks, Hameed
  4. How can insert mail merge columns in a static text field in iReports. I want the users to easily modify the reports without using double quotes, concatenation etc. I mean want them to edit the report easily without being a programmer.
  5. I have downloaded the jasper report files and found the demo folder. Thanks! One other question is how can align text to center within a static text element.
  6. Dear Teodord, I do not have a sub folder called /demo/samples/styledtext within my iReport folder. Where can I download it? Thanks a lot! Hameed
  7. Hi there, Thanks for your comments. Now I use the sub report to accomplish it. The thing is it would be very handy to use the sub dataset's field instead of creating a sub-report for just one field. Thanks!
  8. Hi there, I am very very interested in the external style sheets. I am eagerly waiting for this upgrade since I am getting to do more and more reports now. It would be very handy to manage the styles if we have external style sheets. Thanks, Hameed
  9. thanks for your answer nicky. I hope jasper would add the possibility of using the sub dataset independently.
  10. I need this feature too. Very useful I guess. Is it already available in the latest version? Thanks!
  11. Hi there, I have got the same problem. Have you already got a solution for it? Thanks a lot Hameed
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