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Posts posted by dnvsrikanth

  1.  Hi cooperbry,


    No need to have counters and all the other stuff. Simply set whenNoDataType attribute to "allSectionsNoDetail" and in the Summary band Have a Text Field that displays "No Data Found" and in its printWhenExpression use the following expression:


    DNV Srikanth

    new java.lang.Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==0)
  2.  Hi Peter,


    You can do that using styles in the report. Use the following expression in style and set isStrikeThrough to TRUE in the style.


    DNV Srikanth.

    $F{Telephone}.indexOf( "!" ) == 0 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSEisStrikeThrough="true"
  3.  Hi Rakesh,


    This IMAGE_SERVLET comes into picture when I use JasperPrint object. When I use jrprint instead of JasperPrint Image_Servlet won't work. I already mentioned that I am using jrprint object instead of JasperPrint object in my application.



    DNV Srikanth.

    Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 04/05/2010 10:32
  4.  Hi,

    I am using jrprint file to fill the report and display the filled in report in our web application. 


    Using the jrprint there is no problem in exporting the report to all the formats except HTML format. I am facing problem in displaying images in HTML export by using jrprint. Previously we used to use JasperPrint object to fill a report and display the report i web application. Now we got to use jrprint object instead of JasperPrint object.


    Please suggest me in  resolving this problem.



    DNV Srikanth

  5. Hi,


    Download JasperReports distribution provided by JasperForge guys and go through the samples provided by them.

    Also use iReports, a tool used to generate the reports.


    DNV Srikanth

  6. Hi

    I have found the problem. As I have said earlier some code change to implement logging creted this mess and I reverted that change by reverting that change> I haven't made changes to the exporting code snippet whatever I have posted earlier in this thread.



    DNV Srikanth.

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