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Everything posted by rathina04

  1. l like to insert digital signature in pdf , can you explain how you did that
  2. if you are developing web application then you can show that report in html using JRHtmlExporter in jasper, have a look at this url which has sample web application http://www.jwebhosting.net/servlets/jr123/index.html, same application is available in demo folder of jasper(jasperreports-1.2.7/demo/samples/webapp). Post edited by: rathina04, at: 2007/10/01 06:04
  3. go to the properties of image in ireport and In image expression give the image path like "/images/pdf-icon.gif" and the check the "Is Lazy" checkbox given at end of the image tab in ireport. and add this to exporter exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI, "image?image=");
  4. i am not able to understand your problem , can you explain little bit in detail Post edited by: rathina04, at: 2007/09/29 13:04
  5. i am binding the date fields like this SELECT f1,f2 from table1 where AND TRDDDATE=TO_DATE($P{optDate},'YYYY-MM-DD') i am having the data type of parameter optDate as String.
  6. hi you can generate dynamic reports from the web application . have a look at this url which has sample web application http://www.jwebhosting.net/servlets/jr123/index.html, same application is available in demosamples folder of jasper. you have to use parameters for achieving that. SELECT FILELD1 from TABLE where COLUMN=$P{bindingvalue} bindingvalue is a parameter which value should be put in to a hashmap and given as parameter to fillreport method. JasperFillManager.fillReport( jasperReport, parameterMap, connection ) Post edited by: rathina04, at: 2007/09/29 12:49
  7. to run the printing applet sample , we have to sign the applet.first compile all PrinterApplet.java and all other releated files inside applets folder and then add all those class files to jasperreports-1.2.7-applet.jar using this command jar uf jasperreports-1.2.7-applet.jar *.class and then we have to sign the applet.how to sign applet is give in the following two links. http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Security/Signed/ http://sharko23.wordpress.com/2007/04/10/jasper-report-and-applet-local-printing/
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