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Everything posted by Linuxhippy

  1. Hi Pedro, Foutunatly the problem was solved by updating from Java6u26 to Java7u5. I am really glad it was so easy, because otherwise I would have had no clue where to start to search. Thanks, Clemens
  2. Hello, I have a strange problem when printing reports generated by JasperReports on a Windows Machine. Although the report-preview looks fine and the print-action is started by clicking the printer-icon of the preview dialog, the '€' is printed as box or some strange glyph by the printer. The behaviour can be seen with both printers connected to that computer, although both printers show a different behaviour - the first one just prints a box, the second one some bogus glyph. Any idea what the reason could be? Thank you in advance, Clemens Edit: Forgot to mention, I am using jasperreports 4.5.1 Post Edited by Linuxhippy at 07/23/2012 23:23
  3. Hi, When generating PDFs with JasperReports 4.5.1, bold text is not exported to PDFs, as it was with JasperReports-2.2.I discovered there is a setting called "PDF font name", which seems to be deprecated - if I set it to "Helvetica bold" the text appears also bold in the PDF, as expected. However, as its deprecated I would like to avoid using it if possible. What is the proper way to get bold text exported as bold text in PDF format, without embedding fonts within the PDF? Thank you in advance, Clemens Post Edited by Linuxhippy at 05/24/2012 21:11 Post Edited by Linuxhippy at 05/24/2012 21:12
  4. Ok, found it after a few hours. "Padding and Borders" in the textfield's context menu =) Thanks for this fine piece of software. - Clemens
  5. laceja Wrote: I did figure out the cause. So why don't you tell us? Most likely somebody else will stumble on this, your answer could help.
  6. Sorry - after I'd tried for hours, 5 minutes after creating this thread I came to a conclusion myself: $F{cust}.getName()
  7. Hi, I would like to directly use JavaBeans. It works great for simple types like String/Integer, but who can I access more complex properties? Suppose I have the following class hirarchy: class Bill { Customer cust; } class Customer { String name; } Bill is the Bean I feed into the Report. Is there any way to access the Bill's customer's name? I already tried $F{cust.name} but doesn't seem to work. Thank you in advance, Clemens
  8. Hello, I am currently migrating a project from iReport-2.0.2 to iReport4, however I can't find a way to define a (static-)textfield's outline anymore. IReport-2 had that small combo-box where one could choose which sides should have an outline, with iReport-4 I can't find something similar anymore. Thank you in advance, Clemens
  9. I checked, and the bold heading missing on Windows-XP is not displayed in JasperViewer, is not printed, and is also missing in the generated PDF. Really strange :-/ Thanks, Clemens
  10. I am not sure whats the problem, I am using SansSerif everywhere - as far as I know this font should be more or less constistent on all Sun-JVMs, or am I wrong? However the fonts are also missing in the JasperViewer I view before the print, I could try to export it to PDF and look if its missing too. Thanks, Clemens
  11. Hello, I am using JasperReports-1.3.4 and I am experiencing problems when printing some bold headings. On my development machine running on Linux everything works fine, but on a machine where it is deployed to (JDK6, WinXP), some bold headings are missing. I did some screenshots: http://picasaweb.google.com/ceisserer/JR2 The strange thing is that on my test-machine with Windows-XP, the two fields that are missings on the deployment machine are printed, but the text "KUKLA" which is printed on my deployment machine is missing on my windows-test machine. Is this a known problem, any ideas what I could do to solve or workarround it? I hestitate a bit to upgrade to 3.0, the project is in its finishing and I am quite afraid of incompatibilities. Thanks a lot, lg Clemens
  12. > if the title and the first details does not fit the page how can they stay on the > same page? You have to loose something. To give a more specific example: the title and the first detail could easily fit on page2, however my problem is that the title is on page1, but the first detail on page2. This looks stupid as the title in my case is the heading for the details. > Is the title you are talking about the title band? Yes it is, because I need one heading (in the title band) per subreport. Thanks for taking the time helping me, lg Clemens
  13. Hello, I have a subreport which only consists of a title and detail. Sometimes it happens that on one page there is only room left for the title and the detail-field is printed on page2. Is there any way to force the title on the page where the first detail-field is printed? it looks like -------------- (1. Page) Another_Detail Another_Detail2 Title: ------------- (2. Page) Detail1 Detail2 Detail3 -------------- Sorry for bothering you in the forum and thanks a lot in advance for helping. Thanks for jasperreports and iReport, they are both unbelievable great :) lg Cöe,ems
  14. Hello, 1.) I have a report which consists of several sub-reports (3 levels). Is there any way to force a page break if a sub-report does not fit enterly on a page? The structure looks like: <main-report> <sub-report/> <sub-report/> <sub-report> <sub-report/> (which has e.g. 3x the details-row) <sub-report/> </sub-report> <sub-report> <sub-report/> </sub-report> </main-report> 2.) Does anybody know samples how I can call reports with several subreports from java? I don't know for now e.g. how to set the queries. Just a link would be enough :) Thanks a lot, lg Clemens
  15. Hi ozsoy! 1.) The easiest solution would be let JasperReports run in a seperate Java process and communicate with it using Corba. You could easily let you generate the HTML-Report on the Java-Side, send it to your asp.net frontend and then send it to the client. Jasperreports itself does not care about the SQL-Server used, as long as it provides good JDBC drivers. 2.) A little bit more tricky would be to use IKVM to run JasperReports inside of your .NET process, but I gues sthis would require a lot of tinkering. 3.) Switch to Java. In my opinion the best solution :) lg Clemens
  16. Sorry for bothering you so long. I re-read the video-tutorial and found out that I forgot to set the default-expression to $F{fnid} so that the parameter get passed down to the subreport. Thanks a lot for your patience ... and for the great software. Its amazing how poerful jasperreports is, and how easiy this power can be leveraged by iReport :) Thanks a lot, lg Clemens
  17. Hello again, I created a small testcase which also shows the problem. Its really simple, the main-report only selects a key, and the subreport selects a name which is related to that key. I also added SQL DDL and testdata. It would be great if you could have a short look. Sorry for bothering you that much :-/ lg Clemens [file name=subreports.gz size=1506]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/subreports.gz[/file]
  18. Thanks a lot for beeing that patient with me. 1.) I already added a textfield showing the subreport-parameter, and its shows the right values in the main-report (1 and 2). I used wireshark to sniff the packets between iReport/mysql-jdbc and mysql - and here I see the following queries two times: SELECT anzahl AS stk, type AS type, kommentar AS kommentar_ltb FROM lieferumfang_auftrag la WHERE la.fn_id=?; So it seems the parameter is not passed correctly to the sub-report but instead '?' is passed. Any ideas where this could come from? Thanks a lot, lg Clemens
  19. Thanks a lot, that solved the execution Problem :-) However I now have the problem, that my sub-reports are empty (completly, although I did not specify "empty when null" for the fields. My main-report query is: Code: mysql> SELECT k.name AS kundenname, alnk.fn_id AS fn_id FROM auftrag a LEFT JOIN verpackung v ON (v.id=a.verpackung) LEFT JOIN kunde k ON (k.kundennummer=a.kunde) LEFT JOIN land ll ON (ll.id=a.lieferland) LEFT JOIN auftrag_fn_lnk alnk ON (a.id=alnk.auftrag_id); +------------+-------+ | kundenname | fn_id | +------------+-------+ | kunde2 | 1 | | kunde2 | 2 | +------------+-------+ and one example-query for the subreport looks like: Code:[code] mysql> SELECT anzahl AS stk, type AS type, kommentar AS kommentar_ltb FROM lieferumfang_auftrag la WHERE la.fn_id=2; +------+---------+-------------------------+ | stk | type | kommentar_ltb | +------+---------+-------------------------+ | 1 | bmw2299 | mit Kraftstromanschluss | +------+---------+------------------------- If I replace the WHERE la.id=$P{fn_id} with WHERE la.id=2, it also works. However with la.id=$P{fn_id} the subreport is simply empty :-/ Sorry for nerving so much, and thanks a lot for beeing so helpful. lg Clemens Post edited by: Linuxhippy, at: 2007/12/12 12:41
  20. Hello, I tried to embed a subreport as shown in the video-tutorial here: http://ireport.sourceforge.net/swf/Subreport_viewlet_swf.htm Here's what I did: 1.) Created the two reports, select one as subreport of the other one. The query of the main-report contains a db-field called "fn_id"- 2.) subreport-right-click -> parameter -> add -> Parameter = $F{fn_id} 3.) subreport->view->report-parameters: name:fn_id, type java.lang.Integer 4.) added where-clause to the subreport: WHERE ${fn_id}=la.fn_id However when I try to run the main-report, it stops with an SQL exception because ${fn_id} is still in the query and has not been replaced. Has the synthax changed, or am I doing something wrong? Thank you in advance, lg Clemens PS: Thanks a lot for the detailed video-tutorial. I guess without it, it would have been really hard to figure out howto do it. Post edited by: Linuxhippy, at: 2007/12/12 10:34
  21. Hello, I attached the JRXML with two resource-bundles. The english works of course (no special characters), whereas for the german all umlauts are not correctly displayed :-/ Thanks a lot for answering, lg Clemens [file name=umlautproblem.gz size=4679]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/umlautproblem.gz[/file]
  22. As far as I know the Quarz pipeline used in Tiger was capable of doing scaling in hardware, whereas the new Sun-pipeline is software only :-/ - I know at least another report (not related to jasperreports) where a user reported he has now performance problems with his image-based drawing while it worked fine with Tiger. I would just file a bug-report at Apple, I know its nerving but it really helps improving their products ^^ lg Clemens
  23. Hello, I created a report using iReport-2.0.2, using the translation-feature iReport provides. Everything works fine, except für translations that contain german umluts like 'ä', 'ü', ... which are not displayed corrently. I already searched for forum-posts (because I thought it is a common problem), however I was not able to find appropriate answers :-/ One tip I found was changing the XML encoding, however iReport says that "integrated parameters cannot be changed or deleted". Would be really great if somebody could give me a small hint, lg Clemens Post edited by: Linuxhippy, at: 2007/11/27 16:34
  24. Sorry I don't have Leopard, the only thing I know is that they replaced their Quarz-based Java2D pipeline with Sun's Software pipeline to be more consistent and ccompatible. The only advice I can give you is to ask at java-dev@lists.apple.com where typically java-apple-developes (the guys who created the apple java port) are very friendly and try to help a lot for mac related porting problems. btw. what does a profiler say if you profile it? lg Clemens
  25. I don't know, it also does not belong here. But in C its called system() and Java also does have something like that, so I am sure perl also can call executables. I warn you: The performance will really suffer using this approach! Use it only on low-load pages. lg Clemens
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