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Everything posted by rubedogg04

  1. I am on version 2.0.4. I tried to upgrade to 2.0.5 and all my reports stopped working. So i was forced to downgrade back to version 2.0.4. I haven't tried version 3.0.0 yet. Need to know if my reports created in 2.0.4 will work before i waste my time. Anyway, that is not my real problem. Are any of you experiencing the errors in your report queries. I am using SQL, which works fine in sqlplus and sqldeveloper, but in iReport it keeps giving me a java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00937: not a single-group group function error. I am using parameters in the group by and am wondering if that's what the problem is, CAUSE when i hardcode the values it works fine. please help. . .Giulio? you know why this is happening?
  2. This is a great feature request. I would love the ability to export to XML. Right now i am having to parse the html to get the data out of tables. Life would be so much easier if the XML is available as an export. Hope this feature gets added.
  3. I have copied all the necessary jars to the iReport lib directory as instructed in the JasperServer's User Guide Version 2.1. I bring up iReport and am able to see the js plugin 2.0 pane. I was able to add my JasperServer server info and account successfully without any error messages. I see my new server on the pane and right-click to try and explore and nothing happens. I know i am connected and i know i have data in the repository cause when i go to it via my browser i can see everything. So is this plugin broken? I am on a linux machine, JasperServer 2.1 iReport 2.0.4 Is there something i am missing or don't know about? Anyone get theirs to work? If so, can you reply to my post please with a solution. thanks!
  4. I have copied all the necessary jars to the iReport lib directory as instructed in the JasperServer's User Guide Version 2.1. I bring up iReport and am able to see the js plugin 2.0 pane. I was able to add my JasperServer server info and account successfully without any error messages. I see my new server on the pane and right-click to try and explore and nothing happens. I know i am connected and i know i have data in the repository cause when i go to it via my browser i can see everything. So is this plugin broken? I am on a linux machine, JasperServer 2.1 iReport 2.0.4 Is there something i am missing or don't know about? Anyone get theirs to work? If so, can you reply to my post please with a solution. thanks!
  5. I baught your book "The Definitive Guide to iReport" and must say I like it very much. I am haveing one problem though. I referenced chpt 14 "Subdatasets". Basically, the graph portion looks great; however the text and fields portion doesnt. I set up 3 columns for my main dataset (3 txt fields, 3 respective data fields) Your book only shows an example for on column and one record. I followed your instructions and for some reason it does not work for a dataset that contains 3 columns with 4 rows. The data does appear, but in 4 pages. When i select to ignore pagination, it then shows 4 graphs with one row of data next to each. What am i missing here? How do i get this to work using a subdataset? please help.
  6. When i enter the parameters and click okay or apply, nothing happens. It stays on the same input screen. When i click cancel, then it goes away. Is this a bug?
  7. teodord, will this same application you are referring to work if i want to remove unwanted borders around my charts that appear when i add a hyper link? regards, rubedogg04
  8. teodord, will this same application you are referring to work if i want to remove unwanted borders around my charts that appear when i add a hyper link? regards, rubedogg04 size=400]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/chart1.jpg Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2008/01/21 21:09
  9. I just discovered that this blue border appears when under "item hyperlink", the "Hyperlink Reference Expression" is specified in the chart properties for a category series. How does one go about removing this as i don't see tags specified for it. This causes a really bad report appearance.
  10. Unwanted blue border appears around all my graphics elements that contain hyper links. I have done some troubleshooting and discovered that if i remove the hyper link from the element, the blue border disappears when i export to HTML. Problem here is that i need the hyper link. I can't find anywhere in iReport or the JRXML code where i can turn this off. Is this a possible Bug in iReport 2.0.4, or the lastest jasperserver release? :sick: I guess my question is, where can i specify that i don't want a blue boarder around my hyper linked element? Thank you for taking the time to read my post and i hope you can help me as i have exhausted all my resources trying to fix this. Thnx Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2008/01/21 16:48 [file name=chart-9dc1bf1899df6c606d1c195b99102fd8.jpg size=53223]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/chart-9dc1bf1899df6c606d1c195b99102fd8.jpg[/file] Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2008/01/21 21:27
  11. I noticed that all my reports in the repositary are there, but they don't work properly. Meaning, parameters, pagination, among other things. Does this mean i have to recreate all the reports over again and then put them back in the repository?
  12. hi, the upgrade works but you will need to follow the instructions that comes with the latest JasperServer-Install-Guide.pdf. It works. Let me know where you get stuck. Are you using a mysql database?
  13. synopsis: Report Parameters broke in my Repository Management after upgrade to JS 2.1.0 I successfully was able to upgrade from 1.1.0 to the lastest version of Jasperserver 2.1 and am able to see my Repository Management and all it's trees. All my reports are intact with the exception of their parameters. The parameters dissapeared after the upgrade. Anyone know why? Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2008/01/17 18:34
  14. Is there any documentation on upgrading from jasperintelligence-1.1.0 to jasperintelligence-2.1.0 ? Can someone please provide me the link. Thanks
  15. Could this be a problem in the report engine that compiles the jrxml file?
  16. I am not sure if this problem is related to the reporting engine or iReport itself. Does iReport or jasperserver not like the use of the "max" sql function in the "Report Query" data section? When i attempt to execute a simple report using the following query below, it only exports to HTML when i specify a data range in the parameters of 29 days max. Soon as i try to specify more, it doesn't work. It just hangs at the "filling report..." phase. Any clue as to why this is happening? I know for a fact that nothing is wrong with the SQL i wrote because it runs fast in SQLplus and SQLDEVELOPER. All my other reports run fine and this is the only report i have creadet that uses max(decode... functions in the select. Here is the query: Code: select sales_date, max(decode(sales_key, 2, requests, 0)) as m_req, max(decode(sales_key, 2, sales, 0)) as m_sale, max(decode(sales_key, 3, requests, 0)) as a_req, max(decode(sales_key, 3, sales, 0)) as a_sale from sales_stats where sales_date BETWEEN $P{start_date} AND $P{end_date} group by sales_date Please help. . .thank you. Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2008/01/15 17:16
  17. Does iReport not like the use of the "max" sql function in the "Report Query" data section? When i attempt to execute a simple report using the following query below, it only exports to HTML when i specify a data range in the parameters of 29 days max. Soon as i try to specify more, it doesn't work. It just hangs at the "filling report..." phase. Any clue as to why this is happening? I know for a fact that nothing is wrong with the SQL i wrote because it runs fast in SQLplus and SQLDEVELOPER. All my other reports run fine and this is the only report i have creadet that uses max(decode... functions in the select. Here is the query: Code: select sales_date, max(decode(sales_key, 2, requests, 0)) as m_req, max(decode(sales_key, 2, sales, 0)) as m_sale, max(decode(sales_key, 3, requests, 0)) as a_req, max(decode(sales_key, 3, sales, 0)) as a_sale from sales_stats where sales_date BETWEEN $P{start_date} AND $P{end_date} group by sales_date Please help. . .thank you. Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2008/01/15 16:54
  18. Is there any documentation on how to upgrade from an existing prior version to this version?
  19. I have an old version of jasperserver installed on my linux box and want to upgrade to 2.1.0. Is there any documentation on upgrading?
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