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Everything posted by Dimas

  1. I'm not sure about that, but when I was searching this guide I arrived at the conclusion that you have to buy the JasperServer Pro and get a license. I'm sorry about that because the basic guide is poor :(
  2. The same here, only with one report, the rest works fine. I tried to recreate it but the error persists... ;(
  3. I've posted a new threat in JasperBabylon forum but I don't know if any admin is looking there so there are other posts with the same question without answers. Maybe this forum is more frequented by admins... The threat: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=35532&catid=20
  4. I would like some help to upgrade from 2.0.1 too. I've installed 2.0.1 with the installer and the guide is focused to upgrade with a war file...
  5. The solution is easy as change {0} with {1} as a user parameter. {0} contains all the ldap base. {1} only the username. :side:
  6. More tips... maybe can help. I post information about my LDAP format in LDIF. # LDIF Export for: cn=Adjunts,ou=Groups,dc=htrueta,dc=intranet # Abast de la recerca: base # Filtre de recerca: (objectClass=*) # Total Entries: 1 dn: cn=Adjunts,ou=Groups,dc=htrueta,dc=intranet cn: Adjunts displayName: Facultatiu Adjunt gidNumber: 10028 objectClass: radiusprofile memberUid: exampleUser I would like that JasperServer creates the role "ROLE_ADJUNTS" when the "exampleUser" are logging. But it only happens when I modify the configuration file of JS passing directly the user, not {0}, as I explain in the main post.
  7. Hi, I've configured a JasperServer with LDAP authentication and it seems to work ok in part. The users with LDAP access can access to JasperServer too, but their roles are ignored. I've tunned applicationContext-security.xml to catch the ldap group's CN of the user logged but it's not working. The bean that i've modified to catch the user roles is ldapAuthenticationProvider. Inside it the filter is "<property name="groupSearchFilter"><value>(&(memberUid={0})(objectclass=radiusprofile))</value></property>". But if I put an user directly it works ok: <property name="groupSearchFilter"><value>(&(memberUid=exampleUser)(objectclass=radiusprofile))</value></property> In that case JasperServer creates a new external role and assign it to the logged user. So it seems to be a problem passing the parameter {0} with the user ID, or not? Can someone help me? PD> I attach the applicationContext-security.xml file [file name=applicationContext_security-a770edaea686914ae23f1b51a8bf305e.xml size=34748]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/applicationContext_security-a770edaea686914ae23f1b51a8bf305e.xml[/file]
  8. I've installed JasperServer 2.0 on my Ubuntu 7.04 and aparently all was OK. When I started it for the first time it opened the login page (http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/login.hml). I introduced jasperadmin user and the password set in the installation process. After that, the ERROR :-( The address bar goes to http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=listReportsFlow&curlnk=2 and appears the error I attach as PDF document. Can someone help me? Thx! [file name=Apache_Tomcat_5.pdf size=27944]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Apache_Tomcat_5.pdf[/file]
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