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Everything posted by kidice

  1. hi, how can i format measures in the drilldown table? it don't work with the formatter... thx for help
  2. the jasperserver 2.0 release fixed the "no olap model name" error. but it didn't fix the redirect problem :O( the problem is the redirect metatag. it appends the new url to the old url instead of replacing it for example: old url: http:/localhost:8080/jasperserver/olap/viewolap.html new url: http:/localhost:8080/jasperserver/olap/jasperserver/olap/viewolap.html //edit: fixed that problem just change in busy.jsp row 35 the url from ' url=<c:url value="${requestSynchronizer.resultURI}" /> ' to ' url="${requestSynchronizer.resultURI}" ' Post edited by: kidice, at: 2007/06/29 10:16
  3. kidice

    MDX query

    read the mondrian documentation and look at the foodmart example
  4. problem solved... had a "." in a measure name.
  5. here is the log-file... but i can't find the sql query... it didn't log it.. [file name=jasperserver-358dd9d551c7a31343bbe8e6525fbbec.txt size=144559]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/jasperserver-358dd9d551c7a31343bbe8e6525fbbec.txt[/file] Post edited by: kidice, at: 2007/06/25 07:26
  6. hi, i try to drill through a measure which calculates an average. When i want to display the drill thorough table for that measure the exception "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expeced" is thrown. i use an oracle database =)
  7. hello, how can i change the header and footer text of the pdf view? // i've found it.. it can be changed in the fo_mdxtable.xsl file Post edited by: kidice, at: 2007/06/19 14:17
  8. hello, when i add analysis view, olap model, datasource,... seperately no errors occur. but when i want to create it all at once then i get an "access denied" error :(
  9. thanks for your reply but i alredy solved the problem. the problem was in line 49-60 of the class jdbcTreeModel. the resultset crs was not closed in the while-loop. just put a crs.close() in line 58.
  10. hi, i got the exception ora-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded when i want to open the jdbc explorer. is there a way to fix that?? i use an oracle db
  11. thanks for your reply... its bad that this isn't possible because we need to filter the data before it will be displayed. some users have not the permission to see the whole analysis... is there a way to filter the analysis data for each user except of splitting up one analysisview into two analysisviews?
  12. hello guys is it possible to use jasperanalysis with a javabean datasource?
  13. here is an example with a javabean collection Code:JRBeanCollectionDataSource datasource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(exampleCollection); jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("C:/Example.jrxml"«»); jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameter, datasource); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,"C:/Example.pdf"«»); Post edited by: kidice, at: 2007/05/31 13:58
  14. hello jenngang, i just click around till the server is overloaded with requests. where can i find the config files for that?? Post edited by: kidice, at: 2007/05/31 06:40
  15. hello guys, my problem ist that the busy.jsp redirects to the wrong url... the redirect url: "jasperserver/jaspserserver/olap/viewolap.html" it cant find the mapping path, because i dont i dont have the path "jasperserver/jasperserver/" the link url: "jaspserserver/olap/viewolap.html" if i click on the link the exception "No OLAP Model name" occurs thanks for your help ps: i'm using jboss 4.0.4 and jasperserver 1.2.1
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