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Posts posted by gabrielinux

  1. Hi Babs,

         JasperSoft offers a complete suite of applications.  Among the open source editions you will find iReport (a report designer, similar to Crystal Reports), JasperServer (reporting server), and others.  You can use iReport to design and run reports locally.  However, if you want to give other uses access to your reports via a web browser, you will need to install JasperServer, which is a web server that hosts reports.  You would still design your reports in iReport, and then upload them to the server.


  2. There are two versions available, one that's commercial and one that's open source.  The open source one doesn't have all the features of the commercial edition, but it's VERY usable and it's free, even for commercial use.


    To use the commercial version, you need to pay for a license.  You'll need to get a quote from jaspersoft.com.

  3. Make sure you have the JasperServer plugin installed.  Then, configure your repository browser to connec to JasperServer.


    Open the report you created.  Expand the repository browser, right-click the folder where you want your report, and select Add Report Unit.  When it asks you for the source JRXML, click Get Current and it will copy the report you have open. 

  4. Hi all,

         I need to run a report from databae A where a PONumber field appears in database B.  Since the databases resided on different servers and are not linked together, I thought maybe I could do this with a sub-report?  Any idea how?

    My first query would retrieve a whole bunch of order numbers:

    SELECT DISTINCT TicketNumber

    FROM A

    WHERE A.TicketStatus = 'Open';


    My second query, and the one for the report I actually need, would look like this:

    SELECT PONumber, PODate, POStatus

    FROM B

    WHERE B.TicketNumber IN (... results from the previous query... );


    Any idea how I accomplis this?


  5. Hi everyone,

         I am trying to access a report from within SharePoint.  I am passing all the required parameters through the URL (flow.html, report name, etc.) but there is one parameter that doesn't seem to work: output=html.

         When I use the parameter output=html, JasperServer gives me the whole page including the toolbar, menus, etc.  I was expecting to receive the report only (in HTML), which would make sense since output=swf and output=pdf both return the report only.  How can I make JasperServer return the report only (in HTML) instead of the whole web interface?

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