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Everything posted by darkmanta

  1. Hi everybody, I'm using jasper reports server 4.2.1 Build: 20111017_0932 I have designed a cube that is working well but as it is growing (3 million records) it's becaming slow. I have built and deployed 3 ad-hoc aggregate tables using "Pentaho Aggregation Designer" and the resulting OLAP schema is working as usual but is still not using the aggregate tables. mondrian.properties file is like this: # Allow the use of aggregates mondrian.rolap.aggregates.Use=true mondrian.rolap.aggregates.Read=true mondrian.native.topcount.enable=true mondrian.native.filter.enable=true # mondrian.properties mondrian.result.limit=50000 mondrian.olap.NullMemberRepresentation=[NULL] # For XML/A JSPs mondrian.test.connectString=Provider=mondrian;Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart;JdbcDrivers=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver;Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml; mondrian.rolap.nonempty=false mondrian.olap.fun.crossjoin.optimizer.size=100000 mondrian.native.crossjoin.enable=true mondrian.native.nonempty.enable=false mondrian.rolap.aggregates.generateSql=true #mondrian.rolap.generate.formatted.sql Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Same problem here but not solved for me. When i write class="java.lang.String" in XML mode and then switch to designer, it removes the class definition. iReport 4.1.2 Post Edited by darkmanta at 09/30/2011 11:54
  3. Hi, i'm trying to get a variable calculated in a subreport. The problem is that the variable in the main report is filled before the subreport is generated, so I have this values: In the subreport: 1, 2, 3... but in the main report I have null, 1, 2... How can I resolve this? Thanks
  4. It worked for me. I have a different problem: the main report variable content is not the value assumed in the currently calculated subreport but the value assumed in the precedent subreport calculation. So if the subreport variable assumes the values: 1, 2, 3... in the main report I have null, 1, 2... Maybe the main report variable is filled before the subreport is performed and the subreport variable passed. How can I resolve? Post Edited by darkmanta at 12/24/2010 12:34
  5. In the main report the calculation type of the receiving variable must be set to 'system'. I have a different problem: the main report variable content is not the value assumed in the currently calculated subreport but the value assumed in the precedent calculation. So if the subreport variable assumes the values: 1, 2, 3... in the main report I have null, 1, 2... Can't understand why...
  6. Hi does anybody knows login an password to test the online demo at reports2.learnonline.ie? or other funcioning online demo? thank you
  7. I'll go and see... thank you for the suggestion
  8. Hi everybody, I'm trying to have a working role permission in JasperServer 3.7.0 with an OLAP schema with a dimension like this: <Dimension type="StandardDimension" name="Provincia"> <Hierarchy name="Provincia" hasAll="true" allMemberName="Tutte le Province"> <Level name="Provincia" column="PROVINCIA" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never"> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> and a role definition like this: <Role name="ROLE_FR"> <SchemaGrant access="none"> <CubeGrant cube="Cubone" access="none"> <DimensionGrant dimension="[Provincia]" access="none"> </DimensionGrant> <HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Provincia]" access="custom"> <MemberGrant member="[Provincia].[RM]" access="none"> # I have used <MemberGrant member="[Provincia].[Tutte le Province].[RM]" access="none"> with the same result </MemberGrant> </HierarchyGrant> </CubeGrant> </SchemaGrant> </Role> <Role name="ROLE_USER"> <SchemaGrant access="none"> <CubeGrant cube="Cubone" access="none"> </CubeGrant> </SchemaGrant> </Role> And I don't know why a user member of ROLE_FR and ROLE_USER can still see [RM] in the Mondrian view. Some help, please! Thanks Post Edited by darkmanta at 06/23/2010 08:56
  9. Even if ttf fonts have been upload to a directory on the server and included as a resource in the report configuration, pdf generation fails. Can't understand. Very disappointed!
  10. I didn't find the solution and I think nobody knows how to solve this problem. In iReport 3.7 it's easy to add new fonts for the inclusion in pdf reports. I can't understand why it's so difficult in JasperServer 3.7 Strangely, when I upload a new font to JasperServer, it appears in the web interface but the ttf files are not uploaded to the server.
  11. Does anybody know where is the right place, in the directory tree, to put ttf fonts for generating a pdf? thank you
  12. Hi, I need some help. I'm using IReport 3.7.1 on a client machine and jasperserver-ce 3.7.0 on a server I designed a report on IReport and deployed it on the server. The report is correctly generated and viewed by the web interface, but the pdf generation fails with the error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Could not load the following font : pdfFontName : FreeSerif.ttf pdfEncoding : Cp1250 isPdfEmbedded : trueI don't know how to solve this problem. I loaded the ttf file in a content folder through IReport and then I embedded it in the report through the jasperserver interface as a resource. The ttf file was not uploaded even if the system reported no errors (bug?). So I uploaded the font manually. But the problem persists. I have seen that many people have the same problem but I've not found any solution. Can you help me please? Thnx Post Edited by darkmanta at 03/23/2010 11:07
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