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Posts posted by fwhorton

  1. I had similiar problems:



    1. My dbSource mapping was not in my applicationContext.xml file so I had to combine them.

    2. Sometimes I was receiving classNotFoundError even though iReport classpath was configured so I had to copy the appropriate jar files into /iReports*/lib folder.




  2. Hello All,



    Just wanted to post my experiences with subreport return values since I see so many posts.



    What I usually do is create the subreport and make sure the output is correct and anything that I do not want show in the report I just set the band or field's Print When Expression to Boolean.FALSE so I can always go back and verify output without having to create everything over. Also, many times I do not want anything of the subreport to show so I just set the subreport height to 1 and stick it at the top of a group.



    Groupings are important. Let's say the subreport is in the header of group A. Then I find the subreport return values can be used in any sub-group (i.e. group B's) or within the footer the subreport is in (i.e. group A's footer).



    Scenario subreport:

    variable name = "temp"

    calculation type = "sum"

    Scenario main report:

    Group A contains subreport

    variable name = "temp" (name them the same)

    calculation type = "System" (only one worked)

    Reset Type = "Group"

    Reset Group= = "Group A"

    Text Field (Eval. Time) = "Now" (left defaulted)

    Scenario main report subreport return values:

    Subreport Variable = "temp" (manually typed)

    Local Destination Variable = "temp"

    Calculation Type = "Nothing"



    **If subreport is not located in a group then set Reset Type = "Report" (i.e. when subreport located in header).



    The subreport's variable (variable name = "temp") can be set in any way (i.e. calculation type, reset type, or variable expression). Create a variable in the main report (variable name = "temp") with calculation type = "System" and set Reset Group to grouping where subreport is located. Create subreport return values and type in the subreport variable name that needs to be returned (i.e. name = "temp") and then set the destination to the variable just created (i.e. name = "temp").



    To use the subreport return value in another variable's Variable Expression (i.e. calculating a subreport return value with a field). I set the new variable's calculation type = "Nothing", Reset Type = "None" and left the field's evaluation time = "Now". Then I find the new variable can be used in any sub-group (i.e. group B's) or within the footer the subreport is in (i.e. group A's footer).



    Hope this works for you. And please add any comments.

    Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/08/15 21:29

  3. Hello: I am trying to create a bar chart (x=month, y=$)that spans one year (Jan.-Dec.). But if the only dates in my table are Jan.-Mar. then the report only shows those month. If the only date in my table is Jan. then the chart only shows one huge bar. Is there a way to show show all 12 months but without bars? One person suggested creating a table with all the months and do a left join. Is there a way to use subdatasets?



    Any suggesstions are greatly appreciated.




  4. Hello All: I created a chart that spans one year of a department's income per month.. so the x-axis is 1/01, 2/01... 12/01 and y-axis are the amounts. But if the report is run on a department who only has an income on 2/01 then one huge bar appears that spans the length of the chart. Is there a way to force the chart to show the entire 12 months so the bars/headings on the chart are all aligned and the same size? Can I call an outside method, create variables, and/or parameters?


    Any assistance is greatly appreciated!




  5. Sorry I shouldnt of replied in the first place. I had a problem similar to this before and I applied it to your situation with no luck. I keep coming across evaluation timing issues and you might be having the same problem.
  6. I think I unclear on what you are asking. If you are printing the position numbers smaller than the highest position number: that means you want to print everything except for the highest position number? And you want to do all of this in the sub-report (calculation and print when expression)?
  7. Okay I removed that error by setting classpath under settings.



    But now I am receiving an error: Invocation of init failed; nested exception NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/myfaces/custom/fileupload/uploadedfile.



    Any help is appreciated,




    Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/27 12:34

  8. hello: can someone help me configure my iReports with Spring? I goto Connections/Datasource and try creating Spring loaded Hibernate Connection. I set Spring Configuration to C:Documents and Settings...WebRootWEB-INFapplicationContext.xml and Session Factory Bean ID to sessionFactory. I am getting a fileNotFoundException.







    Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/27 12:35

  9. Hello: I am new to JasperServer. Can someone tell me how to setup Ad Hoc reports to use hibernate? I created a report with a SQL query (select * from org_organization) which is working but I cannot create a report with an Hibernate query (from organization) along with the fields defined in my hibernate file.


    Thanks for any help,




    Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/27 12:20

  10. I figured it out... the field's evaluation time needs to be set to "Report". Other settings that must be noted is setting the variable's Calculation Type to "First" and reset type = "None".

    Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/22 20:33

  11. hello: I know this has been asked but I still cannot convert any string "01/01/01" or "01/01/2001" to a date variable. I have tried new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy").parse("01/01/01") but I get a null. I am running a query that is using a date parameter but the chart comes back blank if a date is not being passed into the query, so I think. So I want to create a default date. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  12. Does Excel change 5.75 to anything or just removes zeros beyond decimal points? If it removes zeros after decimal points then you might have to change the column format in Excel to something that has decmial points (Currency or Custom).
  13. Does Excel change 5.75 to anything or just removes zeros beyond decimal points? If it removes zeros after decimal points then you might have to change the column format in Excel to something that has decmial points (Currency or Custom).
  14. I have created lines that extend from the top of the details band to the bottom by creating a line that extends the whole band then playing with Position and Stretch Type = Relative to tallest object/band (I used object). Other settings I used: Print in whole first band, Print when details overflow, and Print repeated values. So in your case you would have to create a line for each band. Hope this helps.

    Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/08 14:40

  15. hello: I am trying to create a bar chart in iReport 1.3 which is working but the chart is only showing the bottom half. When I stretch the chart, I can see the whole thing. Is there an automatic way of stretching the chart? I have tried "Stretch type" but there are only three options (no stretch, relative to tallest object, relative to band height).


    When is there a need for a scriptlet?

    When should I use a dataset?


    Thanks in advance for any help,




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