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Everything posted by Linuxhippy

  1. Sure it is possible, simply use it as applet. If you would like to use non-compiled reports you also have to choose a compiler, I recommend you use the Beanshell interpreter which is least complicated to use in secured enviroments like applets. lg Clemens
  2. sorry but this is definitifly the wrong forum for this question. Better you ask in XAMPP-Forums. lg Clemens
  3. it depends on the load of your application. * The simplest possible solution is to start a seperate java-process for each report you have to generate, store it in a file and read it using perl and send it to the client. * A better solution would be e.g. to setup a tomcat server, and set the link for generating the reports to the tomcat-server. This time only one JVM is started and keeps running (which is very important for performance). Good luck, lg Clemens
  4. it depends on the load of your application. * The simplest possible solution is to start a seperate java-process for each report you have to generate, store it in a file and read it using perl and send it to the client. * A better solution would be e.g. to setup a tomcat server, and set the link for generating the reports to the tomcat-server. This time only one JVM is started and keeps running (which is very important for performance). Good luck, lg Clemens
  5. what exactly do you mean with "integrate"? As far as I know there's no problem at all to use JapserReports from a SWT based application. lg Clemens
  6. I wonder what would be the advantages of an ajax-based viewer compared to the html-output? From the rendering point-of-view ajax is as limited as plain html is + you've a printing nightmare. By the way: JasperReports is opensource :) lg Clemens
  7. Hello, When I try to use the JRBshCompiler deployed with iReport2 I get an AbstractMethodError because something seems to be wrong with the generateSource-Method. Mfg Clemens
  8. Hello, I am currently building a simply 2-tier database fontend, where the frontend-tier consists of an applet which should also be able to generate reports. The applet is signed (so no security restrictions hurt JasperReports), however it still throws Exceptions at startup. It seems like there are problems while compiling the Report and writing/compiling the reports: Code: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: /home/ce/classic_1183825606672_355422.java:4: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; ^ /home/ce/classic_1183825606672_355422.java:5: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.*; ^ /home/ce/classic_1183825606672_355422.java:13: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; ^ /home/ce/classic_1183825606672_355422.java:15: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*; ^ /home/ce/classic_1183825606672_355422.java:21: cannot find symbol symbol: class JREvaluator public class classic_1183825606672_355422 extends JREvaluator ^ /home/ce/classic_1183825606672_355422.java:28: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1183825606672_355422 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_LOCALE = null; I would be really happy about any hint which could help. The Beanshell-Compiler also does not work because it throws an AbstractMethodError while loading the compile class :-/ Thank you in advance, Clemens PS: Thanks for JasperReports. Its awesome :) Post edited by: Linuxhippy, at: 2007/07/08 21:14
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