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Everything posted by mgeise

  1. SummaryError setting up report when applying Column-Level Security ... or the java error, NullPointerException. After Setting up Column-Level Security, when you run a report, you can encounter an "error setting up report" and NullPointerException like below. Symptoms CausesInvalid Case: a report is already created with some columns concerned by new Column-Level security rules. When a user X try to run this report, if a security rule denies acces to some columns for user X, the above error message is returned. Resolutions This is not a bug, just an Invalid Case. Create your security rules first and then users concerned by those rules can create their own reports. If you modify those rules in the Domain Security File, be sure to modify also your concerned users' reports, or tell them to recreate theirs.
  2. The same instructions from above would apply. Once you have an input control and chain of parameters that allows you to enter "Yesterday" and convert it into another parameter with the equivalent calculated Date, scheduling the report with Yesterday as the input is the same as scheduling with any other input control/ Matt Jaspersoft
  3. JasperReports Server Pro v3.5 ships with these Ad Hoc chart types: BarPieLineAreaScatterTime SeriesPointsProblem: for some reason you want to hide a chart type from the end users. Solution: Short answer: all you need to do is comment out the type in the static block of ChartStateDelegate.java static { chartTypes.add(ChartViewModel.BAR_CHART); chartTypes.add(ChartViewModel.PIE_CHART); chartTypes.add(ChartViewModel.LINE_CHART); chartTypes.add(ChartViewModel.AREA_CHART); chartTypes.add(ChartViewModel.SCATTER_CHART); //chartTypes.add(ChartViewModel.TIME_SERIES_CHART); } Long answer: Look at jasperserver-warsrcmainwebappWEB-INFadhocactionModel_ChartViewModel.xml The menu option for the chart type picker is defined here ChartViewModel.getTypeDisplayMap() refers to the map of all chart types which is in turn defined in ChartStateDelegate.java in this line: protected static List chartTypes;
  4. This article serves as an informative example on setting up JasperServer to authenticate through a central authentication system, namely CAS. Note:This example is not intended to work with your specific implementation of CAS or the specific version of JasperServer that you are using, but is intended to allow you to follow along and make the necessary changes to your own implementation to acheive the same result. This example will only work with JasperServer versions prior to v3.5: Please see the Authentication Cookbook for the most recent information and examples. Setting up a CAS Server for TestingJA-SIG provides a CAS server packaged as a web application, and it comes with a built-in authentication module that is suitable for testing. The built in authentication module will accept ANY username/password combination where the username and password are the same. (so "barry/barry" works, but "barry/berry" fails.) You can download the server from the JA-SIG download page. I highly recommend you look at the Server Deployment section of their site. It contains a ton of useful information, a deployment guide, and the indispensible "Solving SSL Issues" pages. As described in the "CAS Design And Implementation" section, the CAS validation service only accepts requests using a secure transport. This means that you must have a valid certificate on your CAS server machine, and your CAS client must be configured to trust that certificate. There are two important points to keep in mind 95% of all "it doesn't work" problems are caused by the improper use of certificates. (The single most common failure is that the hostname in the server's certificate doesn't match the actual host name.)Test with the CAS server on a separate machine (virtual machines are OK).To create a certificate for the server you will need to use the Java keytool command. keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -validity 365 -keystore some-file-name You will be prompted for a bunch of information, two of which are critical. When prompted for "Your first and last name" you must put in the hostname of the system. When asked for the keystore password use "changeit" since that is what tomcat uses by default. You need to modify $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml on the app server running CAS to use your certificate. Find the commented out section on setting up a secure HTTPS connector and follow it. Restart tomcat and test that it accepts https connections. CAS gives a ticket to our server after the login page, and we have to pass that ticket to the CAS server to validate it and convert it to a user name. The CAS specification requires this connection to be over HTTPS for security. Since its being called from Java instead of the browser, the Sun security system kicks in. If it doesn't get a certificate that it trusts, it won't connect. There are two things that have to be right in order for the security system to trust the certificate. First, It has to have been told to trust the signing certificate and secondly the host name has to match the host name in the URL. The first is fairly easy. Copy the file you used as the keystore to the machine the client web application is running on, and add "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=" to the invocation of the Java VM. This is typically done by adding it to the JAVA_OPTS section of the catalina.sh (or catalina.bat on Windows) file in $CATALINA_HOME/bin. A sample catalina.sh file is attached to this page. To get the hostname in the certificate right you have to make sure you network is configured correctly so you can use the hostname that matches the one in the certificate. I found out the hard way that Sun's code rejects IP addresses that match for some odd reason, forcing you to use a name. Configuring JasperServer to use CASAcegi security has a CAS authentication provider, so we use it to support CAS from JasperServer. JasperServer has contained the required helper class (com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.impl.UserDetailsServiceImpl) since the 2.0.1 release. You need to make a bunch of edits to applicationContext-security.xml to use CAS. I've attached a ApplicationContext-security.zip that, in complete violation of recommendations above, uses the same machine for both the web app and the CAS server. (Search for "BK" in the file to find all the section modified. Two were added, and one block was commented out.) Using a remote CAS server just involves changing the casValidate URL and the loginURL. The first change is to the authenticationManager bean. Make the providers list contain a reference to a local bean named "casAuthenticationProvider" and our existing "anonymousAuthenticationProvider". All other providers should be removed. The list should look like: <bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderManager" id="authenticationManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <ref local="casAuthenticationProvider" /> <ref local="anonymousAuthenticationProvider" /> </list> </property></bean> We also need to make sure that the URL called by the CAS server with our ticket isn't handled as a normal user request. Modify the finterChainProxy bean to look like: <bean class="org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy" id="filterChainProxy"> <property name="filterInvocationDefinitionSource"> <value> CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON PATTERN_TYPE_APACHE_ANT /xmla=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter ,basicProcessingFilter ,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer ,anonymousProcessingFilter ,basicAuthExceptionTranslationFilter ,filterInvocationInterceptor /services/**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter ,basicProcessingFilter ,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer ,anonymousProcessingFilter ,basicAuthExceptionTranslationFilter ,filterInvocationInterceptor /j_acegi_cas_security_check=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter ,authenticationProcessingFilter ,anonymousProcessingFilter ,exceptionTranslationFilter ,filterInvocationInterceptor /**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter ,userPreferencesFilter ,authenticationProcessingFilter ,basicProcessingFilter ,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer ,anonymousProcessingFilter ,exceptionTranslationFilter ,filterInvocationInterceptor </value> </property></bean> Note the additional line for /j_acegi_cas_security_check. Add the casAuthenticationProvider and its necessary support beans to resemble the following <bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.CasAuthenticationProvider" id="casAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="casAuthoritiesPopulator"> <ref local="casDaoAuthorityPopulator" /> </property> <property name="casProxyDecider"> <bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.proxy.AcceptAnyCasProxy" /> </property> <property name="ticketValidator"> <ref local="casTicketValidator" /> </property> <property name="statelessTicketCache"> <bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.cache.EhCacheBasedTicketCache"> <property name="cache"> <ref local="ticketCache" /> </property> </bean> </property> <property name="key"> <value>lam_or_lame</value> </property></bean><bean class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean" id="ticketCacheManager"> <property name="configLocation"> <value>classpath:/ehcache-failsafe.xml</value> </property></bean><bean class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean" id="ticketCache"> <property name="cacheManager"> <ref local="ticketCacheManager" /> </property> <property name="cacheName"> <value>casTicketCache</value> </property></bean><bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.ticketvalidator.CasProxyTicketValidator" id="casTicketValidator"> <property name="casValidate"> <value>https://localhost:8443/cas/proxyValidate</value> </property> <property name="serviceProperties"> <ref local="authenticationServiceProperties" /> </property></bean><bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.populator.DaoCasAuthoritiesPopulator" id="casDaoAuthorityPopulator"> <property name="userDetailsService"> <ref local="casUserAuthorityService" /> </property></bean><bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.impl.UserDetailsServiceImpl" id="casUserAuthorityService"> <property name="adminUsers"> <list> <value>tomcat</value> </list> </property> <property name="defaultAdminRoles"> <list> <value>ROLE_USER</value> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> </list> </property> <property name="defaultInternalRoles"> <list> <value>ROLE_USER</value> </list> </property></bean> CAS only handles authentication, not authorization. The last section in the snippet above contains a list of usernames that should be considered admins, the JasperServer roles to give those users, and the roles to give everybody else. Finally, we need to redo the authenticationProcessingFilter and the authenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint for CAS. Replace the existing entries with <bean class="org.acegisecurity.ui.cas.ServiceProperties" id="authenticationServiceProperties"> <property name="service"> <value>https://localhost:8443/jasperserver1_2/j_acegi_cas_security_check</value> </property> <property name="sendRenew"> <value>false</value> </property></bean><bean class="org.acegisecurity.ui.cas.CasProcessingFilter" id="authenticationProcessingFilter"> <property name="authenticationManager"> <ref local="authenticationManager" /> </property> <property name="authenticationFailureUrl"> <value>/loginerror.html</value> </property> <property name="defaultTargetUrl"> <value>/loginsuccess.html</value> </property> <property name="filterProcessesUrl"> <value>/j_acegi_cas_security_check</value> </property></bean><bean class="org.acegisecurity.ui.cas.CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint" id="authenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint"> <property name="loginUrl"> <value>https://localhost:8443/cas/login</value> </property> <property name="serviceProperties"> <ref local="authenticationServiceProperties" /> </property></bean> The service property of the authenticationServiceProperties should point to the client web application, and is the URL that the CAS server will redirect to. Now restart tomcat and try logging into JasperServer. You should get the CAS login screen.
  5. Hi Supun, This will depend on your app server and operating system, but assuming that you are running our bundled install with Tomcat, the following is where you would make the change: Windows: <jasperserver-pro>/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.bat Linux: <jasperserver-pro>/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.sh you will see the following line (or something like it - the lines are different in the files but the settings are the same): set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=128mThe -Xms is the minimum heap size and the -Xmx is the maximum heap size. If you are running into java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space you should at least rase the -Xmx value. Raising the minimum would simply reduce the need for the JVM to allocate more memory as it uses it. Note also that If you run into an out of memory issue on the PermGen space, you will want to raise the -XX:MaxPermSize. You should keep in mind the amount of memory on your server along with anything else you may have running there to ensure you leave enough memory for the operating system, etc. If you are running a 32 bit OS with a 32 bit JVM, you are restricted to a max of 2Gb. If you find you need more, you would simply move to a 64bit OS with a 64 bit JVM and you can get much higher. (I have seen some implementations that get as high as 8Gb for large implementations but I am sure there are others that go even higher depending on their needs). There are hundreds of articles on the internet that talk about the various JVM settings and how to optimize memory and performance. Assuming you are evaluating, you likely won't need to get in too deep on this, but you might be interested in reading through some of them should you move toward a production implementation, etc. Thanks, Matt Jaspersoft
  6. mgeise

    Editing Permissions

    IntroductionJasperReports Server relies on Spring Security (Acegi) for much of its permissions and security functionality. By default JasperReports Server has the following permission levels: No AccessAdministerRead OnlyDelete + ReadWrite + Delete + ReadThese permissions may be assigned based on role or user id. It's more common to set permissions based on role, but both are equally valid. We had a customer requirement to offer the permission "Read + Write" (but not delete). By referring to Acegi documentation it's clear that this is possible. But the details aren't obvious for new Jaspersoft users. ExampleGoal: enable Read + Write permission in JasperReports Server. The main page involved is This page's main job is to render the GUI that lets an admin assign Permissions to resources based on Role. It gets the "permission" attribute and manipulates it by bitwise operations treating the integer as a base2 encoding of the permissions inherited from its parent and its directly set permissions. This is a common way to treat permissions. The following snippet shows how the choice "Delete + Read" gets generated. Why does "9216" refer to "Delete + Read"? Why does the dropdown sometimes have the value "18" instead of "9216"? Armed with that example, we can create a new entry for "Read + Write" AttachmentsThe attached Zip file, permissions.zip, contains jasperserver_messages.properties and ObjPermissionToRole.jsp.
  7. Hi, If the issue is around running the report that is in the folder, it will be a permission related to the objects used by the report, not the folder that the report is in. For example, you will want to check the folders that hold the data source, etc. that the report relies on to ensure that the user has the appropriate permissions to all of the objects that are required to run the report. I hope this helps. Thanks! Matt Jaspersoft
  8. This would require a second report to drill through to and export the details. Your best bet here would be to create a report that leverages the same query but generates a detailed listing of records and use it as a drill through, where you pass the same parameters from the chart to the second report to generate the details for the user to drill into. For what it is worth, with the right controls, etc. you could even use the same report to allow for drilling into the specific details of the chart. For example, a particular slice of a pie chart could have a URL that links to the report with specific parameters for that slice of the pie, allowing the user to drill into the records that are represented only by that slice, rather than all records represented in the chart. Thanks! Matt Jaspersoft
  9. Hi, As you can tell, this is caused by the JVM running out of memory - specifically running out of heap space. There could be a few factors that cause this, including any of the following: The size of the report and the export in combination with other activity on the server at the time. Scheduling reports with multiple output formats - it doesn't sound like you are doing this, but the exporters take up some memory and multiple export formats mean there are multiple exporters utilizing the memory. It is possible that the process of putting together the email to send with the report attached also digs into the memory more than a typical scenario of streaming to the client, so you may find that eliminating the attachement of the report to the email would alleviate the issue a bit. (7Mb would be a pretty large attachment to send in an email anyway)For implementations with large reports or even reports that leverage large result sets for summary calculations, etc. in combination with the number of users, etc. I would recommend a larger allocation of memory. We find that many do ok with 1Gb or memory allocated for smaller implementations (average size reports and a relatively small number of active users or concurrent scheduled reports), but many (especially larger enterprises) go with higher memory allocations under a 64-bit OS and load balancing across multiple servers to optimize the JVM for performance and memory consumption through the various JVM garbage collection and class unloading settings as well as distribute the scheduler and user load across several instances. Higher memory implementations are especially important if you have other web applications, etc. running in the same JVM or app server. I hope this helps. Matt Jaspersoft
  10. Since you have the same issue in another version and it is not specific to the functionality, as the foodmart examples work, it points to an issue with one of your repository resources and permissions there - could be datasource permissions, or any other object/folder that your view relies on. I presume that if you tried setting up a duplicate of the foodmart example, it would work but that the issue is specific to the resources/folders you have created. Short of looking at every related resource and folder where they are stored, etc. it seems you would need to get to a different level of logging or set up the application in a development environment with breakpoints, etc. to see what the issue is. Jaspersoft support would likely be able to take a copy of your repository and try to reproduce and identify the issue, however this would be something that would require a support contract. Sorry, but I am all out of suggestions without actually looking at the physical repository structure and permissions. Matt Jaspersoft
  11. Hmmm...very strange. Nothing has changed in your installation, system configuration, classpath, the way you are starting the app, etc. between when it was working and when it stopped working? Has your browser recently upgraded or anything? Is this JasperServer Community Edition or Professional Edition? Is this the only action where you get an error? If you edit an existing analysis view by just going through and accepting the previous values, do you also get the error at the end? Matt Jaspersoft
  12. Sounds like there may be a permission issue with the specific folder that you are trying to save into. What happens if you save to a different folder? Matt Jaspersoft
  13. Hi Mike, If I were to guess, I would look at the data source used by your queries as it appears you have checked everything else down to query level. Short of looking at every object that your report relies on to ensure that the user has at least read access to it, the exact cause would be difficult to pinpoint. If you don't mind, I recommend adding an enhancement request to the tracker to request better error messaging that would allow you to pinpoint the exact object missing permissions. Thanks! Matt Jaspersoft
  14. Look under "releases" within this (JasperServer) project - the workbench is listed there. Matt Jaspersoft
  15. Hi Ben, I am not totally clear on whether your question is about passing dates that you would normally pass in input controls for scheduled reports or more about dynamically setting the dates that are used. Based on the subject, I will attempt to cover the latter since the scheduling interface allows for you to provide values when you define the schedule. If you wanted dynamic dates, for example "beginning of this month" to the "end of this month", I would recommend creating a parameter (and input control) that actually takes predefined strings like "start of current month", "today", etc. and then create a date parameter without an input control that has an expression that uses the string value from the first parameter with a java method, to calculate the date. For example, the method may have a case that says if the string is "Today", then return the result of new Date();...start of month, etc. would be similar, but the date math would be a bit more complicated. I hope this helps. Thanks! Matt Jaspersoft
  16. Also, to answer your question on documentation, the JasperServer Professional Edition Web Services Guide should give you more information for configuring your client. As a Professional Edition subscriber, you should have access to this through our support portal. Thanks! Matt Jaspersoft
  17. Mike, This issue is typically caused by either the wrong client side stubs being used or the wrong URI. I suggest you check the webservices URI first. The ".../jasperserver/..." portion will change to ".../jasperserver-pro/..." when you move from CE to Pro. Thanks! Matt Jaspersoft
  18. [toc on_off::hide=0] The Jaspersoft Community Wiki is the online home of experience-based best practices and examples for the use of Jaspersoft products. The community of contributors may include Jaspersoft employees, partners, customers, and community members providing information based on experience and technical knowledge. The structure of this site, being a wiki, allows anyone with the appropriate access to alter the content found here. The purpose of this wiki is to provide a resource of best practices, examples, guides, and experiences to help Jaspersoft customers get the most out of and succeed with Jaspersoft products. The content is not necessarily reviewed for accuracy or supported features, and may include undocumented workarounds and user experiences. The content of any given information may recently have been changed, vandalized or altered by someone whose opinion does not correspond with the current functionality documented by Jaspersoft or recommended use of that functionality. NOTE: Find out more about the New TIBCO Community here.
  19. In certain scenarios, where JasperReports Server Professional is integrated with your own application, there may be a need to programmatically clear the Ad Hoc cache in JasperReports Server when you recognize that the user has done something to change the set of data they are working with within your application. (i.e. a change in role, etc.). This article covers one possible way that this might be handled - by adding a custom cache key. Adding a Custom Cache KeyNote:This method only would apply to v3.1 or v3.5 of JasperReports Server Professional and since it is not a documented feature is subject to changes in implementation. In many cases, the need for this may be eleviated through the use of Multi-tenancy that was released in v3.5 of JasperReports Server Professional. There is a CacheKeyInterceptor interface that can modify the keys used by the Ad Hoc cache. It may be possible to modify the default key interceptor to include the value of a custom key in cache keys, so that a query with the same user id but a different custom key value would be kept separate. Having a static method to get its value makes it easy to implement the fix using the following steps: Step 1: Subclass DefaultCacheKeyInterceptor(com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.DefaultCacheKeyInterceptor) In the implementation of getCacheKeyCalled(), extract the map containing query parameters and add the custom_cache_key value: package my.custom.code; import java.util.Map;import com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.jr.JRDataSourceAdapter;import com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.DefaultCacheKeyInterceptor;public class CharityIdAddingCacheKeyInterceptor extends DefaultCacheKeyInterceptor { public Object getCacheKeyCalled(Object key) { // call superclass, cast to map Map keyMap = (Map) super.getCacheKeyCalled(key);; Map paramMap = (Map) keyMap.get(JRDataSourceAdapter.PARAMS); // put charity id in map paramMap.put("charity_id", "plug in static call to get custom cache key here"); return keyMap; }} Step 2: Modify the Spring Config to use the new CacheKeyInterceptorIn WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml, find the keyInterceptor property of the dataSetCache bean, which will look something like this: <!-- keyInterceptor: a class implementing CacheKeyInterceptor which can modify the cache keys --><property name="keyInterceptor"> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.DefaultCacheKeyInterceptor"> Change the class to your new implementation and leave everything else the same: <property name="keyInterceptor"> <bean class="my.custom.code.CharityIdAddingCacheKeyInterceptor"> Step 3: TestYou can verify that it works by looking at the details of the Ad Hoc cache entries--you should see your new custom cache key parameter.
  20. Ad Hoc does not preserve the scriptletClass from the topic. In fact, Ad Hoc topics have a finite set of supported attributes since the ad hoc feature is geared towards fast report development for non technical users. For reports that requires scriptlets, they would have to be created in iReport and deployed to the server.
  21. You likely need to: Adjust the height of your detail band and font size to allow 20 rows to fit on a page (along with any headers/footer you may have) Adjust the size of your page (if you are more concerned about HTML output rather than printable output such as PDF/RTF)
  22. I assume that you want to set up a Link on slaesforce.com page so that users can generate the report directly from the page. (For example, an Account Summary report from the Account detials page) This is possible with Jasper4Salesforce, although it takes a little bit of effort since we have not yet designed this specifically. Basically, you will need to generate a URL that calls the report with the necessary values. Clicking on the report name within Jasper4Salesforce will bring up the Run Report Dialogue – the URL of this page includes a reportUnit parameter in the URL that has the full path to the report. The “/†in the path are replaced by “%2F†– you will need to do this as well when generating your URL. If your report has user inputs that you want to populate from the source page, you will neede By right clicking on the Run Report page that comes up when you click on the report title, you can view the html source of the page. Searching on “<input type=†will allow you to identify the name associated with each input – ignore inputs of type “hidden†or “submitâ€. The custom link in your salesforce environment should be defined with the following URL definition – this assumes a single parameter of Account0_Id and the need to have the report run automatically rather than have the user enter values: https://www.jasper4salesforce.com/jasper4salesforce/sforce/flow.html?_flowId=adhocViewReportFlow&reportUnit=<repositoryPathToTheReport>&Account0_Id_R0=<value>&directRun=true Note that the items in <> will need to be provided by the calling page or you directly. Hopefully this helps...if you have additional questions, please let me know. Matt JasperSoft
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