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Posts posted by hq4ever

  1. Hello,

    I have a text fied in which I want to print 2 $V's, one of them is Date and the other is string.

    I want to use JasperReports Date type text fields formatting in this textfield.


    So that for Date 01.01.1970 and Str "Name" I would get printed "01-01-1970 00 AM -- Name".


    The bad solution is to use 2 textfields, it is bad because it can overflow for long names and co... The better solution is to use 1 text fields with both variables inside of it - But here we have trouble with the formatting.


    Does anyone know how to solve this issue?


    Thank you,


  2. Hello,

    I'm trying to export a JasperPrint into 2 format first : HTML which should have no pagination in the reports, second PDF which should obviously have pagination enabled.

    I'm aiming at not fillwing the "same" report twice, thus avoiding the costly DB queries operation.


    My current (not optimal) solution is to use 2 seperate calls to the reporting framework, my code looks something like this:


                         for(JasperReportType reportType : JasperReportType.values()) {
                            if(reportType == JasperReportType.HTML || reportType == JasperReportType.HTML_ONLY || reportType == JasperReportType.CSV_SPECIAL_FORMAT) {
                            } else {
                            JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(jasperDesign, fsRoot + jasperFile + "-" + reportType + ".jasper");

    Later on I load the appropreate .jasper file and print it.

  3. Hello Guys,

    I would like to share with you a couple of posts I've made, while I'm learning a bit more about Jasper for our current project.

    I think that the demo folder is a great resource to learn how to work with Jasper but it lacks documentation that pin point important aspects in each demo.

    Thereof, I've written a post about this which index can be found here


    So far I've managed to document only the subreport example which can be found here



    I hope that this will be of use to anyone :).

    // Forum admins: if this post is considered inappropriate for the forum I would understand a deletion.

    Post Edited by hq4ever at 12/15/2009 12:10
  4. Hello lucianc,

    Thank you for the pointing this out.


    Is there some mode in which jasper could actually export the growing crosstab into a new page?


    The out marking requirement is for jasper to act as excel, meaning: You can select large area and then it would print the selection in several pages so that if you place them on the table once right to the other you will see that same information you have on the screen.


    Any ideas about such extension possibility?


    The question is relevant for "normal" text fields as well, say I wanted to created a page (size A4) but which takes more space. Can't jasper be development to just auto magically know to break my report into several pages in print?





    "Free as in Freedom" - Do u GNU ?

  5. Hello Jasper Team,

    I would like to configure a report that will export to PDF, CSV, HTML.


    Inside the report I would like to print thinkgs like:

    | Col 1 | col 2 |...|col n|

    | val1 | val2 |...|val n|

    The "normal" page size of the report is A4, yet when exporting to HTML I don't want to have several HTML pages but instead a 1 long scrolling to the right page. As for PDF current jasper solution would be great.


    What can be doen to have this kind of behaviour from Jasper?


    Thank you,



  6. Hello,


    I'm looking for a way to make my reports more interactive.

    I would like to export an HTML where I will embedded my custom logic based on JS.

    How can I cause the HTML Exporter to write code directly into the outputed HTML, I've tried to do this with StaticText and it esacped my characters (avoiding xss).


    Thank you for the help,


  7. Hello,

    We have in our system several reports that are built using plain JSP + JS (ajax).

    Basically the report is a table, which displays several entries while the number is clickable. The clickable number opens a small "box" on the same HTML page displaying the a detailed information about the number.

    I would like to convert these reports to Jasper.


    Can Jasper (3.5) do this?

    Does Jasper supports "interactivity" ? Where can I learn more information about this?


    Thank you,


  8. Hello,


    I'm evaluating the new version (3.5) of Jasper Reports.

    I'm comparing it with 1.3 version...


    I couldn't find answer to 2 question which I would appreciate help with :


    1. I have a several textfields ordered one after another (creating a form to the end user) if the text value inside one of the text fields overlaps it does not display fully in the text field. I've tried playing with strech, float and elemt hight but none give the expected result which is: Strech (and move all other elements to the buttom) to display the full text.
    2. I'm checking the possibility of creating reports using an API approach (instead of JRXML based) does jasper reports supports this working mode, is it a common practice, should I as jasperreports jar client take this approach or should I stick with JRXML's instead ?


    Thank you for helping,


  9. Hello Forum,


    I need to functionality of Jasper Reports No-data section in legacy jasper 1.3 version.

    How can I mimic this?

    I have a data source, can I somehow define a style that will display based on condition where the condition will be the number of results returned from the dataset.


    MEANING: Can I test how many results returned from my data source ?




    Thank you,


  10. Hello,

    I'm familiar with Jasper Reports template based working mode, how can I use jasper reports to create dynamic report structure?

    I have a report that can contain dynamic amount of data. The report is a table showing by which factors some result was calculated. The number of factors can vary, thus the number of columns in the table varies accordingly.

    Now, as for jasper: It requires you to create the template before you use your data source to "fill" the report. This is good if you have random amount of pages in each report but not workable if your report data affects the report design it self.

    I would like to know please if such requirement can be solved with Jasper, and if so then how ?

    Thank you for your time,

  11. Hello wonderful forum,


    I have a report that contains nothing but 2 subreports in the noDate section.

    The first subreport can grow, something a situation occurs where the first subreport overlaps the second subreport - I which case the first suport is not displayed at all.

    I would like the second subreport to be positioned relativly to the end point of the first sub report - Can I configure this with Jasper ?

    I would also like the noData section and the whole report height will be dynamic (not fixed) - This to allow both subreports to grow, even beyond the sizes defined on the report.



    I'm working with Jasper 2.0.3 and iReport.

    Thank you very much for the help,

  12. Hello,

    I'm looking for a method to pass all parameters supplied to my main report to the subreports, to do I think about passing a parameter that is actually a map of parameters and then fetching the actuall object using something like ParameterUtils.P($P{P}, "paramName").

    This is the only parameter that will be passed to the subreport.

    I'm wonding if in the ParameterUtils I should be doing more then :

    public class ParameterUtils {
        public static Object P(Map<String, Object> jasperParameters, String key) {
            return jasperParameters.get(key);


    Thank you,


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