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Posts posted by fwhorton

  1. Hello All: I am trying to create a report (environment: Oracle, Hibernate, Spring, iReport). Maybe this is in creating a report 101 but I did not see it. Sorry to write so much but I wanted to be clear.


    I am selecting from the "project" table and trying create a java.lang.Long field "manager.peopleId" which "manager" is a foriegn key to the "peopleId" field within the "people" table and get a Null property value for 'manager' java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null property value for 'manager' when I try to print the field but the report compiles.


    So I change "manager.peopleId" field expression to:


    ? (new Long(0))

    : (new Long(1)))


    And I still get a Null property value for 'manager' java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null property value for 'manager' when I try to print the field but the report compiles.


    So I delete the "manager.peopleId" field and create a "manager" field with class type com.thesdg.capitalvision.data.org.People, change expression class to java.lang.String, and change the field expression to:


    ?$F{manager}.getPersonFirstName() + " "

    + $F{manager}.getPersonLastName()



    Now I receive the following Check Expresion Error: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``(((com.thesdg.capitalvision.data.org.People)field_manager.getValue())!=null ?(( . . . '' : Class: com.thesdg.capitalvision.data.org.People not found in namespace

    com .thesdg .capitalvision .data .org .People

    Line: 1


    I cannot compile the file with the error: Errors compiling C:Documents and SettingsFred WhortonMy DocumentsWorkBenchcapvisWebRootreportsProjectContract.jasper.

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:

    1. com.thesdg.capitalvision.data.org.People cannot be resolved to a type value = (java.lang.Long)((((com.thesdg.capitalvision.data.org.People)field_manager.getValue())!=null


    But the report now displays the information...


    Any help is greatly appreciated.




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