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Posts posted by arunvishvin

  1. For the first question there is no hard and fast rule that you should use subreport. You may or may not use a subreport. This totally depends on you (the designer).


    For the second question you can refer to any of the samples provided in jasper-source

  2. Hi,

    I also faced the same problem what i did was,


    We used to print 16 digit numbers as TxnNo:1234567890123456 and I added the ":" into the report before the field value like this

    ":"+$F{Field Name} and that solved the problem.

    You also try to add some character but not space before your field value, it will surely work

  3. I am using virtualizer for jasperreports-1.2.4 and i have observered that from the version of jasperreports-1.2.3 they have made the virtualizer to a single/swap file.

    In my case i am running the jasper in RHL(Linux) the virtualizer files are automatically cleared without any user intervension, but the virtualizer files are not deleted unless another report is generated or the same report is regenerated.

  4. I am using virtualizer for jasperreports-1.2.4 and i have observered that from the version of jasperreports-1.2.3 they have made the virtualizer to a single/swap file.

    In my case i am running the jasper in RHL(Linux) the virtualizer files are automatically cleared without any user intervension, but the virtualizer files are not deleted unless another report is generated or the same report is regenerated.

  5. Hi,

    Use subreports which will be very useful and ideal in your case.There are huge number of functions using the subreports and you can design it very easily and without any fuss.


    Report 1(Main Report)

    Agent Details

    Agent name: xxxx

    Address: yyyy

    Email: zzzz


    Credit Limit

    Limit: xxxx

    Date Authorized: yyyy


    Include the three subreports in the detail band of the Main Report.


    Subreport 1

    Credit Limit History

    Limit | Authorized By | Date Authorized

    xxxx | yyyyy | zzzzz

    aaaa | bbbbb | ccccc


    Subreport 2


    Amount | Calculation | Rate

    xxxx | PERCENTAGE | yyy

    yyyy | FLAT | xxx


    Subreport 3

    Service Charge

    Amount | Charge

    xxxx | yyy

    yyyy | xxx

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