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  1. I am having problem while displaying static text in the HTML file while reporting It only shows dynamic data whereas static data doesnt see at all Please help........
  2. Hi I am making an web application which generates invoice. I wan to use jasper report for invoice.. can anybody please help me to make the invoice Button is clicked and report is to be viewd and then printed. It can be in a HTML page Thanx
  3. Hi :cheer: I want to generate the dynamic report from the web application. Is it possible or not?? Help :huh: .............. Thanx
  4. Hi I run jasper reports with this code Code:<staticText> <reportElement x="5" y="15" width="150" height="15" /> <text> <![CDATA[OR]]> </text> </staticText> Sometimes and not often <staticText> doesnt appear at all I am doing something wrong please correct And where I am wrong
  5. Hi I am new to jasper reports I want the sum of two columns to be displayed which are coming from database ex: Qty Price Total -------------------- 2 12 ? How this is achieved by jasper reports I am confused :S '2' and '12' are coming from database Please let me small ex. Waiting......... Thanx
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